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Welcome to my Star Trek ship gallery, I will try and show you as many ships as I can. And unlike many other sites I will try to ALWAYS get an actual picture of the ship from one of the series' or movies(instead of some drawn picture from a technical manual). If you have a ship that you don't see here (or maybe a better picture of a ship) or if you have a ship of a race that I do not have then PLEASE send it.

I hope you enjoy your visit on this site and that you will vote for my site at the star trek top 200. It's a daily competition and each vote really helps me out. Thanks.

If you have a Star Trek website E-MAIL me and we can link to each other.

Last Update:April 6, 2000

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Star Trek®, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine®, Star Trek: Voyager®, and Star Trek: The Next Generation® are trademarks of Paramount Pictures Corporation registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office. This site is in no way affiliated with or authorized by Paramount Pictures. Certain images featured at this site are based on elements from Star Trek and remain the property of Paramount Pictures Corporation. The use of anything related to "Star Trek" on this, or any other pages affiliated with this page are not meant to be an infringement on either "Paramount" or "Viacom"'s property rights to "Star Trek". This page is provided as a "Star Trek" fan website and is for promotional, non profit purposes to promote the ideals and fundamentals of "Star Trek".