The World of L.J.Smith

Dark Visions:
Psychic Abilites Unraveled

Kaitlyn Fairchild - Remote viewing (The awareness of an event beyond the range of your ordinary senses. She draws pictures.
Anna - She can communicate with/influence animals with thought projection.
Lewis - He has PK or Psychokinesis which is mind over matter.
Rob Kessler - He can channel energy and give it to certain parts of the body so that things heal faster.
Gabriel Wolfe - He is a psychic vampire that needs to take energy after being in contact with the crystal so that he can survive. He can also establish mind links but none are stable except for five.
Stability of a telepathic link - Five is a stable geometric number and so the minds are linked until a person dies or is temporary broken when that person is out of range.
Renny - He has PK like Lewis.
Frost - She has psychometry which is the ability to tell a person's whole history by handling a personal object.
MAc - He has astral projection and that let's the mind do the walking.
Bri - She can dowse for places.
Sasha - she could do the other type of dowsing with coat hangers.

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