1. RP is supposed to be fun. Thusly, IC is IC and OOC is OOC if you have a problem with me as a person, taking it out on my characters in-game is utterly unacceptable.
2. I do not like netspeak. There is no reason why someone with enough intelligence to turn a computer on and log onto a visual chat program (read: game) can't use proper punctuation, type in full words, and use sentences. Please proofread your material before posting it. It's understandable that typos happen but there's a difference between a couple of typos and something being so garbled that there's no way anyone could ever decypher it without a degree in cryptography.
3. I should be able to get the immediately needed details of your character description from two to three paragraphs on a character sheet or a quick summary on your character homepage. If there's anything more then the basics with a touch of emphasis on important events, then you have too much. I like to be able to learn about other characters through character interaction- not by having to read eighteen pages of information.
4. I don't mind people who multitask (as I do enough multitasking myself) but if you are working on something that is away from your computer (cooking dinner, doing laundry, taking care of kids, working on a hobby, etc), please let me know beforehand if you're going to lag so that I can see if the scene I have in mind can be completed in a session or if it's going to take a little longer. On that note, if you plan on being in another scene with someone at the same time as we game, I expect equal attention. If your other scene is so important that you're going to be too distracted to care about what we're doing, then I'll be happy to reschedule a time where we can have equal focus on what we're doing. (It can be frustrating trying to game with someone who is involved in so many other games that they don't have time for yours.)
5. There will be times when you may not be able to play for a few days because someone is away from their keyboard- that's cool. We all have lives. Just be sure to let your fellow players know. It's really frustrating trying to game with someone who is gone all the time.