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Literature Forum Short Stories Poetry Jokes, Humor, Weird Stuff Novellas Songs Reference
Short Stories
Title: Description:
Bain's Lair Desdemona finds a dragon's hoard but must fight for her life for it
Birth of a New World The gods create a new world, and Raistlin plays a key part.
Cataclysmic Fiction The Vampyre Alucard feels the gods anger, and tries to warn the Kingpriest.
Daeminion "Times of Bo'en Tallaruske" A Kagonesti elf is pulled from Krynn where he meets other people
A Different Kind of Magic  An elf adventurer teaches about the gods and faith
Dream of the Twins Caramon and Raistlin wake up and find all there life on Krynn was a dream.
For Whom the Bell Tolls A group of knights fight a battle they can't win.
The Fall of Istar An alternate ending to the Time of the Twins. Including Raistlin, Caramon, and Crysania, and a haunting figure from the past.
Featherfling Kenderken's Story The Story of Featherfling Kenderken who is raised by the Qualinesti elves where she meets one of the companions
The Friendship of Light The story of Fizban's first meeting with one of the lesser known heroes...the puffball.
Goran of Kern's Journal This is a page from Goran of Kern's journal as found by in a Dragonlance campagin. 4-10-352 A.C.
The Hunter is Hunted Jawselton and his twin sister are captured by a tribe of Orcs. The Orcs find out they messed with the wrong kender.
I Miss You This is a thought provoking story with a plot twist. What would happen if Caramon sacrificed himself to Takhisis instead of Raistlin?
The Kender Who Admitted to Being a Thief new.gif (111 bytes) The story of a kender who admits that he has indeed stole "something" from someone before
The Last Stand at the Tower The Tower of Sorcery is attacked by the Shadow Sorcerer who opens the portal.
Lilly's Story Lilly Lopknot was/is a kender who died during the Fall of Istar, and now begins her greatest adventure!
Lockpick's Tale A dragon hunter encounters a kender and a kender loving dragon.
A Magi's Shadow Jenin, the war magi,  must fight Lord Soth and his minions to save his mother
Misunderstandings Tika catches another woman hugging Caramon, and decides to teach the warrior a lesson. 
An Ordinary Pendant Alec, a cleric of Paladine, is confused over the loss of his god, and seeks comfort in an old mage.
Please Don't Leave Me Caramon is mortally wounded after a fight against Draconians, what will Raistlin do?
Raistlin vs Soth The Final battle between Raistlin Majere and Lord Soth.
Raistlin's Story Raistlin, Dalamar, and Par-Salin compete on a game show
Riddles for Raistlin Raistlin, finding his staff missing, finds a Sphinx who makes him answer 3 riddles
The Story of Ember Fireknot A group of companions and Ember Fireknot run into a group of Draconians, and everyone find out where he got his name.
Song of the Blade Aglareb Dancingblade presents the magical sword, Bladesong
The Story of Rebus Padfoot Rebus Padfoot meets Tas and the other companions.
Storytime A parody of the Dalamar/Raistlin relationship in the Legends Trilogy. 
Swing of the Pendulum A story of a small town and an unexpected visitor
Tas's First Death Tas, ambushed by Draconians, dies...but that's not the end
Tasslehoff Burrfoot and Raistlin Majere A simple story of Tasslehoff "acquiring" one too many items that belong to Raistlin
The Tell Tale Scales A Kender is driven insane by the clicking of scales she has stole.
The Tale of the Two Amazing Spoons A story set in the Fifth age. Footloose and Tydlen set for on a journey to the Vingaard River, and encounter an old friend.
Thanks a Lot Day A Kender discovers a wish-granting artifact, and chaos begins.
Therek's Tale  The tale of Gaerwyn, a plane traveler from a different Krynn.
Topknot Thistleswitch's Tale Two Kender get "accused" of stealing a mage's components. And end in a fight for their lives.
Torment Raistlin has found a way out of the Abyss, but now must find a way out of his new prison, The Tower of High Sorcery
Trapspringer's Tale A tale of the great Uncle Trapspringer
Un-Death A story, based on a dream, involving Caramon's sons and Laurelis
Title: Description:
Beneath Our Mountain A poem written by Ranor Silverhammer about the Dwarven homeland.
Crysania's Song Part II Jennifer Orr writes a nice sequel to the popular Crysania's Song
A Dragon's Nursery Rhyme A humorous nursery rhyme about a dragon.
Eternal Torment A poem in the point-of-view of Raistlin
Flop Twinkletoes' Poem Lola Lah-lah, a bard, tries to entertatin a crowd at an inn
Keep One Eye on the Sky A poem in the point-of-view of Caramon
The Kender A humorous poem about a kender and a mage, with a twist of Poe.
Kender in Raist's Clothing Much to Raistlin's embarrassment, Tas borrows his clothes.
Kitiara Poem A poem describing Kitiara in her loneliness
Ode to Fizban An ode written by Tas to one of his greatest friends.
A Poem by Tanis A poem by Tanis Half-Elven to the deceased Flint Fireforge.
Portrait of a Dark Elf A poem making fun of Dalamar.
Raistlin and His Airsick Experience A party of dwarves falls into Cyan Bloodbane's path. After Cyan devours them he doesn't feel to good.
Raistlin Poem A short poem about Raistlin.
Something Different A very cool poem. Recommended. Fairly unusual.
Tas Borrows a Spellbook Tas, not leaving well enough alone, borrows one of Raist's spellbooks.
Tasslehoff's Love Poem Tas writes about love, and his friends.
There Once was a Kender... A few limericks about a kender's journey (clean)
The Toede who "borrowed" Yuletide A poem after Dr. Seuss's famous poem. Lord Toede "borrows" Yuletide from the Kender.
Why? An angry mob takes hold of the Dark elf.
Jokes, Humor, Weird Stuff
Title: Description:
A Brief Written History of an ElfDragon new.gif (111 bytes) WHAT IF: Gilthanas and Silvara actually had a child?
E-Manual A description of humorous spells that no mage should be without
The Game of the Century More bloodier than Mortal Combat 2 or 3...It's Champions of Death. All the secret codes!
Handle Me Tasslehoff New from the Gnomes of Mt. Nevermind. Handle Me Tasslehoff! The perfect Yuletide gift!
How to Attract Girls Instantly Tired of not getting noticed by the opposite sex guys? With this newly discovered system you to can become a stud like Raistlin himself!
Interview with a Dragon Ken Keller, Jr. curious on who Fizban actually was, interviews Pyrite
Kender Excuse List A list of common excuses from everyone's favorite people
Kender Top Ten List Top ten reasons why it's better to be stuck your entire life in a glowing, doorless, windowless, itemless room (think of it as the Abyss, without the nifty perks) with a certifiably crazy kender than your sister
Origins of Elven Egocentrism The truth behind the elven belief of racial superiority.
Puffonlance The Puffonlance Chronicles. Join Goldpuff, Riverpuff, Raispufflin and many more in the quest for the famous Puffonlance.
Tasslehoff Burrfoot Meets Earwing Lockpicker A funny short story of a simple conversation between Tasslehoff and his cousin, Earwig
Top Ten Things - Kender Top ten reasons you should always keep a kender in your party
Top Ten Things - Raistlin Top ten things Raistlin likes to do on snowy winter days.
Wheel of Fortune Conspiracy The name of the Dark One chanted by thousands of TV game show players. What does it mean?!?
Title: Description:
Choices A choose your own adventure story where you, the reader, play Raistlin. Your quest is to goto The Tower of High Sorcery at Palanthas to reclaim your tower back from your apprentice, Dalamar.
Daughters of Majere The true story of Raistlin and Caramon's birth, and the daemon that visited.
Dragon's Revenge Damon is haunted by a figure. And lives to regret his past
Godzillalance A parody of the DragonLance saga by Tracy Hickman. Includes Banana-fo-fana, Tiki, Sleazy, Stern and many more of your favorite characters.
Lion's Scepter A Kender "borrows" a mysterious artifact and the fun begins
New Paths After the Chaos War, Tarrian of the Red Robes, is trying to find what magic is left on Krynn, but a group of kender find the Tower of High Sorcery
Out of the Abyss After entering the Abyss to fight Takhisis, Raistlin is mysteriously transported to Earth!
Out of the Abyss 2 This is an epic story of how a handful of youthful adventurers manage to break the fabric of space and time to travel to the world of Krynn. 
A Question of Honor A draconian, on his way to Sanction with a group of Draconians and Humans, writes to a friend about truth and honor.
Toolkit's Foreign Friend A tale about the kender, Toolkit Sparkfire
Songs & Music
Title: Description:
Black-Robed Wizard Pinball Wizard, from the musical "Tommy". For all the Raistlin fanatics out there, with apologies to The Who
Black Velvet The song "Black Velvet" with a Krynnish twist.
The Continuing Story of Raistlin Majere To the tune of "The Continuing Story of Bungalow Bill" by the Beatles
Dark Queen Takhisis A song about Takhisis to the tune of Lady Madonna
Don McLean on Krynn A Dragonlance parody of American Pie by Don McLean.
Kender Birthday Song  The Kender Song of Lifegift
Kender Song of Praise A Kender song to the tune of Ten Little Indians
Raistlin and the Rose From the group Lake of Tears. In there 1997 album, A Crimson Cosmos, there's a song about everybody's favorite mage
Rappin' Raist If Raistlin was a rap star, what would he rap?
Walking in Palanthas To the tune of "Walking in Memphis"
Title: Description:
alt.fan.dragonlance FAQ The frequently asked questions of alt.fan.dragonlance
Chat Log of Margaret Weis Chat log of Margaret Weis discussing The Soulforge, her latest novel. 
Chronology of Krynn All the Dragonlance Novels in order by the date they occurred on Krynn. From Dragon Magazine.
Chronology of Krynn (unofficial) An attempt by Mathilas, to update the previous list and fix some errors.
Palanthian Times The only issue of what was supposed to be an online newsletter
Reference: SAGA Material
The Changeling Changelings are people who use their skills in sorcery and in mysticism to transform themselves and their environment. 
Draconian Race Here is the creation rules for Draconian PCs 
Garvin Taliesan  Pregenerated Character: A Cavalier, who wishes to establish his own chivalric order 
Goblin Rules for SAGA Since goblins were cut from the finally product here are Goblin Hero rules
Gully Dwarf Race Since Gully Dwarf stats are so far not available David Price has made some 
Katherine of Wulfgar Pregenerated Character: A great healer, born in the Citadel of Light 
Lord Brandon Du Gaz  Pregenerated Character: A hesitant Knight of Solamnia with a strange past
Sea Elves Rules for the underwater race of elves 
Sudden Kill Rules for SAGA Another rule that was left out of the finally products
Temir the Restless Pregenerated Character: A Legionnaire of Steel, and adventurer
The Trickster The trickster is a person who lives by his wits. Smooth-talking,quick-thinking and flashy, the trickster uses weapons as a last resort,since his natural talents usually allow him to get in and out of trouble without a fight. 
Copyright@Shadimar(R.E.V.H) 1998