Wheel of Time Club

Last updated on 9/22/98


Members of the Wheel of Time Club and visitors, "Welcome." This page is for things related to the Wheel of Time fantasy books by Robert Jordan. I've been a fan of the series for years. Normally I don't read a series until it is completed. With this series I broke my own rules.

When I started reading the first book, Eye of the World, I thought it would be boring. Here was a group of characters, stuck in a small nondescript village with mundane problems. After Moiraine and Lan showed up and they all left the village, things picked up and I was hooked. I have been a fan ever since and have read all of the books.

For those who haven't read the books, but might like to give them a try, they are:

Eye of the World The Great Hunt The Dragon Reborn The Shadow Rising Fires of Heaven The Sword of Chaos Crown of Swords Path of Daggers

The books need to be read in order or the story won't make sense.

If you would like to join the club go to Yahoo at clubs.yahoo.com