Beyond the neighboring Daevyl elves and Danier to the south there is no other large society. Wilderness spreads to the north and west of Brendil and south of Danier. There are strange men that occassional come by sea with exotic goods to trade from far to the north. Barbarians are known to roam the colder lands south of Danier, they make raids along the coast every few years. The Dwarves left the area long ago, and are but legends now. It is thought that the Halflings and Gnomes that used to live in the fertile plains and hills south of Danier were all destroyed by a great invasion of Danier long ago, certaintly there has not been any seen in Brendil for generations. So vile were the invaders that at the behest of the elves Brendil actually helped repel them from Danier. No such aide had been offered or needed since.
Brendil is united only by somewhat common worship of the pantheon of Celtic nature gods. There is a secular High King, Mallovenda, from the line of Sharreneck that lead the war against the Dalbeds and finally the withdrawl through the tangled Daevyl. However, local lords manage their own fiefs often deferring to their favorite priest or druid for resolving conflicts; if not the force of arms. Despite the common pantheon, their are two systems of worship, the druids led by Dyr Flligion and the priests by High Priestess Caldabre. The druids tend to daily needs of the common Milar, education, healing, etc. The priests are more organized and tend to the spiritual, political, and protective needs of Brendil's Milar population.
In Brendil's remote northwest lie the forested foothills of the Marchy of Bilcoven. Little is known of its history, other than that at some time in past some High King officially granted this remote area his royal protection. The lands just to the south and east are fertile and peaceful, dotted with villages, manors, and the fortifications of many petty castellans. Unsure of the ramifications of claiming the territory to be under their protection, most of the rulers leave the rugged land alone. Their own lands of rolling hills and meandering streams are rich and fertile and can provide Bilcoven with anything needed at a favorable balance of trade since Bilcoven produces little in the way of crops. In exchange for vegetables, horses, and other products, Marchion Tarredule's people - hunters, trappers, and loggers mostly - trade with plentiful furs, hides, and wood crafts. As such, little commerce extends beyond the neighboring region to the more densely populated eastern lands. No one of importance wants to spend the time to go there, so that's your job. Beyond Bilcoven west and north the mountains rise out of the forest, and wilderness reigns.
There is no formal educational system so knowledge of the current state of affairs is limited - let alone historical information. News and history are primarily learned through minstrel and bard's tales. Most villages have a druid or other wise person that provides limited education. That being the case, what is described here is about all that is known of Brendil and Bilcoven by the inexperienced band assembled. Knowledge particular to each character will be given and details will be divulged through the course of the adventure/campaign.