7th Asian Airwing Personnel Files

The members of the Airwing are drawn from the participating squadrons and from those who have joined the Airwing directly. This is in keeping with the concept of the Airwing as an "umbrella" organization for Asian members to come under. Mainly, it's for a general feeling of solidarity. Asian members might like something closer to home. Something more tangible. Something they can relate to.

The 7th Asian Airwing hopes to fulfil that.

This is where you can find out more about the Airwing's members and what the Command structure in here is like.


As we are consisted of various squadrons and members from all over the continent, our Command structure has been altered a little from the norm, to reflect the cosmopolitan composition of the Airwing. We have dispensed with the usual Commanding Officer position and instead, will have the command authority evenly spread out among the Officers of the Airwing.

The Officers, known collectively as the Central Command, form the backbone and main contact point for the Airwing.

At this fledgling stage, the Central Command consists of mostly members of the 41st and the 88th. However, as we are operating on a 6 month rotation basis, there will be ample opprtunity for the other members to participate if they show enough interest in doing so.

To find out more about the Central Command and what each position entails, please check out the personnel requirements.

So, who are the members and who is in command? Well, look no further than the Central Command roster below. Liaison Officers for each country can also be found here. The other members can all be found in the Mess.

And if seeing the response makes you want to sign up with us, why, you are most welcome to do so! Just check out the requirements and sign up as a recruit of the 7th Asian Airwing.

Central Command

Communications Officer
Name: Yasmin S.M
Callsign: "Garuda"
Squadron: 88th Firebirds

Intelligence Officer
Name: Kong-Tiok, Ng
Callsign: "Wildfire"
Squadron: 41st Wild Furies
E-mail: heraldmage@hotmail.com

Logistics Officer
Name: Jenny Sim Sue Ee
Callsign: "Cyclone"
Squadron: 41st Wild Furies
E-mail: jen16@mbox2.singnet.com.sg

Recruiting Officer
Name: Zeb Lowe
Callsign: "Albatross"
Squadron: 88th Firebirds
E-mail: Queen6@the-pentagon.com

Technical Officer
Name: H.L. Yap
Callsign: "Sparhawk"
Squadron: 88th Firebirds
E-mail: sparhawk@earthcorp.com
<Johnathen Liew, "Curlew", 88th Firebirds Deputising>

Operations Officer
Name: Ahmad Ahmad
Callsign: "Jaeger"
Squadron: 88th Firebirds
E-mail: subsalt@emirates.net.ae

Name: Rhodine Shahdad
Callsign: "Crow"
Squadron:88th Firebirds
E-mail: rhodine_shad@hotmail.com

Name: Benny Mardani
Callsign: "Blackwing"
E-mail: monyet7@hotmail.com

Liaison Officers

Liaison Officers are drawn from the members of each participating country. They are in charge of disseminating information to fans or members from their respective countries, and will serve as the main contact point for that country, when any information from the Airwing has to be sent out.

They will stay in close contact with the Communications Officer of the Airwing. Your Liasion Officers, listed by country are:

Name: Benny Mardani
Callsign: "Blackwing"
E-mail: monyet7@hotmail.com

South Korea
Name: David Dycus
Callsign: "Bane"
E-mail: ddycus@soback.kornet.nm.kr

Name: Audrey A.S. Lee
Callsign: "Peregrine"
Squadron:88th Firebirds
E-mail: leelas@pl.jaring.my

Name: Rhodine Shahdad
Callsign: "Crow"
Squadron:88th Firebirds
E-mail: rhodine_shad@hotmail.com

Name: Manny Popes
Callsign: "Fireball"
E-mail: mpopes@lepphil.com.ph

Name: Patrick Toh
Callsign: "Silencer"
Squadron: 41st Wild Furies
E-mail: spookie@pacific.net.sg

United Arab Emirates
Name: Ahmad Ahmad
Callsign: "Jaeger"
Squadron:88th Firebirds
E-mail: subsalt@emirates.net.ae

Should you have any enquiries about the Airwing, or it's personnel, or simply about what it's all about, do get in touch with any one of the officers above. They will be more than happy to answer your questions or, if they can't, they'll try to direct you to someone who can.

Do drop by the Mess to see how the other members are faring.

If you think that this has whetted your appetite any, and filled that void in your life left after the demise of S:AAB, well, then join up!! The 7th Asian Airwing welcomes you!