Herein we detail our exploits in our long-running 7th Sea rpg campaign as well as give a good deal of background, flavor, and game aid material that is applicable to any 7th Sea campaign. I am the GM and storyteller of our merry troupe. I am also the webmaster of this fairly large site! We now have over 200 pages of material and the site is growing quickly through the efforts of myself and my group. It was mentioned recently that I haven't given the correct amount of 'kudos' to everyone who has contributed to this effort. I assure you that it was purely unintentional.
This site would not be here if it wasn't for the excellent writing and gaming skills of the following people: Rick - "Enrique Soldana de Montoya del Castille"Latest Updates!
Posted a new story written by Ray about Reynaldo and Enrique in Carleon, preparing for a night on the town. Check it out at: "Renaldo and Enrique Step Out".
Wrote and posted a new story about Miriam sending William off to Carleon. "William Steps Out".
Still working on getting a new web host. Have found several prospects but haven't made a decision yet. Cleaned up the Links page finally. Added 3 sites and deleted 21(!) dead sites.
Our group purchased a Domain name! We now own ""! At the moment this is set up as a redirect to the current site. In the very near future we will be migrating all of these pages to another hosting site (as soon as we can work out the details). Look for some new and exciting changes once we migrate!
FINALLY posted the stories and journals that Josh, the player of Talen, created. I believe that Talen's old page only had 4 files. I just uploaded 49 more; Josh completely rewrote all of them, teaching himself html in the process. Josh, you are doing an excellent job. Sorry it took so long to upload these... BTW all, Josh has quite a flair for writing. Check out his stories and journals at "Talen Calyanni". Make sure you have plenty of time and a comfortable chair!
I have posted 5 songs (Carleon Boat Song, Morning Glory, Sailor's Prayer, Ten Thousand Miles Away, and Royal Oak) to the Songs page. These were originally lyrics to some songs that friends of Rob's, The Corsairs, sing at a faire that he attends. He wrote them down and sent them to our group because he realized that they, with some modifications, would fit our campaign. The modifications were done by Rob.I have added another of Enrique's journals: Journal Entry Twenty-seven? The reason there is a question mark is that this one may be out of order. It is the latest one covering the gaming session on 6/15/03 but there are others before it. I will update the order whenever I sort it out. For now, though, enjoy!
I have added two of Enrique's journals! Journal Entry Twenty-five and Journal Entry Twenty-six! He wrote these awhile back and I only now posted them. Look for more of Enrique's writing to come...
William McCormick, our haunted Highlander sits on a hilltop while shipwrecked on an island in the 7th Sea and muses over some of the major events of the last few years in his latest story, Hope in Purgatory?. Check out William's (and the campaign's!) triumphant (and long awaited) return!
04/30/03: In Letter to His Abuela, Enrique writes his beloved Abuela (Grandmother), to inquire of her health and tell something of his travels and companions.
Update Archives (Click here to see what else has been added to these pages recently.)
This is website contains the annals, histories, stories, poems, songs, and game aids for our 7th Sea campaign. Our campaign started right after the first 7th Sea rulebook came out in 1999 and has run consistently since then. The same basic core group has been playing the same campaign since then!
Let me state, for 'the record', that our campaign doesn’t necessarily follow all the rules and happenings in the "official" 7th Sea campaign. I have a very free-form style of GMing and sometimes go a whole game session without opening a book. The rules and the official story line are just guides. So, while I will welcome feedback on this site with open arms, don’t waste your time telling me "that isn’t the way the official storyline goes" or "those types of character’s can’t do that according to the rules", etc.
The players have gone to great lengths to breathe life into their characters. As a group, we have achieved a level of "realness" and "character completeness" that is very rare in the gaming world. I have been GMing for over two decades now and that gives me the abilities and experience I need to create a living campaign world and consequently attract players who are willing to promote that degree of "realism".
But on top of it all, this campaign is FUN! We have a blast, plain and simple and I am sure that the storyline and the character stories, background, etc., will communicate this to you more than I can in my ramblings.
Here is a brief list of what this site contains:
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If you have any feedback for me please feel free to email me (note that you will have to remove "nospam" from the mailto link given here):
draeven57@yahoo.comThis Site was initially created using Microsoft Word but has since mutated beyond recognition...
"7th Sea", "Théah", and related marks are copyright ©Alderac Entertainment Group 2005. Since I am mentioning this on the main page, I have decided not to mention it in any of the others. Please don't sue me...