Hoit's World

Yes, this is my contribution to my friendly neighbourhood known as Area 51. Who is Hoit you may ask? Well, he's the little green guy below.

And then there was Hoit...

Becky doth spaeketh to Jeff on the phone late one night. Becky spoketh of her desire to create a small, green, stereotypical alien. Jeff doth heard the cries of Becky and thus, he created the alien. And it was good. Becky received the alien via e-mail. Becky said unto the alien, "You shall be named Hoit". And thus the alien, Hoit, was placed unto his own world. Becky said unto Hoit, "This cyber world shall be named Hoit's World". And so begineth our journey...

Hoit's Statistics

Height: 4' 3"
Weight: 80lbs.
Age: 2 months
Favorite Food: Twinkies, and Gyros
Least Favorite Food: panzarrotis, because you just don't know what's in them
Least Favorite T.V. show(s): Any talk show, because [quote] "Who wants to see homosexual nazi eskimos, makeovers, feuding inlaws, makeovers, and makeovers?" [end of quote]
Hobbies: starting fires (obviously), assembling Kinder Egg toys, and placing his tongue on 9 volt batteries.
Goals: To take over our puny, insignificant planet, and to build a Belgian waffle pagoda.

Ever since arriving on our planet, Hoit had been fascinated with lava lamps. And who can blame him? Here's a picture of his lamp, which he affectionately refers to as "lamp":


New! Well, Hoit has acheived one of his goals, and he wants to share it with the world!
*Take a look*

Beam me up........

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