The History of the Sponge, and it's Fight Against Cake.
Have you ever wondered why we burn cake on our birthdays?  This dates back to 150,000,000 BC.  This act was performed by ancient sponges.  The cake species were still a menace in the
ancient days.  Even though sponges created the universe, the cakes still treated them like dirt.  They enslaved and starved the sponges.  The sponges started talking amongst themselves and planned to fight back.  After two weeks of planning, they decided they would sneak out of their sponge camp, knock out the cake guards and sail on their sponge boat to America.  When they got there, they were so relieved to get out that they had a party.  In this party, the great sponge chiefs decided that cake was a mistake of a species, and should be eaten.  They got hold of a dead cake that they found in at the side of the highway and
Cheese Is Evil
Cheese used to be good.  Cheese used to show good promise in its self.  It just got involved with the wrong kind of people.  Cheese first came into contact with sponge when sponge first came to America.  The cheese species were the natives of America.  None of the cheeses had ever seen a sponge or cake before the sponges came.  For over two hundred years, the cheese and sponge species lived in harmony with each other until one night, when the evil cake species attacked.  The cakes had developed a brand new kind of mind control device.  The will power of the sponges were too strong to be affected by it, but alas, the cheeses were forced to believe that the sponges were the enemy, and could not be trusted.  The cheese's involvement in the crusades could not be stopped.  The great sponge chiefs did the same thing that they did to the cake species over two hundred years earlier.  They decided that the cheese species was meant to be eaten, and it's been like this ever since.
We have a nonbeliever!!
To see "Cakeboy's" side of the story:
Go to Cakeboy's Realm