or if God spared not the angels that sinned, but cast them down to hell and delivered them into chains of darkness, to be reserved unto judgment; the Lord knoweth how to deliver the godly out of temptations and to reserve the unjust unto the day of judgment to be punished.
(2Peter 2: 4,9) KJV


Fallen angels, according to Matthew 25:41 and Revelation 12:7 are the hosts of Satan. They actually "fall" into two groups -- those who are active and those who committed an unpardonable sin in eternity and are confined.

These latter demons fall into two sub-catagories.

The permanently disabled in Tartarus

2 Peter 2:4 and Jude 6 describe the fate of the pre-Flood Nephilim who left their "oikterion" (heavenly body), gave themselves over to sexual immorality and went after "strange flesh" (Jude 7). As a result, they were cast down to Tartarus bound in "chains of darkness to be reserved for judgment." Homer'sThe Iliad tells us that this abode is as far from us as earth is from heaven, putting them out of the earthly picture entirely.

Those confined in the Pit

Luke 8:31 and Revelation 9:2 talk of other fallen angels who resemble "scorpion-like locusts" and are confined to the "abusso" (bottomless pit). These will be loosed upon the earth in the Fifth Trumpet Judgment for five months to torment all who lack God's protective seal. Not a pretty picture.

The active demons

Found mainly in Matthew and Mark, these are the evil spirits that can possess living creatures. Mary the Magdalene, the Canaanite woman's daughter and, most certainly "Legion" and the two men of the Gergesenes (or Gadarenes) are notable examples.

These demons answer to God, as we see Satan do in the Book of Job. They are powerful but NOT omnipotent like God (John 10:21); they are exceedingly clever but NOT omniscient like God and know their eventual destiny (Matthew 8:29); and they are mobile but NOT omnipresent like God, occupying only one place at a time.

They are NOT god -- not even close! In six millenia of unerringly fulfilled prophecy, you think they would have admitted defeat by now. But actually, outside the fourth dimension of time, maybe things are occurring, have occurred and will occur.

Be sure to shore up all 7 elements of your spiritual armor and don't forget to "look up" for your nearing redemption periodically.

Angel Attributes | Angels in the Bible | Angel Classifications | Angel of the Lord | Angel Ministry
Demon Activity | Demons in the Bible | Demon Classifications | Demons- the Nephilim
Demons in the Spirit World | Satan the Adversary | Satan the Beast | Satan's Judgement
Satan's Names | Satan's Personality | Time of Ezekiel's Vision | Time of the Giants
Time: Personal Testimony | Time of the UFOs | Victory in Jesus Christ
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