Solving the Riddle of the Megaliths Solves the Riddle of Mankind's Progression

The cornerstone conceit of current mankind is his machines--which he sees people of the past not having because there isn't much archaeological proof.

What is a machine, anyway?

A machine does something by using inanimate objects and the forces of nature that the HUMAN BODY--which is itself a biological living machine--cannot do; ie; its a crutch for WEAKNESS. The first really impressive machine built by normally-sized human beings was Noah's ark--a giant ship that carried a sample of all dry animal life through a horrendously dangerous, world-wide, flood lasting over an entire year (rotation of the earth around the sun). The human body designed for bipedal life on dry land simply could not tread water and sustain itself to survive a world-wide flood for a year. A sea-going machine was necessary for survival of the human race.

As humans continued to live on the earth, machines improved in usefulness and complexity to make man's life on earth improve in the face of adverse earth forces of weather and decay. However, machines are inherently fragile because of their moving parts and will simply not survive thousands of years of neglect if no one is there maintaining them. Are we correct to assume that people of the ancient past did not have machines because we don't have artifact samples of them today? Is not such an assumption just a convenient egotistical conceit on our part that the people of the past were cavemen and mankind is getting "better and better" and we are now spacemen? That we have machines all over the world today in use by nearly everyone is a function of an EGALITARIAN sharing of technology derived from the Judaeo-Christian world-view and values system that empowers each and every human being enough to have this. What if in the past, the world was run by men or beings even more evil than today's elites and machines were only reserved for the few and thus after thousands of years there would not unsurprisingly be many artifact samples left? We know that there are indeed artifacts of ancient machines and their full significance and knowledge are deliberately suppressed from changing the prevailing caveman-to-spaceman modern man conceit lest the population of the world wake-up to the fact that technology is not going to eventually save them from biological death because we have already had even higher technological know-how in the past and were still in the same metaphysical condition.

Megaliths Slap Modern Man-in-the-Face

Wiki on Megaliths:

The typical iconoclast of the caveman-to-spaceman conceit goes right to the ancient pyramids, the sphinx and other giant structures built of extremely heavy rocks stacked tightly in such precision that we marvel because today's machines would be hard-pressed to recreate them--if we even could. These megaliths are in-you-face reminders that caveman-to-spaceman is a lie yet the lie continues because of the slave labor knee-jerk explanation conceit. Megaliths are written off as proof of ancient societies having machine technology or worse being physically more powerful beings than we are by the superficial fantasy that the megaliths were built by thousands of 1/2 horsepower, bi-pedal, human being machines (slaves) using rollers and primitive mechanical advantage to move 150 ton stones into positions sometimes hundreds of feet into the air. Where are our asshole skeptics demanding "show me!" when we need them?

The Time Has Come for Answers

The time has come to treat this as a crime scene and fully comprehend what we know about mankind and megaliths and get an answer to this riddle and to smash the caveman-to-spaceman conceit once and for-all.

Let's outline what we know about reality on planet earth. Before the flood, the greenhouse effect atmosphere enabled biological animal life to reach huge sizes as seen in the dinosaurs. Man could also grow to giant size quality (100-300 feet tall) and even live to almost 1, 000 years in quantity. Consider the home computing machines we now have connected to each other in an internet that creates a powerful universal mind of all of mankind. In contrast, if you lived for 1, 000 years the "internet" would be in your head; you wouldn't need a book--much less an electronic machine to store information. Maybe pre-flood men and women were drastically SUPERIOR to us physically and mentally--and this is indeed a scary and horrifying thought because we knew they were exceedingly evil from the book of Genesis in the Bible. I wouldn't have wanted to live during the time of Noah. That he was able to build his giant ship and not be stopped by these evil peers can only be explained by a function of time lulling them to mock and ignore him and/or supernatural interference run by God Almighty to protect him and his family.

After the world-wide flood, man can only grow to a moderate "mini-giant" size (about 20 feet tall) and live to 120 years due to the atmosphere not protecting us as much as it once had. It became necessary to write books and pass down vital knowledge since life spans are so short.

There are two basic megalith riddles; the riddle of FUNCTION and the riddle of CONSTRUCTION. Most people jump right to construction without first asking WHY build them in the first place?

Megalith Function

We know the largest megaliths existed before the flood and the smaller ones were built after the flood, indicating a reduced need and/or ability to build them. Most megaliths are religious monuments or ceremonial in function--not as places to shelter human beings to live (homes). This might be because in the pre-flood atmosphere there was NO NEED FOR HOMES; people could live outside without fear of adverse weather and this would play into Noah's peers being lulled into not thinking a flood was possible to a degree to leave him alone. The pre-flood people had a lot of TIME on their hands and were physically and mentally powerful enough to build these monuments to their own egos. Graham Hancock in Fingerprints of the Gods theorizes that the Great Pyramid however, was built with world-wide punishment from God in mind and its purpose was to embed technological know-how that would survive to jump-start mankind's reduced capacity minds after the flood. Some suggest Enoch built the great pyramid--not the Egyptians. Hancock and others have proven that the sphinx is really a LION and was built by a pre-flood civilization--not Egypt but likely the "Atlantis" when the earth was one continent that is now sunken off the coast of Europe.

Mystery Solved-Guess Where Atlantis Was?

The pre-flood peoples were in direct rebellion against God the Creator and building megaliths were a function of that in-your-face creation of false religious systems directed towards supernatural evil as a competing focal point: Satan. There was a false supernatural being to direct their energies towards building these megaliths with an implicit understanding that they were defying God and taunting him to try and destroy them. The whole functionality of a megalith is an appreciation of the destructive effects of entropal decay; they were built to last for thousands of years. Its safe to say the megalith's purpose was to last for thousands of years after they were built and to transmit a message to future generations of humans that man can do great things and to rebel against God. It is ironic that this megalith hubris has been rejected by a weaker machine conceit, isn't it? The ancient peoples are Rodney Dangerfields who get no respect, huh?

Megalith Construction

Why did man stop building megaliths around 1, 000 B.C.? (Wiki says last was built in 550 B.C. in Korea)

If large stone buildings will last thousands of years why stop building them?

The implication here is that as soon as Noah's family left the ark, they as the last humans from the pre-flood era began to have weaker off-spring and this can be seen in the megaliths getting smaller. The last shot at a large megalith was Nimrod's Tower of Babel where a still unified human populace could pool together its dwindling minds and bodies to still erect a megalithic symbol of rebellion against God.

Once modern man was scaled down in size to less than 7 feet and 120 years in age in the face of the post-flood adverse atmosphere, his building construction scaled down into smaller pieces as seen by Greek and Roman architectures and this technology continues to the present day. We can build huge structures hopefully for useful functions not just to thumb our nose at God, we just have to do it in smaller pieces that small-sized humans or our machines can assemble together. Modern man is scaled-down; a chunk of humble pie he doesn't want to admit much less eat, but true nonetheless.

Having laid out what we know, the explanation that megaliths were built by MENTAL know-how (technology) comes into troubles. If building megaliths required some mental technology of occult employment of acoustics, levitation etc. to harness the forces of nature in a supernatural way (cheating) then its feasible that Noah's family could have passed this on since one of the sons, Ham turned out to be a source of future evil generations. So why stop? Was this technology lost say in the fire at the library in Alexandria, Egypt? Couldn't oral traditions have passed down this know-how by campfires? (ie it be kept in one's head). Or maybe Noah vetoed passing this knowledge down to post-flood civilizations knowing all the evil it would bring?

The loss of mental technology for megalith construction doesn't match for its sudden stoppage. It seems logical that big stone building construction (megaliths) stopped when big human beings stopped. This is of course an extremely scary and horrifying thought but fits all the evidence that we know that as the earth atmosphere grew hostile after the flood human beings got smaller. When they got smaller and smaller, eventually the megaliths stopped being built until such time that this physical weakness could be worked around using machines. Let's look at the "power curve" for megalith construction.

All Possible Megalith Construction Explanations



Man's Body----Mental Skills-----Demonic Body Alteration-----Miracles


Theory 1

We know pre-flood man's original body at no more than 10 feet tall was capable of lifting 500 pounds and had 1 horsepower. 5 men together could lift a 2, 500 pound rock; 10 a 5, 000 pound stone. Today, men of less than 6 feet in stature can lift 200 pounds and 5 men can lift a small car a move it around in small spurts. 10 men could lift a small car but at risk that if anyone of them falters the whole load could become unstable and concentrate its force on one or two men injuring or killing them. This is why post-flood, today's sized man is increasingly challenged to hand-create even small megaliths but this is how the majority of the world's people dismiss them with the wooden rollers & slave labor condescension.

Theory 2

We know man had far greater knowledge and skills pre-flood than we know today by trial & error because this knowledge came straight from God himself. That this knowledge was "magical" powers is theory #4. If some kind of ability to make mechanical advantage machines to do the work is the "advanced technology" most people assume ancient people had ie; they were just early versions of our weak selves of today.

Theory 3

We know that fallen demonic entities had sex with human women and created horrific 100 foot giants as described in Genesis 6. Jason Guenther says they could have been 300 feet tall according to Jewish sources. Enoch describes beings even TALLER.

How tall is 3, 000 ells?

"He was a towering man (his height was twelve ells, or six metres"

Book of Enoch

Chapter 7

1. And all the others together with them took unto themselves wives, and each chose for himself one, and they began to go in unto them and to defile themselves with them, and they taught them charms 2. and enchantments, and the cutting of roots, and made them acquainted with plants. And they 3. became pregnant, and they bare great giants, whose height was three thousand ells: Who consumed 4. all the acquisitions of men. And when men could no longer sustain them, the giants turned against 5. them and devoured mankind. And they began to sin against birds, and beasts, and reptiles, and 6. fish, and to devour one another's flesh, and drink the blood. Then the earth laid accusation against the lawless ones.

3, 000 ells = 1, 500 meters high!

It was this perversion of mankind that forced God to wipe out everyone except Noah's 8-person family to preserve us. A 100-foot giant could conceivably lift 5, 000 pounds by himself---he would be a living crane. 5 such giants could lift 25, 000 pounds or 12.5 ton rocks. To move the Baalbeck 150 ton stones would imply 50-75 giants working together, but this coincides with the whole "showboating" mentality of such constructions meant to make smaller men marvel for years to come. The legends of the "Titans" echo this kind of shock (fear) and awe. After the flood, we had some demonic-human unions but only 20-footish "mini-giants" (if I could say such a thing?) were created.

Theory 4

This is the "aliens did it" theory. Or mankind had magical powers to bend the forces of nature to do small miracles like moving large rocks and this is the most terrifying of options because its certainly supernatural EVIL that would be the causation agent in the world's pagan megaliths; a malicious ill-will towards mankind to scare the shit out of him into believing in false gods by the deception of miracles staged by evil beings. The face rocks on Easter Island illustrate this. In our arrogance and conceit to look down upon ancient peoples as dumb shits we forget that they may have been led to believe their stone gods had powers by witnessing bona fide miracles staged by supernatural evil to orchestrate their ruin. The way this could have happened may have been like our tooth fairy ritual. The gullible are told to mark where they want the stone and are ordered to not be around the area on such and such night and as they sleep the rocks are moved. Come next morning they are there in place--by magic. Supernatural evil entities have the powers to materialize and dematerialize objects as seen in UFO/flying saucer incidents. In this case, no rocks were MOVED per say--they were constituted where they needed to be. However, most megaliths show some kind of smoothing as if someone with lots of time on his hands carved them.

Natural Megalith Explanations



Giants move large rocks-------------------------------------------------------------------Small humans build machines to move rocks

Today's man likes to fantasize that the world is a benign place where nothing much spectacular happens; life is ordinary like an episode of the straw-in-your-mouth TV show Hee-Haw. The truth is life is a SCIENCE FICTION movie. At times a HORROR story; but the rank & file don't want to admit to ANY supernatural causation because it frankly, scares the shit out of them--as it should. They like to wallow in Occam's Razor--the idea that everything can be best explained by the simplest explanation possible---so Theory #1 slave labor and crack-the-whip is seen as the simplest and most likely explanation so they can go back to sleep and watch TV after a hard day's work on the job working for the evil elites.

But is it?

Wouldn't the simplest megalith explanation be GIANT humans simply picking up their carved rocks and assembling them together as a child does legos? As horrific as it implies, if you apply Occam's Razor to megaliths, you get MEGA-PEOPLE. And once you realize this; after wetting your pants, caveman-to-spaceman goes down the toilet, too.