Orion Chemical Research
Orion Division was conceived in late 2056 in response to a growing demand for an alternative to firearm combat. The selections listed are divided into two groups. Lethal and non-lethal.
Orion Division- Chemical (Xavier Amadeus)
Carbide MonoCilothide (CMC)
Cost: 1 Dose-25,000
Avail.: 3/ 1 day
Reaction Time: 5 minutes
Mode of Delivery: Air, Injection, Taint
To Resist:Use Body(12). Blood Filters Apply. Need Two successes
How it works:CMC works by breaking down the bodys natural catalysts, thus initiating spontaneous combustion. Instant Death results
Dragons Breath
Cost: 1 Dose-1,000 x Rating
Avail.: 10/ 3 days
Reaction Time: 15 minutes
Mode of Delivery: Air, Injection
Power: 4
To Resist:Body + Strength vs. Rating + Power. Blood Filters Apply. Need Two successes
How it works:Dragons Breath travels through the blood stream and settles into bone. At first, the person will feel winded (15 minutes), then they will feel very fatigued (M-Stun every two minutes after 15). Of course, this will eventually overflow into Physical. The chemical dissolves the calcium in bone and turns them into mush.
Cost: 1 Dose-10 x Rating
Avail.: Level/ Immediate
Reaction Time: Instant
Mode of Delivery: Ingested
Power: 10 x rating
To Resist:Body vs. Power. Blood Filters Apply. Need Three successes
How it works:For every level, add +1 to all attributes, and suffer a Light-Stun wound. Damage is staged up one for every additional level. (i.e. Level 3 SPCP is +3 attributes, Serious-Stun)
Notes:Duration: (Level)Combat Turns. Damage occurs after the duration. Levels are limitless. Damage may overflow into Physical. Also, when on SPCP, must roll Willpower vs. SPCP Level + Charisma of all friendly players in the area. Must get number of successes equal to 1/2 Body of player to avoid shooting friendlies. Gamemasters discretion of attack.
TCDT (Cyberware/Bioware)
Cost: 1 Dose-10,000 x Rating
Avail.: 2 x Rating/ 2 days
Reaction Time: 10 minutes
Mode of Delivery: Injection
Power: Rating
To Resist:Rating vs. Total Body or Essence Cost of Implants. Need Two successes
How it works:TCDT works by forcing the body to reject all implants. Must choose whether the toxin is aimed at Cyberware or Bioware at time of purchase.
Cost: 1 Dose-500
Avail.: 8/ 12 hours
Reaction Time: Instant
Mode of Delivery: Injection
Power: 8
To Resist:Body vs. Power. Blood filters apply. Need Two successes
How it works:This toxin destroys the bodys ability to clot blood. No matter the physical wound, character takes one additional box of damage per turn for blood loss.