What's New This Update?

06/15/04 Fixed Bob Kiwi & Co.'s link, and removed some broken links.
09/13/00 Added a link to Deb's new page.
08/09/00 Updated a few links and tried to fix some image problems. I don't know why the Flight Deck's image won't load - the HTML is correct & the image is in my directory. Same goes for the random quotes - they aren't showing up for some weird reason. Feh.
05/23/00 Added links to Pain & Plague's pages. Go take a look at them, or else.
02/05/00 Added a bunch of humorous html-ed stories, lists, etc. to main page.
01/04/00 Just fixin' links, folks. Changed the update page's format? I do.
09/25/99 Art Gallery is now completely up & updated at its new location at http://members.xoom.com/Kitsume/.
09/07/99 Updated some links, updated & revamped most of the Art Gallery (still have a little to do), and added some pics to the The Iron Vulture
08/06/99 Just dusting. Updated some links, added others to the Art Gallery, and made some changes to the The Iron Vulture
05/06/99 Grayscale pic of Mara added to Art Gallery
03/17/99 Another pic of Sal, plus one of Patch and a partial group shot added to The Art Gallery
03/10/99 Updated my The Art Gallery.
02/27/99 The The Art Gallery is back up!
02/01/99 Links updated and fixed, Flight Deck being remodeled.
01/05/99 Links updated, spacing fixed, 1 new quote added to second random quote generator.
12/28/98 Starting Out, Parts 1-3 of my first fanfic, added to The Iron Vulture
12/09/98 Main Page Updated, Links fixed.
10/19/98 The Iron Vulture's screen grabs moved to separate episode pages
10/09/98 Bob Kiwi Returns to the Web! Come see him at Bob Kiwi's Comic Universe
8/30/98 The Iron Vulture receives 90 new images
8/12/98 Stupid Death Awards, Cartoon Laws of Physics, Genesis in the 90's, Bill Gates Goes to Heaven, Star Trek Taco Bell, and Nerd Hunting Season are removed from the page to conserve space. All can be found on oracle's humor site, with the possible exception of Nerd Hunting Season.
7/16/98 The Iron Vulture receives 40 new images
7/11/98 The What's New Page is born!
6/25/98 The Iron Vulture's image link added

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