Firecat Graphics Logo

Welcome to Firecat Graphics

The graphics on this site are linkware. This means that if you use them you must provide a link back to this site.

These graphics on these pages were created by me. You can download them by right clicking on them, and going to the "save as..." option on the pull-down menu. If you use any of these graphics, please add a link back to my page with one of these logos:

Firecat Graphics Logo 1

Firecat Graphics Logo 2

Firecat Graphics Logo 3

I will be adding more to this collection, so keep checking back!

I retain all rights to the graphics contained in these pages. These are not to be added to any collections or archives without my express permission. Please copy the ones you wish to use to your own drive do not link to the images here. I change names of the files frequently.

Being the curious person that I am, I'd love to see how my graphics are being used. It would be greatly appreciated (but not required) if you would e-mail me your URL so that I can check out my graphics on your page If you do send me a link I will post that link to my "Sites using my graphics page". Also, feel free to add any comments or suggestions. Thanks! Remember because these pages are all graphics they may take awhile to load.

Now without futher ado on to the graphics................................

Set of the Week

Light Backgrounds

Wood Backgrounds

Dark Backgrounds

Solid Color Backgrounds


Odds and Ends

Buttons and Banners

Buttons and Banners 2

Buttons and Banners 3

Sample Page 1


Sites Using My Graphics
Are you using my graphics? If so, send me your url and I will post a link to your site on this page.

Aislinn's Bookstore

Your online source for books, music and movies.

Amazon . com associate.........CDNOW Associate

Fairy adopted at Net Banshee's Page © please do not copy

Aislinn's Glade

E-Mail Me

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Adopt an American Hero

NOTE: These graphics are intended for use on personal or non-profit web pages only, and are NOT to be added to any other graphics collection! Also, DO NOT change or alter these graphics in ANY way!

PSP User Member


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