-For use as reference in Aliroo terms-
Aliroo: noun; AL-EE-ROO
1. A breed of winged kangaroos capable of shapeshifting and
transdimentional travel.Each Aliroo has a specific color quality. -an,
Lylat System: noun; LIE-LAT SIS-TEM
1. A solar system located in space somewhere. Consists of eight
planets and one sun. Inhabited by furry folk. Main base on Corneria.
(Also see Star Team)
Pure Evil: noun; PYOOR EE-VILL
1. A phrase first said by Dave Foley on News Radio 2. The
phrase made irritating by Blu Flyer (see "Aliroo") 3. Blu Flyer's
nickname. (see Pure Evil, 2) 4. Meant to be a phrase to disturb
seriousness. DO NOT TAKE LITERALLY. Effects are usually successful. For
best results, hold flashlight under chin in a dark room and say it like
this: "Pure......Eeeeeeevil...."
Star Team: noun; STAR TEEM
1. A team of furries from the Lylat System. Teams consist of
four members. Teams defend the Lylat system from danger through the use
of vehicles including Arwings, tanks and subs. (Also see Team Flyer and
Star Fox)
Star Flyer: noun; STAR FLY-ER
1. A Star Team consisting of Team Leader Blu Flyer, Trixxy
Parker, Strype Quincy, and Cruisor Taylor. (Also see, Star Team, Lylat
Star Fox: noun; STAR FOCKS
1. A Star Team consisting of Fox McCloud, Peppy Hare, Slippy
Toad, and Falco Lombardi.
Team Flyer: noun; TEEM FLY-ER
1. A Team on Pokéworld. Team is founded and controlled mostly
by Giovanni, such as Team Rocket. Team Flyer is generally nicer and
more fair in its ways of aquiring Pokémon. Composed of Blu Flyer and
Trixxy Parker (Also see Team Rocket, Blu Flyer, Trixxy Parker)
Trans Dimentional Transporter: noun; TRANZ-DEE-MEN-SHUN-AL TRANZ-PORE-TER
1. A small computer used as a transporting device. These are rare and dispensed only to Aliroos. It is an illegal act to dispense this without liscense.