The Pithy (Pissy) Sayings of Damocles Shade.

Copyright 1997-1999

Please email Damocles Shade if you have any questions or comments.

Mary had a little lamb; I'd hate to see the paternity suit.

All the world's a stage; I'd better get better than scale.

Those from the shallow end of the gene pool should be drowned.

If you ain't dead, there ain't a problem; if you are, it just means more paperwork.

If something's got a nice ring to it, just press redial.

What a tangled web we weave when first we practice to perceive. (Or even conceive)

Do not adjust you set; there is nothing wrong with your deception.

"Get a life!" Only if I can buy it below cost.

"The walls have ears." So what; a potato has eyes.

"The medium is the message." I prefer my messages to be extra large.

Two heads are better than one, unless you're from Chernobyl.

Those who have all the answers don't even understand the question.

God doesn't play dice with the Universe; he prefers poker and bluffs through every hand.

Writing is ten percent inspiration and ninety percent perspiration; sure makes the keys all wet.

To be or not to be; that is the question? Screw the question, I want the answer.

Love may be blind, but Hate is deaf, and Fear is mute.

I don't fear Death; when it comes I will feed it milk and cookies.

It's a good thing being human doesn't come with an owner's manual. Otherwise, many would demand a rewrite, a concise table of contents, and a whole score of appendices.

Experience is an education, but education is not necessarily experience.

Most people know about post-traumatic stress disorder, but are they aware of chronic stress disorder? Our world has been changed so drastically over the past fifty years, to such an extent that very few are not touched by chronic stress disorder. But most are unmindful of this fact. The hectic daily pace they encounter they shrug off. "It's part of life," they say, not realizing how close they are to becoming a statistic on an obituary page or a feature story on the six o'clock news (Man brings rifle to work, kills 5).

Don't flirt with Death, unless you're packing a condom.

A pun in the hand.......should be dismembered.

A straight line should not be an obstacle course.

Each one of us is on a journey, a voyage of discovery. Trying to understand where we belong. But it is the very journey itself; that is where we belong.

It's great to have a new lease on life, especially with no money down and A.P.R. financing.

If wishes were horses, I'd put $100.00 on Lucky in the fifth race, to Win, Place, or Show.

Anyone who says that it can't be done, is afraid that it will be done.

The name "Damocles Shade" and all thoughts, opinions are strictly copywritten. 1997-1999.