nd when Herod would have brought him forth, the same night Peter was sleeping between two soldiers, bound with two chains; and the keepers before the door kept the prison. Now behold, an angel of the Lord came upon him, and a light shined in the prison; and he smote Peter on the side and raised him up, saying,"Arise up quickly!" And his chains fell off from his hands... So he went out and followed him, and wist not that it was true what was done by the angel, but thought he saw a vision. (Acts 12: 6-7, 9) KJV


Angels attend perpetually to the holiness of God Almighty as servants.
Having a significant ministry to the Son of God as outlined in the Bible, they:

1. Prophesied His Birth -- (Luke 1:26-38).

2. Guarded Him during sojourn to Egypt -- (Matthew 2:13-20).

3. Supplied encouragement and food as they did with Elijah during period of temptation -- (Matthew 4:11 and 1 Kings 19:5-7).

4. Strengthed Him in Garden of Gethsemane (Luke 22:43).

5. Announced His Resurrection (Matthew 28:5-7, Mark 16:6-7, Luke 24:4-7 and John 20:12-13)

6. Attended His triumphant Ascension into Glory (Acts 1:10).

7. Attend His Second Coming after regathering the elect of Israel to the land (Matthew 24 AND 25, verse 31).

Angels also have an important ministry to humans -- Hebrews 1:14 says angels have a ministering ("leitourgika" in Greek) function to believers in both the Old Testament and the Church.

Specifically, they:

1. Protect -- The prison chronicles of the apostles (Acts 5:19, 12:7-11), the 144,000 Jewish proselytes of Revelation 7, the enemies of Gods' people (Psalm 91:11-13) and even David himself when he was hounded by the Philistines (Psalm 34:7).

2. Nourish -- Elijah and Jesus, for example.

3. Encourage -- like Paul during the storm and shipwreck on the way to Rome (Acts 27:23-25).

4. Call a meeting where appropriate, such as Philip with the Ethiopian eunuch (Acts 8:26) and Peter and Cornelius the centurion (Acts 10:3, 22).

5. Respond to prayer requests at the behest of God -- Peter in prison (Acts 12) and Daniel 10:10-12:13).

6. Carry home the saints -- like Lazarus to Abraham's Bosom (Luke 16:22).

They also carry the bad news of judgment -- Sodom and Gomorrah (Genesis 19:12) and the Battle of Armageddon. In Revelation, they also sound the trumpets and announce the bowl judgments as well as cast unbelievers into the fire (Matthew 13:39-42).

Elsewhere, angels carried out judgment over Jerusalem for its idolatry -- (Ezekiel 9) and slew Herod Agrippa for blasphemy (Acts 12:23)

Angel Attributes | Angels in the Bible | Angel Classifications | Angel of the Lord | Angel Ministry
Demon Activity | Demons in the Bible | Demon Classifications | Demons- the Nephilim
Demons in the Spirit World | Satan the Adversary | Satan the Beast | Satan's Judgement
Satan's Names | Satan's Personality | Time of Ezekiel's Vision | Time of the Giants
Time: Personal Testimony | Time of the UFOs | Victory in Jesus Christ
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