The homepage of Jyri Pieniniemi

f o r e w o r d
This is my personal homepage at the moment. You know, one of them hi my name is rex im a dog click here to see my picture sites. In other words, this site touches upon and highlights a few of my interests, such as music, technology, and art.

By no means is this site finished. In fact, as most sites online, it will probably never be seen in finished form. Such is the nature of homepages, and this one too. I just don't feel the need to emphasize that by putting up an elaborate "in construction" graphic - this is finished enough. I say this, of course, to poke fun at my friends who think it's cool to have a pic on the front page saying "in construction". (Hi, Max...)

Anyway, if a subject on these pages takes your fancy, enjoy what I have put up here. After all, that's what it's here for.

c o n t e n t s
Who am I? -- Get the latest info here.
My gear -- Computers, hifi, synths...
An MC-303 page -- My better synth in a closer look.
Links -- getcha lazy hind section outta this steenkin' dump.