Hello, and welcome to Waterwave's homepage! This is my first homepage, and I hope that, after time, it will grow and prosper. Within this homepage is many things, including: book reviews, movie reviews, links, and some info about myself! Feel free to roam around, and I hope you enjoy your visit here.
I'm sorry for my lack of updates. I'm not going to promise any more updates, and this may be how the final page is. I hope you enjoy my little piece of cyberspace.
I would like to thank Katie Sullivan for allowing the use of her images. All Redwall images on this page were scanned and provided by her. Please visit her magnificent page:
I would also like to thank my friend Melissa for giving me tips and ideas for this page. Please visit her homepages here and here.
I would like to thank my friend Ariana12(a.k.a. Crazy Girl) for all of her help and support. Please visit her page here.
This page is, and always will be: