Yo mama so fat she hitch-hikes on dump trucks
Yo mama so fat she uses hoola hoops to hold
up her socks!
Yo mama so fat when her beeper goes off, people
thought she was backing up
Yo mama so fat her nickname is "DAMN"
Yo mama so fat she eats Wheat Thicks.
Yo mama so fat were in her right now.
Yo mama so fat people jog around her for exercise.
Yo mama so fat when she bungee jumps she goes
straight to hell!
Yo mama so fat she was the cause of a major
Yo mama so fat she went to the movies and
sat next to everyone.
Yo mama so fat, everytime someone say "Kool
Aid" she bust through the wall.
Yo mama so fat she has been declared a natural
habitat for Condors.
Yo mama so fat when she sits in the classroom,
she sits beside everybody.
Yo mama so fat you have to roll over twice
to get off her...
Yo mama so fat she use a pillow for a tampon.
Yo mama so fat she was floating in the ocean
and spain claimed her for the new world.
Yo mama so fat, she put on a red tee shirt
and all the little kids said "Kool-Aid, Kool-Aid".
Yo mama so fat they wrote a book about her,
It was called Moby Dick.
Yo mama so fat she lay on the beach and people
run around yelling Free Willy.
Yo mama so fat when you get on top of her
your ears pop!
Yo mama so fat when she has sex, she has to
give directions!
Yo mama so fat she goes to a resturant, looks
at the menu and says "okay!"
Yo mama so fat when she wears a yellow raincoat,
people said "Taxi!"
Yo mama so fat she had to go to Sea World
to get baptized
Yo mama so fat she got to iron her pants on
the driveway
Yo mama so fat she put on her lipstick with
a paint-roller
Yo mama so fat she got to pull down her pants
to get into her pockets
Yo mama so fat when she tripped over on 4th
Ave, she landed on 12th
Yo mama so fat when she bungee jumps, she
brings down the bridge too
Yo mama so fat the highway patrol made her
wear "Caution! Wide Turn"
Yo mama so fat when she sits around the house,
Yo mama so fat when she steps on a scale,
it read "one at a time, please"
Yo mama so fat when she sits on my face I
can't hear the stereo.
Yo mama so fat she fell in love and broke
Yo mama so fat when she gets on the scale
it says to be continued.
Yo mama so fat when she gets on the scale
it says we don't do livestock.
Yo mama so fat her neck looks like a pair
of hot dogs!
Yo mama so fat she's got her own area code!
Yo mama so fat she looks like she's smuggling
a Volkswagon!
Yo mama so fat God couldn't light Earth till
she moved!
Yo mama so fat NASA has to orbit a satellite
around her!
Yo mama so fat whenever she goes to the beach
the tide comes in!
Yo mama so fat when she plays hopscotch, she
goes New York, L.A., Chicago...
Yo mama so fat she's got Amtrak written on
her leg.
Yo mama so fat even Bill Gates couldn't pay
for her liposuction!
Yo mama so fat her legs is like spoiled milk
- white & chunky!
Yo mama so fat you have to roll her ass in
flour and look for the wet spot to fuck her
Yo mama so fat I had to take a train and two
buses just to get on the bitch's good side!
Yo mama so fat she wakes up in sections!
Yo mama so fat when she goes to an amusement
park, people try to ride HER!
Yo mama so fat she sat on a quarter and a
booger shot out of george washington's nose.
Yo mama so fat she was mistaken for God's
bowling ball!
Yo mama so fat when she lies on the beach
no one else gets sun!
Yo mama so fat she jumped up in the air and
got stuck!
Yo mama so fat she got more chins than a Chinese
phone book!
Yo mama so fat that her senior pictures had
to be arial views!
Yo mama so fat she's on both sides of the
Yo mama so fat everytime she walks in high
heels, she strikes oil!
Yo mama so fat she fell and made the Grand
Yo mama so fat she sat on the beach and Greenpeace
threw her in!
Yo mama so fat that when she hauls ass, she
has to make two trips!
Yo mama so fat even her clothes have stretch
Yo mama so fat she has a wooden leg with a
Yo mama so fat she has to use a VCR as a beeper!
Yo mama so fat she broke her leg, and gravy
poured out!
Yo mama so fat when she rides in a hot air
balloon, it looks like she's wearin tights!
Yo mama so fat she got hit by a parked car!
Yo mama so fat they have to grease the bath
tub to get her out!
Yo mama so fat she has a run in her blue-jeans!
Yo mama so fat when she gets on the scale
it says to be continued.
Yo mama so fat they use the elastic in her
underwear for bungee jumping
Yo mama so fat when they used her underwear
elastic for bungee jumping, they hit the ground.
Yo mama so fat when she back up she beep.
Yo mama so fat she has to buy two airline
Yo mama so fat when she fell over she rocked
herself asleep trying to get again.
Yo mama so fat she influences the tides.
Yo mama so fat that when I tried to drive
around her I ran out of gas.
Yo mama so fat she broke her leg and gravy
fell out.
Yo mama so fat the animals at the zoo feed
Yo mama so fat she was baptized at Marine
Yo mama so fat when she dances at a concert
the whole band skips.
Yo mama so fat the Aids quilt wouldn't cover
Yo mama so fat she stands in two time zones.
Yo mama so fat it takes her two trips to haul
Yo mama so fat you have to grease the door
frame and hold a twinkie on theother side just to get her through
Yo mama so fat when the bitch goes to an all
you can eat buffet, they have to install speed bumps.
Yo mama so fat that she cant tie her own shoes.
Yo mama so fat sets off car alarms when she
Yo mama so fat she cant reach her back pocket.
Yo mama so fat when she wears a Malcomn X
T-shirt, helicopters try to land on her back!
Yo mama so fat she lays on the beach and
greenpeace tried to push her back in the water
Yo mama so fat she uses redwoods to pick her
Yo mama so fat the only pictures you have
of her are satellite pictures
Yo mama so fat she put on some BVD's and by
the time they reached her waist they spelled out boulevard.
Yo mama so fat she stepped on a rainbow and
made Skittles.
Yo mama so fat she uses a mattress for a tampon.
Yo mama so fat that when she sits on the beach,
Greenpeace shows up and tries to tow her back into the ocean.....
Yo mama so fat that she would have been in
E.T., but when she rode the bike across the moon, the bitch caused an
Yo mama so fat she hoola-hooped the super
Yo mama so fat she was baptised in the ocean.
Yo mama so fat they tie a rope around her
shoulders and drag her through a tunnel when they want to clean it.
Yo mama so fat when she got hit by a bus,
she said, "Who threw that rock?"
Yo mama so fat when she stands in a left-turn
lane it gives her the green arrow!
Yo mama so fat that when whe was born, she
gave the hospital stretch marks.
Yo mama so fat the National Weather Agency
has to assign names to her farts!
Yo mama so fat we went to the drive-in and
didn't have to pay because we dressed her as a Chevrolet.
Yo mama so fat she was Miss Arizona -- class
Yo mama so fat she accidently got a 747 caught
in her teeth
Yo mama so fat to her "light food" means under
4 Tons
Yo mama so fat The Himalayas are practices
runs to prepare for her
Yo mama so fat she went on a date with high
heels on and came back with sandals!
Yo mama so fat she stepped on a talking scale
and it told her to get the fuck off!
Yo mama so fat and stupid, her waist size
is larger than her IQ!
Yo mama so fat she was zoned for commercial
Yo mama so fat she won "Miss Bessie the Cow
Yo mama so fat she has her own brand of jeans:
FA - FatAss Jeans
Yo mama so fat she has more rolls than a mary
jane truck.
Yo mama so fat people go on expeditions on
her tits!
Yo mama so fat . . . she's fat!
Yo mama so fat he got a ham for a pet.
Yo mama so fat, when I walked by her house,
I saw her ass in every window!
Yo mama so fat God can't lift her spirits!
Yo mama so fat she wipes her ass with a mattress.
Yo mama so fat one day it was raining and
she put on her yellow coat to go down the street and a kid saw her and said
"Damn, I missed the bus again!".
Yo mama so fat she played Free Willy's stunt
Yo mama so fat when she falls in the Grand
Canyon, she gets stuck.
Yo mama so fat I saw her on top of the Empire
State building snatching at airplanes.
Yo mama so fat she got an actual size tattoo
of the projects on her butt.
Yo mama so fat that when she drives on the
interstate, she has to stop at the weigh station.
Yo mama so fat when she jumps off the high
dive she shows up on radar.
Yo mama so fat she uses a freeway for a slip
and slide.
Yo mama so fat the she smokes a turkey after
having sex.
Yo mama so fat her butt cheeks look like 2
pigs fighting over Milk Duds.
Yo mama so fat her belt size is equator.
Yo mama so fat that people wish to buy food
100% "Yo Mama Free"
Yo mama so fat they won't allow her on most
Yo mama so fat the police dogs stopped her
at the airport for having 10 lbs of crack.
Yo mama so fat she got more crack that South
Central LA
Yo mama so fat when she sat on an ice berge
she made crushed ice!!!
Yo mama so fat she got hit by a car and said,
"Who touched me?"
Yo mama so fat her blood type is RAGU!!!!!!
Yo mama so fat for a tampon she uses a role
of bounty and a rope!
Yo mama so fat when she jumped for joy, she
got stuck.
Yo mama so fat when she went outside with
yellow biker shorts, two midgets jumpped in her ass and thought she was a
Yo mama so fat she fills up the bath tub,
and THEN turns on the water.
Yo mama so fat she couldn't get the part in
Forrest Gump because she kept eating the box of chocolates.
Yo mama so fat she got the part in Raiders
of The Lost Ark as the big rolling ball.
Yo mama so fat when she looks in a mirror,
she saw another mirror.
Yo mama so fat when the guy cursed "thinner"
on her she said thanks.
Yo mama so dumb she thought a hot meal was
stolen food!
Yo mama so stupid, she saw a sign that said
"WET FLOOR", So she did
Yo mama so stupid it took her 2 hours to watch
60 minutes
Yo mama so stupid when she saw the NC-17 (under
17 not admitted) sign, she went home and got 16 friends
Yo mama so stupid she got a peep hole in a
glass door.
Yo mama so stupid you asked what's for dinner,
she put her feet on the table and said corn!
Yo mama so stupid she went to the drug store
and asked for marijuana
Yo mama so stupid she told everyone that she
was "illegitiment" because she couldn't read
Yo mama so stupid she thought an aspiration
was butt sweat.
Yo mama so stupid that she puts lipstick on
her head just to make-up her mind
Yo mama so stupid she went to Doctor Dre.
for a Pap smear!!!
Yo mama so stupid she looks at a can of juice
for days 'cause it says concentrate
Yo mama so stupid that when she was driving
to disneyland she saw a sign that said Disneyland left, so she went home.
Yo mama so stupid she thinks Taco Bell is
a Mexican phone company
Yo mama so stupid she hears it's chilly outside
so she gets a bowl
Yo mama so stupid you have to dig for her
Yo mama so stupid she got locked in a grocery
store and starved!
Yo mama so stupid that she tried to put
M&M's in alphabetical order!
Yo mama so stupid she tripped over a cordless
phone and got ran over by a parked car!
Yo mama so stupid she bought a solar-powered
Yo mama so stupid she thinks a quarterback
is a refund!
Yo mama so stupid she took a cup to see Juice.
Yo mama so stupid that she sold the car for
gas money.
Yo mama so stupid that she ran into an automatic
sliding door.
Yo mama so stupid that she tried to drown
a fish.
Yo mama so stupid she asked you "What is the
number for 911"
Yo mama so stupid she took a ruler to bed
to see how long she slept.
Yo mama so stupid when she read on her job
application to not write below the dotted line she put "O.K."
Yo mama so stupid she got stabbed in a shoot
Yo mama so stupid she stole free bread.
Yo mama so stupid she took a spoon to the
Yo mama so stupid she called Dan Quayle for
a spell check.
Yo mama so stupid she stepped on a crack and
broke her own back.
Yo mama so stupid she makes Beavis and Butt-Head
look like Nobel Prize winners.
Yo mama so stupid she thought she needed a
token to get on Soul Train.
Yo mama so stupid she thought an elevator
was a mobile home.
Yo mama so stupid when asked on an application,
"Sex?", she marked, "M, F and sometimes Wednesday too."
Yo mama so stupid she took the Pepsi challenge
and chose Jif.
Yo mama so stupid when you stand next to her
you hear the ocean!
Yo mama so stupid she thinks Fleetwood Mac
is a new hamburger at McDonalds!
Yo mama so stupid she sits on the TV, and
watches the couch!
Yo mama so stupid that she thought Boyz II
Men was a day care center.
Yo mama so stupid she bought a videocamera
to record cable tv shows at home.
Yo mama so stupid when she went to take the
44 bus, she took the 22 twice instead.
Yo mama so stupid she jumped out the window
and went up.
Yo mama so stupid she thought a quarterback
was an income tax refund.
Yo mama so stupid she took a umbrella to see
Purple Rain.
Yo mama so stupid that under "Education" on
her job application, she put "Hooked on Phonics."
Yo mama so stupid she put out the cigarette
butt that was heating your house.
Yo mama so stupid she watches "The Three Stooges"
and takes notes.
Yo mama so stupid was born on Independence
Day and can't remember her birthday.
Yo mama so stupid she thought gangrene was
another golf course
Yo mama so stupid she couldn't read an audio
Yo mama so stupid it take her a month to get
rid of the 7 day itch.
Yo mama so stupid she thought the Nazis were
saying "Hi! Hitler"
Yo mama so stupid it take her a week to get
rid of a 24hr virus
Yo mama so stupid it take her a day to cook
a 3 minute egg
Yo mama so stupid She has to ask for help
to use hamburger helper
Yo mama so stupid She went to disneyworld
and saw a sign that said "Disneyworld Left" so she went home.
Yo mama so stupid she asked me what kind of
jeans I had on and I said "guess" so she said levi's
Yo mama so stupid that she sold potato chips
on the corner and said free lays.
Yo mama so stupid she tried to pur water on
her heartburn.
Yo mama so stupid on a job application it
siad "who do you contact in case of an emergency" and she put "911"
Yo mama so stupid she went to the bakery for
a yeast infection.
Yo mama so stupid she thought Forrest Gump
was a national park.
Yo mama so stupid when she walked into Walgreens
her dumb ass said, "These walls ain't green!!"
Yo mama so stupid she tried to commit suicide
by jumping in front of a parked car.
Yo mama so stupid she thought Manual Labor
was the president of Mexico.
Yo mama so stupid she put a quarter in a parking
meter and she yelled "were's my gumball."
Yo mama so stupid that when she looked in
the mirror, she said stop copying me!
Yo mama so stupid she thought Johnny Cash
was a pay toilet.
Yo mama so stupid she got fired from the M&M
factory for throwing out all the W's.
Yo mama so stupid she brought toilet paper
to a crap game.
Yo mama so stupid she went to a restaurant,
looked at the menu and said "Ok"
Yo mama so stupid she asked for a price check
at the $.99 store
Yo mama so stupid she got fired from a blow
Yo mama so stupid she got hit by a car and
said, "I love what you do for me, Toyota!
Yo mama so stupid she waited four hours for
a 24 hour store to open.
Yo mama so stupid she went to Dunkin Donuts,
bought a dozen donuts then went back 30 minutes later and said,"hey,guy
i want a refund these donuts got holes in
Yo mama so stupid she walked into an antique
store and said what's new!
Yo mama so dumb she locked herself in the
bathroom and pissed her pants
Yo mama so ugly she went into an hunted house
and came out with an application
Yo mama so ugly when she joined an ugly contest,
they said "Sorry, no professionals."
Yo mama so ugly she looks out the window and
got arrested for mooning.
Yo mama so ugly just after she was born, her
mother said "What a treasure!" and her father said "Yes, let's go bury it."
Yo mama so ugly they put her in the monkey
cage to make the monkeys stop jacking off.
Yo mama so ugly even Freddy Krueger has nightmares
of her.
Yo mama so ugly they push her face into dough
to make gorilla cookies.
Yo mama so ugly they filmed "Gorillas in the
Mist" in her shower
Yo mama so ugly they didn't give her a costume
when she tried out for Star Wars.
Yo mama so ugly instead of putting the bungee
cord around her ankle, they put it around her neck
Yo mama so ugly when a cop asked for her drivers
license he arrested her for carrying a concealed weapon.
Yo mama so ugly she gets 364 extra days to
dress up for Halloween.
Yo mama so ugly that she scared the shit out
of the toilet.
Yo mama so ugly she went to get her nose pierced
& got stabbed in the ass!
Yo mama so ugly when she walks into a bank,
they turn off the surveillence cameras
Yo mama so ugly her mom had to be drunk to
breast feed her
Yo mama so ugly her mom had to tie a steak
around her neck to get the dogs to play with her.
Yo mama so ugly when she walks down the street
in September, people say "Damn, is it Halloween already?"
Yo mama so ugly the government moved Halloween
to her birthday.
Yo mama so ugly that if ugly were bricks she'd
have her own projects.
Yo mama so ugly they pay her to put her clothes
on in strip joints.
Yo mama so ugly she made an onion cry.
Yo mama so ugly when they took her to the
beautician it took 12 hours... for a quote!
Yo mama so ugly she tried to take a bath the
water jumped out!
Yo mama so ugly she looks out the window and
gets arrested!
Yo mama so ugly even Rice Krispies won't talk
to her!
Yo mama so ugly Ted Dansen wouldn't date her!
Yo mama so ugly for Halloween she trick or
treats on the phone!
Yo mama so ugly she turned Medusa to stone!
Yo mama so ugly The NHL banned her for life
Yo mama so ugly people go as her for Halloween.
Yo mama so ugly that when she sits in the
sand on the beach, cats try to bury her.
Yo mama so ugly she scares the roaches away.
Yo mama so ugly I heard that your dad first
met her at the pound.
Yo mama so ugly that your father takes her
to work with him so that he doesn't have to kiss her goodbye.
Yo mama so ugly your dad's breath smells like
shit because he would rather kiss her ass.
Yo mama so ugly she is very successful at
her job: Being a scarecrow
Yo mama so ugly her Rice Crispies won't even
talk to her!
Yo mama so old she has an autographed Bible.
Yo mama so old powder milk comes out her tits.
Yo mama so old I told her to act her own age,
and the bitch died.
Yo mama so old she has Jesus' beeper number!
Yo mama so old that her tities got sour milk.
Yo mama so old her social security number
is 1!
Yo mama so old that when God said let the
be light, she hit the switch'
Yo mama so old that when she was in school
there was no history class.
Yo mama so old she owes Jesus 3 bucks!
Yo mama so old she's in Jesus's yearbook!
Yo mama so old she has a picture of Moses
in her yearbook.
Yo mama so old her birth certificate says
expired on it.
Yo mama so old she knew Burger King while
he was still a prince.
Yo mama so old she was a waitress at the Last
Yo mama so old she ran track with dinosaurs.
Yo mama so old her birth certificate is in
Roman numerals.
Yo mama so old she sat behind Jesus in the
third grade.
Yo mama so old and stupid she knew the Virgin
Mary when she was 10 and said, "Li'l Mary will never amount to
Yo mama so old she was Jesus Wet Nurse
Yo mama so old shes blind from the big bang
Yo mama so old even God calls her mother!
Yo mama so old she be dreaming in reruns.
Yo Mama so old she was around when Pizza Hut
was just a hut.
Yo mama so old she still got food from the
Yo mama so poor she can't afford the o or
the r.
Yo mama so poor when I saw her kicking a can
down the street, I asked her what she was doing, she said "Moving."
Yo mama so poor she can't afford to pay attention!
Yo mama so poor when I ring the doorbell I
hear the toilet flush!
Yo mama so poor when she goes to KFC, she
has to lick other people's fingers!!!
Yo mama so poor when I ring the doorbell she
Yo mama so poor she went to McDonald's and
put a milkshake on layaway.
Yo mama so poor your family ate cereal with
a fork to save milk.
Yo mama so poor her face is on the front of
a foodstamp.
Yo mama so poor she was in K-Mart with a box
of Hefty bags. I said, "What ya doin'?" She said, "Buying luggage."
Yo mama so poor she drives a peanut.
Yo mama so poor she waves around a popsicle
stick and calls it air conditioning.
Yo mama so poor burglars break in her house
and leave money
Yo mama so poor you go out for sunday pushes
of the skateboard
Do you know the story about the little old
woman that lives in a shoe? Well, Yo mama so poor she live in a flip flop!
Yo mama so poor she does drive by shootings
on the bus.
Yo mama so poor you put RoundUp on the weeds
and she said, "There goes breakfast, lunch, and dinner!"
Yo mama so poor you asked her where the facilities
were, and she said, "Pick a corner, any corner."
Yo mama so poor I walked into your house and
3 roaches tripped me & tried to take my wallet!
Yo mama so dark she went to night school and
was marked absent!
Yo mama so dark she spits chocolate milk!
Yo mama so dark that she can leave fingerprints
on charcoal.
Yo mama so dark she has to wear white gloves
when she eats Tootsie Rolls to keep from eating her fingers.
Yo mama so dark when people refer to Darkness
comming in the future they refer to her next visit.
Yo mama so dark they made a movie of her heart
transplant called "From the darkest heart of Africa"
Yo mama is so dark the police shot at her,
and the bullets came back for flashlights.
Yo mama so dirty she has to creep up on bathwater.
Yo mama so dirty she makes a pig look clean.
Yo mama so dirty crabs carry canteens.
Yo mama so dirty she used Sure and it got
Yo mama is so skinny her nipples touch
Yo mama is so short she has to put cuffs in
her panties
Yo mama so short you can see her feet on her
drivers lisence!
Yo mama so short she has to use a ladder to
pick up a dime.
Yo mama so short she can play handball on
the curb.
Yo mama so short she does backflips under
the bed.
Yo mama so short she models for trophys.
Yo mama so short she is the original Q-tip.
Yo mama so short she poll vaults with a toothpick.
Yo mama so short she fell of the side walk
and broke her leg.
Yo mama so short that she represents the sole
of america.
Yo mama so short she can hang glide on a dorito.
Yo mama so short she can swing her legs when
she sit on da curb.
Yo mama so nasty when she goes to a hair salon,
she told the stylist to cut her hair and she opened up her shirt
Yo mama so nasty She gotta put ice down her
drawers to keep the crabs fresh!
Yo mama so nasty she made speed stick slow
Yo mama so nasty she brings crabs to the beach
Yo mama so nasty she made right guard turn
Yo mama so nasty the fishery be paying her
to leave
Yo mama so nasty she has to creep up on bathwater.
Yo mama so nasty that her sh*t is glad to
Yo mama so nasty Ozzie Ozbourne refused to
bite her head off
Yo mama so nasty I called her for phone sex
and she gave me an ear infection.
Yo mama so nasty lice consider her a great
vacation place
Yo mama so nasty she was declared quarentine
since before she was born.
Yo mama so nasty she got fired from the Sperm
Bank for drinking on the job.
Yo mama so nasty she joined the four horseman:
war, death, famine, disease and Yo mama
Yo mama so nasty the bitches teeth look like
she got jumped by the Cavity Creeps!!!
Yo mama so nasty she has two pu**ies and they
both stink.
Yo mama so nasty she went swimming and now
we have the dead sea
Yo mama so nasty skunks run from her
Yo moma's pussy is so nappy that the crabs
drive in dune buggys!!!!
Q: Why did your father trade "yo" mama in
for an outhouse?
A: Because the hole was smaller and it smelled
Yo mama like the Dow Jones: Evrybody owns
a share
Yo mama like potato chips-- Fri-to Lay
Yo mama like a screen door, after a couple
bangs she tends to loosen up!
Yo mama like a homeless shelter all you got
to do is come and get it.
Yo mama like a McDonald's: Hot, Fast, and
Yo mama like the pillbury doughboy - everyone
gets a poke!
Yo mama like a doorknob - everyone gets a
Yo mama like a T.V. set, even a three year
old can turn her on!
Yo mama like a hockey goilie......same pads
through 3 periods.
Yo mama like a vacuum, she sucks, she blows,
and she gets laid in the closet.
Yo mama like a bus, fifty cents and she's
ready to ride!
Yo mama like a golf course, everyone GETS
a hole in one!
Yo mama like the railway system, she gets
laid all over the country!
Yo mama like a tomato source bottle, everyone
gets a squeeze out of her!
Yo mama like a shotgun: one cock and she blows!
Yo mama like a hardware store: 4 cents a screw!
Yo mama like Domino's pizza-- Something for
Yo mama like a refridgerator: everyone likes
to put their meat in her!
Yo mama like cake mix, 15 servings per package!
Yo mama like a rifle... four cocks and she's
Yo mama like a bowling ball. She gets picked
up, fingered, thrown in the gutter, and still comes back for more!
Yo mama like a bus: Guys climb on and off
her all day long.
Yo mama like a Toyota: "Oh what a feelin'!"
Yo mama like Orange Crush: "Good Vibrations!"
Yo mama like a bubble-gum machine... five
cents a blow.
Yo mama like chinese food: sweet, sour and
Yo mama like a vaccuum cleaner.....a real
good suck.
Yo mama like a potatoe chip seller on 42nd
street, "LAYS! LAYS!..."
Yo mama like castlebury stew: servings are
family size
Yo mama like Pizza Hut . . . Tuesday is kid's
Yo mama like Burger King . . . Home of the
Yo mama like a Pepsi machine! Put in a quarter
and out comes the next generation.
Yo mama like Burger King- your way right away!
Yo mama like Mc Donalds-billions served.
Yo mama like JCPenny, doin' it right!
Yo mama like Sprint-10 cents a minute!
Yo mama like UsWest-a dollar for unlimited
Yo mama like Denny's-under $3.99.
Yo mama so hairy you almost died of rugburn
at birth!
Yo mama so hairy she's got afros on her nipples!
Yo mama so hairy she look like she got Buchwheat
in a headlock.
Yo mama so hairy Bigfoot is taking her picture!
Yo mama so hairy she wears a Nike tag on her
weave so now everybody calls her Hair Jordan.
Yo mama so hairy she looks like a Chia Pet
with an afro!
Yo mama so hairy she shaves with a weedwhacker
Yo mama so slutty she could suck-start a Harley!
Yo mama so slutty she could suck the chrome
off a trailer hitch ball!
Yo mama so slutty she could suck a golf ball
through six feet of garden hose
Yo mama so slutty when she got a new mini
skirt, everyone commented on her nice belt!
Yo mama so slutty she was on the cover of
wheaties, with her legs open, and it said "breakfast of the champs"
Yo mama so slutty that I could've been your
daddy, but the guy in line behind me had the correct change.
Yo mama so slutty she had her own "Hands across
her ass" charity drive
Yo mama so slutty that when she heard Santa
Claus say HO HO HO she thought she was getting it three times.
Yo mama so slutty I fucked her and I's a chick!
Yo mama so slutty she blind and seeing another
Yo mama so slutty John Holmes just looked
at her and got AIDS
Yo mama so slutty she is known as Homecomming
Yo mama so slutty she has Trojan written on
her gumline.
Yo momma nose so big you can go bowling with
her boogers!
Yo momma nose so big she makes Pinochio look
like a cat!
Yo momma so greasy she used bacon as a band-aid!
Yo momma so greasy she sweats Crisco!
Yo momma so greasy Texaco buys Oil from her
Yo mama's teeth so yellow traffic slows down
when she smiles!
Yo mama's teeth so yellow she spits butter!
Yo mama's teeth so yellow I can't believe
its not butter!
Yo mama's teeth so yellow that she should
be ashamed of a schoolbus!
Yo mama's teeth so yellow she drinks water
and it turns to lemonade.
Yo momma so lazy she thinks a two-income family is where yo daddy has two jobs.
Yo mama so skinny she hula hoops with a cheerio
Yo mama so skinny she has to wear a belt with
Yo mama so skinny she turned sideways and
Yo mama so skinny she fell through her asshole.
Yo mama so bald even a wig wouldn't help!
Yo mama so bald you can see whats on her mind
Yo mama so bald that she took a shower and
got brain-washed.
Yo mama so bald, when she put on a turtle
neck, and looked like a busted condom.
Yo momma so tall she tripped over a rock and
hit her head on the moon.
Yo momma so tall she did a back-flip and kicked
Jesus in the mouth.
Yo momma so tall she tripped in Michigan and
hit her head in Florida.
Yo mama so flat she's jealous of the wall!
Yo mama so flat that she's like a pirate's
dream, a sunken chest.
Yo mama so flat that she is a carpenters dream,
a board never hammered,nailed or screwed.
Yo mama so flat she makes the grand canyon
look like the Rocky Mountains
Yo momma's glasses are so thick that when
she looks on a map she can seen people waving.
Yo momma's glasses are so thick she can see
into the future.
Yo mama has a neck brace with a cup holder.
Yo mama has one leg and a bicycle.
Yo mama has 4 eyes and 2 pair of sunglasses.
Yo mama has more rolls than the Pilsbury Doughboy.
Yo mama has a leather back cover with saddle
Yo mama has so much butter on her teeth, she
eats her biscuits plain.
Yo mama has so much hair on her upper lip,
she braids it.
Yo mama has one hand and a Clapper.
Yo mama has a wooden afro with an "X" carved
in the back.
Yo mama has green hair and thinks she's a
Yo mama has one ear and has to take off her
hat to hear what you're saying.
Yo mama has a 'fro with warning lights.
Yo mama has 10 fingers--all on the same hand.
Yo mama has a glass eye with a fish in it.
Yo mama has a short leg and walks in circles.
Yo mama has a short arm and can't applaude.
Yo mama has no ears.... I seen the bitch trying
on sunglasses
Yo mama has an ass soo big she has to shit
in a dumpster
Yo mama has so many wrinkles she has to screw
her hat on.
Yo mama got so many freckles she looks like
a hamburger!
Yo mama got two wooden legs and one is one
Yo mama got three fingers and a banjo.
Yo mama got a wooden leg with a kickstand
on it.
Yo mama got a bald head with a part and sideburns.
Yo mama got a' afro, wit' a chin strap!!!!
Yo mama got a wooden leg with branches.
Yo mama got so many teeth missing, it looks
like her tounge is in jail.
Yo mama got a metal afro with rusty sideburns.
Yo mama got eyes in her butt talking about
"Damn, did you see that shit?!"
Yo mama got so many wrinkles she has to screw
her hat on.
Yo mama's house so small she has to go outside
to eat a large pizza.
Yo mama's house so small you have to go outside
to change your mind.
Yo mama's house so dirty roaches ride around
on dune buggies!
Yo mama's house so dirty she has to wipe her
feet before she goes outside.
Yo mama's house so small, I stepped in the
front door, an tripped over the backyard fence.
Yo mama's house so dirty, she yelled for supper,
and all the roaches started sing "We are family!"
Yo mama's house so small, I put the key in
the door, and stabbed five people.
Yo mama's house so small the front and back
door are on the same hinges.
Yo mama's house so small, the welcome mat
says "WEL".
Yo mama's house so small, I threw a rock in
the window and hit the whole family!
Yo mama's house so dirty the cockroaches left.
Yo momma hair so short when she braided it
they looked like stiches.
Yo momma hair so short she curls it with rice.
Yo momma head so big she has to step into
her shirts.
Yo momma head so big it shows up on radar.
Yo momma head so small she use a tea-bag as
a pillow.
Yo momma head so small that she got her ear
pierced and died.
Yo mama wears knee-pads and yells "Curb Service!"
Yo mama feet are so big her shoes have to
have license plates!
Yo mama so loose, she used the Empire State
Building as a DILDO!!!!!
Yo mama aint so bad...she would give you the
hair off of her back!
Yo mama lips so big, Chap Stick had to invent
a spray.
Yo mama's underarms so hairy, it looks like
she has Don King in the headlock!
Yo mama's house so dirty, she has to wipe
her feet before she goes outside.
Yo mama reminds me of a toilet shes white,
fat, and she smell like shit.
Yo mama teeth are so rotten, when she smiles
they look like dice.
Yo mama mouth so big, she speaks in surround
Yo mama so horny she needs a dildo with jumper
cables on it.
Yo mama hips are so big, people set their
drinks on them.
Yo mama hair so nappy she has to take Tylenol
just to comb it.
Yo mama so clumsy she got tangled up in a
cordless phone.
Yo mama so wrinkled, she has to screw her
hat on.
Yo mama's cooking so bad the flys help you
patch up the screen door!
Yo mama twice the man you are.
Yo mama cross-eyed and watches TV in stereo.
Yo mama is missing a finger and can't count
past 9.
Yo mama arms are so short, she has to tilt
her head to scratch her ear.
Yo mama middle name is Rambo.
Yo mama in a wheelchair and says, "You ain't
gonna puch me 'round no more."
Yo mama rouchy, the McDonalds she works in
doesn't even serve Happy Meals.
Yo mama gums are so black she spits Yoo-hoo.
Yo mama breath smell so bad when she yawns
her teeth duck.
Yo mama was in church with a tee-shirt on
that said "WHO FARTED?"
Yo mama is in a wheelchair screaming "I AIN'T
Yo mama threw a frizbee three weeks ago that
hasn't landed yet.
Yo mama can wrestle a cow to the ground.
Yo mama referees bar fights without a shirt
Yo mama so country she had a cornbread for
a wedding cake.
Yo mama got 2 fingers and she's a representative
for world peace.
Q. What do yo mama and a clock have in common??
A. It takes 12 to get around them.
If my dog had a face as ugly as your mama's,
I'd shave his ass and make him walk backwards.
Yo mama's ears are so big, she can hear what
I'm thinking.
It took yo mama 10 tries to get her drivers
license, she couldnt get used to the front seat!
You were born out of your mother's arse 'cos
her cunt was too busy.
I saw your mama at the freak show petting
the world's largest turtle.
I seen your mother downtown scrapping with
a pigeon for a peanut.
Yo dick is so small, you pee on your nuts.
Yo dick is so small, it looks like you have
a second bellybutton.
Yo daddy is like cement, it takes him two
days to get hard.
Yo daddy is like a Mounds bar, has no nuts.
I called yo daddy a faggot, then he hit me
with his purse!