june kazama - 12/08/00 02:23:05
My Email:e-mail what is e-mail? j/k
How did you know this site?: i looked for anime site and found this one
Age: 500
Where are you from?: nitemare land
Where are you now?: still there
i rule
Anton Mozar - 12/15/99 06:05:22
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/Heero_Moz
My Email:Heero_Moz@mailcity.com
How did you know this site?: Thru a Friend
Age: 19
gender: male
Where are you from?: Phil
Where are you now?: Phil
Maybe sometime we can chat,but don't you have any Oh My Goddess pics and Akazukin Cha-Cha pics. Any way your page is good. My page is still undercronstruction. So, feel free to e-mail me at address I have given you. Maybe we can have a trade in pics.
ne more thing, why don't you include MP3'S and other MIDI'S in your page. Who knows ,someday this will be filled with plenty of visitors that your counter could not anymore count. So, Keep this page of yours and goodluck.
Blaise Riou - 03/24/99 09:21:07
Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments:
Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments:
Je pense que votre emplacement est intéressant. Je l'ai trouvé par accident tout en surfant GeoCities. Combien de mois avez-vous employé GeoCities? Bonne Chance!
MrCoolest - 11/16/98 12:31:52
My URL:http://members.xoom.com/MrCoolest
My Email:mrcoolest@hotmail.com
How did you know this site?: I didn't know it
Age: 15
gender: male
Where are you from?: Finland
Where are you now?: home.
Cut the long text away from index.
Nobody wants to read anything so long in first page.
Otherwise nice page.
Brad Ross - 11/09/98 19:00:47
My Email:rossb@internetx.net
How did you know this site?: surfing
Age: 51
gender: male
Where are you from?: Charleston, SC USA
Where are you now?: same
Finn Robert - 11/03/98 07:09:05
My Email:http://www.finn_robertdx@hotmail.com
How did you know this site?: surf and luck
Age: 21
gender: male
Where are you from?: Philippines
Finn Robet - 11/02/98 12:58:40
My Email:www.FinnRobertdx
How did you know this site?: surf
Age: 21
gender: male
Where are you from?: Philippines
cannot access eva3.jpg what's the problem
Todd Emerson Bowers - 10/27/98 00:43:02
My Email:tb5994@csc.albany.edu
How did you know this site?: search enging
Age: 23
gender: male
Where are you from?: Boston MA
Where are you now?: Albany NY
Graduate student at SUNY Albany with interests in postmodernism and currently, milleniumism. Do you think Joseph Campbell's work on myths bears any insight into milleniumism?
10/16/98 04:40:02
Name: Bad Bunny
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me
Just surfing Thanks
bantal - 08/07/98 09:20:57
My Email:san168@hotmail.com
How did you know this site?: dari siapa lagi ??
Age: 70
Where are you from?: indonesia negri tercinta :p
Where are you now?: bumi ku yang kaya.. tapikorupsi semua
gila.... ini guestbook ato sensus ??
hehhee.. nice hommie..
elo suka gambar2 juga ??
BTW lo siapa sih ?? *lupa*
Claudia - 07/12/98 06:40:59
My URL:/SunsetStrip/Venue/9837
My Email:scifisuede@hotmail.com
How did you know this site?: From the webmaster himself!
Age: 18,5
gender: Female
Where are you from?: Indonesia
Where are you now?: Still stuck in there...
Wonderful site! Keep up your good work, and keep in touch though you're going abroad!
Beatrix - 07/07/98 03:17:17
My Email:bthamrin@hotmail.com
How did you know this site?: from Ade
Age: 18
Where are you from?: Jakarta
Where are you now?: Sydney
I love the comics.
Keep adding them :)
Ellen Irawan - 07/05/98 14:51:52
My Email:chunli666@yahoo.com
How did you know this site?: elo kasih tau
Age: 18
gender: female la
Where are you from?: jkt
Where are you now?: beijing
akazukin cha cha ada di ribbon tuh *majalah kaya nakayoshi*
kartonnya ada di tnt network jem 12 siang sama 5 siang lucu tuh
Acun - 07/05/98 06:33:00
My Email:acun_k@hotmail.com
Age: 19
gender: male
Where are you from?: Indo
Where are you now?: Malay
Cool site man!!!!
Acun - 07/05/98 06:32:51
My Email:acun_k@hotmail.com
Age: 19
gender: male
Where are you from?: Indo
Where are you now?: Malay
Coll site man!!!!
ori - 07/05/98 05:19:18
My Email:aur33@hotmail.com
How did you know this site?: ade
Age: 17
gender: female
Where are you from?: jakarta
Where are you now?: my mommy's room
Adeeee...kalo udah jau...inget sama gua, ya?! Jangan pernah lupa sama temen loe yang bae ini, ya?! Kalo loe udah balik...kapan kita ketemu lagi...reuni anak kelas 3 ipa 2 yuk. Jangan lupa, ya?!
Kara Townsend - 07/02/98 15:55:12
My URL:http://www.dynamicSex.com
My Email:dwebmistress@yahoo.com
Hi! I was surfing through GeoCities and saw your page. Pretty Cool! My name is Kara. I am 24 years old and live in San Diego, CA. I have been teaching myself HTML for the last several months. Please visit my site, Kara
s dynamicSex and tell me what you think of it. I will be adding pictures of myself within the next couple days. I would love to exchange links with you!