Well, it's happened. I'm in Canada. I'm here for a year and I have decided to keep a log of what happens to me whilst I'm there. Therefore, I present:The Time of Your Life
aka David 'Goldfish' Wheatley in Canada
The days below represent the length of time I've been in Canada, with a date for reference. Click on the day to jump to the entry. Enjoy!
Day 0
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Staying true to my comic book heritage, I've decided to start this at Day 0. Why? Because this adventure - for that is the only way to describe this - won't really begin until tomorrow, when I have my first official day in Canada, so that will become Day 1. So why write about today? What made it so memorable? Well, saying goodbye to my parents, seeing my uncle and aunt from London (I flew from Heathrow, which is half an hour from their house or something) for the first time in several years, the plan journey itself (7 and a half hours!!!) and seeing Titanic Not my preferred choice of film (I wanted Godzilla dammit!) as I am a sci fi junkie. Plus it's also a very long film, but I always said if I had nothing better to do I'd watch it and, hey, I had nothing better to do. Talk about a captive audience! However they did serve a cream tea on the flight with Cornish clotted cream - the only cream worthy of the name (who says areoplane food is crap?) - and arrived in Toronto at 7.30 Eastern Time. Then after wandering around Toronto for a bit after we arrived (I travelled in a group with people doing the similar sort of stuff), we had pizza on the veranda of a cafe, in the beautiful evening air. It was a very pleasant day. I think I'm gonna like it here.
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Well, it's finally beginning to sink in.
Ah, I needed to get that out of my system. It's hot. Very hot. Because of the heat, all of the plans I had have gone out of the window. Carrying two heavy bags in tempeartures of between 30 and 40oC kind of limits your travelling capabilities. Tomorrow will be easier without them, as I have somewhere to rest my bags (and me) so being homeless is not a problem. Pat and Richard Sands are friends of my Dad's cousin, who I call 'Aunt' as I'm not really sure what the official term is, and I'll be staying with them in a nice house in the Scarborough area of Ontario. It's (apparently) about 25 mins to Downtown Toronto by train. After some difficulties finding their house (I have an appalling sense of direction at times, I really do) I moved in to their basement in the late afternoon. Apart from the induction at SWAP (which is the Canadian counterpart of BUNAC, the organisation I used to get over here), it's been a slow day, but in this heat, that can only be a good thing.
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Did very little today. Naughty of me I know, but it was needed. Went for a walk, checked a local paper for jobs which had a few prominent leads for tomorrow, watched TV, telephoned parents (SWAP give you a $5 dollar phone card to do so). Looked in to Richard and Pat's internet situation. It doesn't look good. They are with Interlog, who don't give unlimited access to the server (God knows why, everyone else does... or maybe that's their unique selling point - hey, I learned something on my Higher National Diploma in Business course after all!) so a return to X-Wars is unlikely at the moment. But my geocities e-mail is active, so I'm working on it.
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A productive day. Caught a 'GO' train to Downtown, where after wandering the streets trying to find my way (lousy sense of direction strikes again), I eventually found SWAP HQ. There I printed off a few CV's - sorry resumes - and then to work.
After handing out my resume's to a few places - including a cybercafe (computers and coffee - a step away from heaven) - I went around the shops. HMV was disappointing, but there were a few promising places, and I did see a copy of 'Texas Chainsaw Massacre' for my friend back home. Then I opened a bank account at Toronto Dominion and put $500, which gives around $500 to play with. I might also be getting a VISA card, a dangerous weapon true, but it could be necessary in the coming year. Plus I'm 21. I'm sensible, mature and responsible. And those of you who know me personally can stop laughing. Then I found a comic shop. New stuff, back issues to die for and a standing order facility, and my X-Titles are now reserved for me. Back in business, but the day isn't over yet.
Back at Richard and Pat's, they have a few guests over for the weekend from Scotland. They complimented me on my Leeds accent (as they know the area), seem to enjoy the same TV programmes as I do, and Pat has a very similar taste in music to me as well. That and my Richard, my younger brother who died in 1993, making his presence known (yes, I do believe in that sort of stuff) today has been a very good day.
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With Pat and Richard's friends over, little is going to be done this weekend. Today I saw the Toronto Islands, and had a good bike ride around them. It's a nice place, with some immaculate gardens. I was impressed by some of them, and I like to think it takes a lot to impress me. I telephoned my Dad and wished him happy birthday. I think he was quite pleased.
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Did even less today. Watched TV until midday, then went shopping in a mall. Bought nearly all of the X-Men novels. I'm missing three, which I'll soon pick up. Apart from that, nothing else happened.
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Job hunting today. Found nothing, came home. Trying again tomorrow.
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Job hunting again. Still nothing, but I do have an interview on Thursday. Here's hoping. I also watched X-Files movie. Very good. I enjoyed it a lot.
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More job hunting. Walked miles and got sod all for it, except sore feet and tired. Needed cheering up, so I'm back on X-Wars, as a new charcter. Goldfish is gone yet a new phoenix is rising from his flames. I have plan's for the next few months, and it's gonna be great!
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Job interview went well. Induction tomorrow, so it looks like I have a job. It's gonna be hard work at first but potentially very rewarding.
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Induction went well, but I'm right. It will be hard work.
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DAY 11
Did very little today, except see Lethal Weapon 4. Another good film, and a fine end to the series. They'd be pushing it if they made any more.
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DAY 12
Did very little (again). Went to see Lost In Space. Also a good movie. 1998 has been a very good year for movies so far, and looks to continue that way, in my opinion.
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DAY 13
How apropos. My job involves walking arounf the streets, knocking on doors and trying to convince people to use the gas broker I work for. 'Hello. My name's David Wheatley, of Prority Gas. I've come to verify you qualify for a price freeze and to od that I need to see your gas bill.' Typical response: Sod off (or words to that effect) Didn't get one. Plus I got soaked in a torrential rain storm. A very long day, with little reward. I'm not happy.
On the other side my Dad called from home (telephone, not e-mail) as he'd lost the interner dial up connection. He missed me (he called at 11.30 BST which is 6.30 EST) and so I waited until one in the morning and phoned back my parents and had a little chat with them both. I think the problem's fixed, but that was an expensive helpline call, wasn't it?
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DAY 14
The Job From Hell: Part 2. I should've known it'd be a bad day when I was late and it went downhill from there. I've been set up before, and I'll admit I have screwed up and made mistakes, but what I learnt today stunned me. The advert says $15 an hour. The interview says $15 an hour. The induction says $15 an hour. This is a little white lie. You have a target of 0.75 applications an hour, for which you get $20 per app. 0.75 of $20 is $15. No apps, no pay. To say I am pissed off would be an understatemnt. They've had two days of work from me for NOTHING. No way in hell am I going back there.
Got a letter from Barvara (my Dad's cousin, Pat and Richard's friend) giving me the news from home. I was right, my Dad was pleased (and surprised) I telephoned on his birthday. I love being me. I'm so good at it!
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DAY 15
Guess where I didn't go today? They didn't call, so if they're not bothered and I'm not, that is the end of that. However this leaves me out of work. But, fortune favours the foolish, and I have got myself another job. Regular paying as well. I am now a member of a security team in one of the many shopping malls in Toronto (The Yonge-Eglington Centre to be precise). I start at midnight until 8am, and I'm on that shift for the next few nights. One door closes and another opens. Comic day, excpet the shop does the standing orders on Thursday, but I picked mine up anyway, as well as a few back issues to celebrate. I also picked up a video - The 3 Doctors. I've been after that Dr Who video for ages, and they also have others I want. You can't get them very easily back home, which is kind of wierd, but whatever. Now I'm somewhere where I can get them easily. I love Canada!
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DAY 16
First day at work - midnight is the start of a new day so that is why it's here instead of in yesterdays slot. It's different to selling a gas service, though in it's way it is just as difficult. My memory is lousy at the best of times, so remembering what key fits which door, where the various shops and facilities are and the other stuff will be difficult. Luckily I have a notebook to write them down in, but it will be a challenge, nonetheless. 12 to 8 is a killer shift (especially as I got no sleep beforehand) so the most of the rest of the day was spent asleep. This may be a little tougher than I thought...
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DAY 17
Pretty much the same as yesterday, but with more emphasis on going solo, albeit under supervision. 'Open that door. No, not that key. That's better.' I'm slowly learning, but this shift is a swine. I spend most of the day asleep, catch up on the day's events and then by the time I've barely done that it's off to work again. One more night to go, then I'll be on new ones, but the question is for how long?
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DAY 18
The trainign may be over but the learning will be ongoing (advice for life). I'm not perfect, in fact I'm nowhere near it thanks to my lousy memory (what did Dave Goldfish do six months ago? Crystal clear. What key opens the main doors like you were shown two days ago? Err...). It'll take time to get this right. Pat and Richard are going away for the weekend, so the house is mine. And I did nothing with it. Too tired after the 12 - 8 shift. However I did see The Mask of Zorro. Historivally flawed, but who wants education? We're here for the swordfights and explosions. We want escapism, not a history lesson, and Zorro is up there with the best.
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DAY 19
A good day today. As part of my job, I get paid every two weeks. The last week was the second of the two so I get my money on Thursday. God knows what the taxman will take, but whatever. 4pm - 12am shift today. Went well apart from one slight error which resulted in me using the stairs to go down 19 floors and back up again. Consequesntly, I'm knackered. I'm not as fit as I used to be and after that I didn't have the mental energy to play X-Warriors. Tomorrow's a civic holiday (Lord Simcoe Day or something) so I have a day off. I'll catch up then. I have a few things I want to try out on my web page as well.
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Day off (Hooray!) so I caught up on X-Wars, watched TV and began to further my HTML education. I bought a cheap book on the subject to help and I'm learning a few new tricks to update the Goldfish Bowl. I'll use it to write these log entries instead of writing them out by hand. It may take a few days to set up, but it will be worth it, and I do have a year to make the page better. Got an e-mail from my Dad, so that's fixed and I've let him knwo what the job situation is.Speaking of which, I have an 8am - 4pm shift tomorrow with Deo (the Head of Security). It should be an interesting day, as well as my chance to get a few questions answered.
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DAY 21
The good news: I survived the day. The bad news: No chance in hell of getting back to the UK for Christmas. The mall is busiest at that time (natch) and they take on extra staff. Staff do not go on holiday. A little upsetting but I was expecting that as an answer. You don't find out unless you ask. Looks like I'll be here for a whole year after all. Posted my Grandad's birthday card. I wonder when it will arrive? Hopefully before his birthday. 4 -12 tomorrow. I think I like that shift the best out of the three, but I still don't have a permanent slot. With luck Deo'll give me one soon.
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DAY 22
Busy day. Replied to my e-mail, watched TV, bought my comics (I've dropped my standing order as I work five mins from a comic shop) went to work, came home and did some ore e-mailing. At 1 in the morning. Uncanny X-Men 360 was amazing and I just had to tell people. And play X-Warriors. 4.30 - 12.30 tomorrow, as well as pay day. Wonder what the tax rate is?
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DAY 23
I GOT PAID!! $255.13 from $311.68. If that is the tax rate, I like that! For a moment I thought it might be around the 40-50% range. Go to the bank tomorrow, and pay it in. Apart from that it's been a slow day, except for the man from the phone company. He had to get to the 32nd floor of one of the office towers in the mall but was having problems. Security (i.e. me) was sent to help him, and he was having a 'discussion' on his telephone link with his boss, who was being quite rude to him. He siad 'I'll hand you over to Security' and as he gave me the phone he pulled the wires out. 'Oops," he said with a grin. I thought was quite amusing. At least it added some entertainment to the day. 4 - 12 tomorrow.
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DAY 24
Well, today has been a day. A shoplifter tried to make off with a fax machine from the telecom shop, so off we all went after the bloke, who was tripped by a member of the public. At this point three of the memebers of staff from the shop jumped on the guy, like it was rugby or american football. Security helped them escort the bloke back to the store (like they needed the help) and I was sent to call the police. Whilst I was calling the cops, the bloke tried to get away, assaulting two of the Security staff in the shop. He didn't escape, he was arrested and the day had some excitement. Back in my real world, I bought Spawn on video (hey, it's a film not a comic and therefore is exempt from my Image avoidance code). I'll watch that, eventually. I also bought a couple of CDs. Tomorrow is my day off, so it's time to discuss rent with Pat and Richard. I'll leave it at that.
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DAY 25
Day of events. Discussed rent arrangements. $200 a fortnight, which is good for a furnished apartment, plus food and cable TV. Then on to more serious things, such as internet access. I've seen something which looks promising, so all I need now is a computer. Time to start saving.
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DAY 26
Looked at the computer situation. I can't get credit because I've not been in the country or working long enough. I need to think of a new plan.
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DAY 27
The new plan: Getting a computer for me is out of the question. I don't have the money and by the time I do I'll probably be on my way home. Plus I have to save money for my return to the UK so forget it. The problem is Internet access. Pat and Richard's ISP does not offer unlimited access, so I need to find one that does, yet can co-exist with their ISP. I think I have a solution and I'm seeing someone about it tomorrow (day off). If what I'm looking at works out, it'll be a good soution all round.
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DAY 28
I've signed up for a new ISP - Shaw@Home. It is an expensive service at $42.75 a month, but it has two main attractions. It is unlimited and is almost instantaneous in downloading (I tested the Goldfish Bowl at their demonstration). It comes throught the cable TV connection so does not tie up the telephone line and it is very impressive. This is all mine, the bill is sent to me and I pay for it. They're coming next Wednesday to install the service. A lot cheaper than buying a computer and an ISP!
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DAY 29
Today has been a quite day. Nothing much has happened. I've bought my comics, gone to work, come home. Very quiet day.
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DAY 30
Today was a bit more interesting. I used the last of my travellers cheques to buy a video. Another Dr Who - 'The Curse of Fenric' another Sylvester McCoy, meaning I am now missing two to have all his appearances as Doctor. I also bought the new Terry Brooks novel - the only author I will buy hardback editions - and the last X-Men novel I needed which hsa just come out in paperback. I also saw (at last) The Negotiator. Not a brilliant film as the other I have seen thus far (except Titanic) but good nonetheless. It's Avengers on Saturday.
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DAY 31
After the spending spree of the last few days, I have calmed down. However according to Blaquesmith my theory on the identity of Professor X in the current X-Titles is spot on. He works in a comic shop and sees next weeks titles. I am feeling really pleased with myself. You want to know, email me.
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DAY 32
Today I saw The Avengers. It was just as I expected.Nowhere near the original series, and Ralph Fiennes porves there is only one man who could ever play John Steed, and it wasn’t him. Nice to see Sean Connery as a Scotsman, though.
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DAY 33
Quiet day again today. Work is quiet, too. Money for nothing, or something like that.
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DAY 34
It’s still quiet at work. There’s nothing much happening at all, I can live with this. However I checked out the prices of Nintendo 64s. New is expensive so I’m looking at a second hand one. If I do buy one, what will I do when it’s time to come home. Take it back to the UK or sell it? I don’t know.
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DAY 35
For the past few months X-Wars has been going on about the Canadian rock group ‘The Barenaked Ladies’. I’ve heard two of their songs and quite liked them so today I thought why not and went out and bought their latest album, Stunt. I was pleasently surprised not only at how good the songs were but how they bore a similarity to one of my favourite groups back home - The Beautiful South. There are remarkable similarities between the two in terms of content and writing styles, thought the South have the edge in sarcastic irony, and tend to be more vicious in their work than the Ladies. I’ll probably buy the Ladies earlier albums, second hand, just to see what their ealier work is like.
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DAY 36
Comic day. Not a bad selection (plus my Professor X theory is confirmed), but no Excalibur 125. The last issue of my first comic. Ah well. Anyway I’ve started to collect X-Factor, from the beginning including the opening crossover with Avengers, Fantastic Four and Defenders. I hope to have ithe collection finished by the time I leave Canada.
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DAY 37
It has been a very quiet week. Nothing strenuous or too taxing (heck I’m a mall cop, what’s so difficult?) but today was different. The mall in which I work has three sections - the shopping arcade and two office blocks. The smaller of the office blocks has 24 floors and six elevators. Three go from the lobby to the fourteenth and the other three go from fouteen to twenty four, though they do come to the lobby but bypass everything between it and 14. The other tower is similar. It has 30 floors and six elevators per section (lobby to seveteen, lobby, seventeen to thirty). Occasionally one will break down. Today the lobby to seventeen elevators went down. All six. People were trapped, the fire department came, the engineers came and general chaos consumed the area for four hours until the problem was solved. The people were trapped for two hours and the other two were what it took to get the elevators fixed. Lots of running about by me and the other security from the lobby to the elevator engine room on the 32nd floor and to the floors were the passengers were trapped. So, once again I’ve been getting some exercise. On the flip side, I did get paid today. $620 from $779 is not too bad. I can work with that quite well.
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DAY 38
At last I’ve seen the film I wanted to see. Because of the release dates between here and the UK I thought I’d missed it, but someone decided to rerelease the film. What film? Godzilla. Not as good as ID4, but it was more of a thriller than an alien shoot em up film. It was also quite funny in places. I liked it.
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DAY 39
Film number two of the weekend. This time I saw Armageddon. Yes, the second of the years comet about to hit the Erath and kill us all flicks. Deep Impact was the first and for two similar films they were surprisingly different (except the endings, naturally). Deep Impact was more about regular people with a focus on the astronauts. Armageddon was almost always focused on the astronaunts and mission control. Both were as good as each other, though. However it leaves me wondering what next years big disaster will be...
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DAY 40
A lazy day. Waited for the cable internet guy to show and do the final things to the computer. he didn’t show up. I’ll call him if he doesn’t come tomorrow.
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DAY 41
Work has quietned down after last weeks fun. Still the mall is a good place to work, especially with a cinema opening in November. Cable didn’t show again, so I contatced them and they apologised. Someone will be in on tomorrow, so here’s hoping.
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DAY 42
No cable guy. Phoned the company gave them hell. Someone now coming Thursday. They have one last chance, then they can forget it. Also my pay cheque hasn’t cleared yet, so I have no money. I hope it clears soon, or I could have a real problem.
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DAY 43
No money means no comics. This is not good, however the quietness gives me a chnace to tell you of what’s been happening the past few days at Pat and Richards. They have a friend from Nova Scotia over and his son (Hughie and Iain respectively). Also the son of the friends who visited at the beggining of the diary has come over to stay, with eight of his friends. So there are 13 people in the house. It’s very crowded, and I hope I don’t disturb anyone with my leaving and arriving times for work.
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DAY 44
Cable guy came and set up the computer, but there is a problem with the cable. Someone coming tomorrow to fix it. Still no pay yet and today I did a 12 hour shift to cover someone being off ill. A tiring day.
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DAY 45
Shaw@Home is now working fine. I’ll play about with it tomorrow to see what is what (day off so I have plenty of time). I borrowed $20 from a freind at work, as the money situation is now critical. I called the bank and they said the money would be available tomorrow. I also saw a film today - Your Friends and Neighbours. An interesting film, with good camera work and clever dialogue. I also think it would make a good stage play, but it is not one of my usual film types. Back to normality tomorrow.
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DAY 46
Blade. All I can say is WOW. The best film of the year so far. Good effects, choreography, stunts, dialogue, the works. Finally a Marvel film that delivers. I also got paid, so I bought my comics. A very good day.
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DAY 47
For a while there have been adverts in the newspapers for voice tests. It’s a free number so I called. Maybe my accent will give me an edge. We’ll see what comes of it, because this could turn into a very good thing.
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DAY 48
Another quiet day, but I did buy soemthing new. A book. A trilogy in one volume for $21.40. What book? The Star Trek novels set after Generations written by William Shatner. They’re not that bad. In fact they are quite good. I suppose it’s his way of keeping the past alive as well. There are another two books coming, one of them is already out. I’ll probably get it Thursday (pay day).
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DAY 49
I was contacted by the Voice Test people today. I have an interview on Saturday! YES!!!!
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DAY 50
Comic day again today. There was very few new titles out so I bought a few trade paperbacks - Phalanx Covenant and Bloodties. Plus a few more X-Factor back issues. That is one collection that is progressing well and they're cheap to buy too. I might have the collection finsihed a lot sooner than I had originally thought.
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DAY 51
Bought another few books today. The fourth of William Shatner's Star Trek novels, the new Star Wars novel, Spectre of the Past and the next of the X-Wing books. Now I have plenty to read for the next few weeks. Good job I got paid today.
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DAY 52
Planning for tomorrow's cinema trip I ntoiced that there are very few films I actually fancy at the moment. The only one I partially fancy is Knock Off with Jean Claude Van Damme. I'm not expecting miracles.
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DAY 53
Voice test day! Well, wasn't that a kick in the head. Don't get me wrong it was a great place and my voice test went very well, with me scoring highly in all the relevant sections (tone, clarity, reading and potential). But it was an audition for a place at the National Institute of Broadcasting. Firstly I can't afford it (as much as I'd love to get a place on the course) and second the terms of my visa to Canada wouldn't let me if I could. Gutted, I was. But as a learning experience it was quite good. It showed me how good my voice was as viewed by experts, and I wasn't found wanting.
I also saw Knock Off. It was... mildly entertaining at best, dull and boring at worst. I wouldn't see it again, though even if they put it on TV. Definately the worst of the films I've seen so far.
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DAY 54
Work again today and what a day and a half! Tomorrow is Labor Day (a holiday similar to the UK Bank Holiday) and so everyone of importance is away for the weekend. It starts to rain just as I do the patrol of one of the office towers (one of the best lightning storms I have ever seen, viewed from the top of the building. Streaks headed straight down with massive cracks of thunder. Not rumbles, cracks, proving once again that a good electrical storm is my favourite form of weather) and by the time I'd finished my patrol it was raining very heavily. One of the corridors in the mall had several mass leaks and the whole corridor was covered in water (an hour before I go home too). So we called everyone on the list who by the time they got herethe rain had stopped and the leak was finished. All of them annoyed at having been called out to such a minor disturbance and wanting explanations. My theory is they were all upset at being called away from the pub, or the bar or the television. Anyway there'll be hell to pay Tuesday when they all get back. Still that's my day off, so I don't care. They have a problem, let them talk to me Wednesday, three days later by hich time they'll all have calmed down.
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DAY 55
Worked today (double pay because of the holiday). It was dead in the mall. Nowhere was open and there was very little to do. Still it is double pay for doing a fraction of the work I usually do, so I'm not complaining.
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DAY 56
Tuesday, so it's my day off. However it is not a good day. My parents have contacted me urgently - first reaction is what's wrong with my computer now? - but it was worse than that. The bank has written to me. They want the overdraft paying off. All £550 of it. And soon. Needless to say, this constitutes a problem and so $200 dollars of my paycheck will, each fortnight, be transferred to my UK bank account via Western Union. Or the bank could do it. There'll be a way somehow. It'll just take research. Plus I have my parents selling my Playstation (at half price I was asking for it) and they owe me £50. Plus £75 a fortnight from me will help so, it'll clear by Christmas. Speaking of which, I've started Christmas shopping. I can't say who for or what I've bought because they might read this, but I have to get the UK shopping done quickly so that I can send it across to them. Time is passing very quickly.
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DAY 57
No fallout from Sunday's incident so that's good. Things are very quiet in the mall on my shift. Apparently it's busy around lunchtime when the school's are on a break. But that's Friday's job.
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DAY 58
Quiet day today with very little occuring. I have been pondering over the money situation though. Instead of going home in July 1999, I might go back in March instead, when my plane ticket’s validity runs out. This might be a good idea for several reasons. The first one is I’d be going home (not that I’m in a hurry to leave Canada or anything but the UK is where I’m from), the second is I’d be able to start looking for a job at the same time all the other studn=ents and graduates will be. I go back in July there won’t be much out there. The third is in April the repayments for my student loan start. Whilst I have to be earning a certain amount before they start to take payments, I do think it’d be better to be prepared for them. So far it’s been a good week to remind myself exactly what’s waiting for me when I get home.
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DAY 59
There’s trouble at t’mill. One of the security guards has been a bit of an idiot over the last few weeks or so and things are coming to a head. My shift for Monday has been chnaged from a morning to an evening, and whether this is permanent I don’t know. However there’s probably going to be some very harsh words spoken if I’m taking over his shift, even for one day. The lunchtime session wasn’t as bad as people had made out. However there are no films I fancy seeing this week, so I have a free day tomorrow.
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DAY 60
Took the day off. Watched TV, did some chores, ate, drank. Generally did very little. One of these days I’m going to do some sightseeing.Pat and Richard’s friend Finn came up for the weekend. From Scotland on a business trip. He’s spending three days in Canada then going back. It must be nice to be able to do that and not have to pay for it.
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DAY 61
Spoke to my parents today. Breifly mentioned my March ideas to them, but I’m waiting for them to e-mail me so we can talk properly and cheaply. Interesting chat with my mum as she said she set fire to the computer (didn’t say how exactly) and it seems the computer is mainly okay. She didn’t elaborate much, but it’s enough to get me worried.
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DAY 62
Well, the guy who I took over from for the day came in and was summoned to Deo’s office. He had a chat and then told him to go home for three days to think about his behaviour. Most people think that’s too light for his antics and also feel it won’t do any good. A touch harsh though letting the man come in and then sending him home. It could have been done by telephone or earlier last week. They obviously knew to ask me to come in. Yes, it was a harsh thing to do.
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DAY 63
Hooray! Today I finished Five Goldfish, the fan fiction I wrote six months ago and lost in a computer crash before I could add it to the archive. It’s now up there and done with. Now I can focus on E-Quest. Good work done today.
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DAY 64
Comic day today, however I have pu the X-Factor collection on hold until I get my overdraft back home paid off. I have the first fifty (bar isues 6 and 38) so I can wait. It shouldn't take too long to pay it off, so the collection can be started again soon.
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DAY 65
It's pay day again! However this week is good becuase I got the extra pay for working on Labor Day so my check has an extra $100 available. More money to go back home. Or I could just spend it...
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DAY 66
Well, I sepnt it. I was downtown today and I saw some videos I wanted. Dr Who videos. I bought War Games (last Pat Troughton), Robot (first Tom Baker) and Twin Dilemma (first Colin Baker). My goal has always to have in my collection the regeneration episodes and the ones immediately after. I'm only missing four of them. Three I know I can get, the fourth is going to be difficult.
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DAY 67
Film day again. This week I went to see Rush Hour, the new film with Jackie Chan and Chris Tucker. Another film with a strong Hong Kong element (the others were Lethal Weapon and Knock Off) with some good moves and some very funny lines. Not always at the same time, and I think Tucker is trying to be Eddie Murphy in some places. A good film nonetheless.
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DAY 68
The other day I got a letter from my friend Heather, and this is not the place for that story, but maybe later when I have a quiet day. Today I had some quiet time at work so I wrote back. 3 and a half hours later and a five page letter was written. I haven't written that much in such a short time in months. I didn't write that much for my final exams at college. Speaking of which I am now David Wheatley, HND. I have letters after my name. They mean very little compare to a degree but it still feels so good to say it. The last three years were worth it after all.
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DAY 69
A little depressed today. I was looking over my life and taking along hard look in certain areas and I came to realise certain thinga about myself. Some things I didn't like, some things I wanted to do stuff about and others I just don't know what to do. Maybe I'm just homesick or something, but I don't think so. I miss everyone dearly, but I'm not too bothered because I know I'll see them again, in March. I'll get over my problems. I have to.
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DAY 70
Worked an extra day today, to cover someone who was off sick. It gave me a chance to consider my life again. Sometimes I think too much and it isn't healthy. However what some of my problems are doining is making me crazy. I don't have anyone I can really talk to, like back home. Then I had an idea and wrote my problem as a miniature fanfic (which isn't going up here) but with an obvious theme. How better to deal with your problems than tell a room of eighty strangers. Okay the X-Wars team aren't really strangers, but I've never met them and the only way we know each other is through the list, so it'll do just as well. What sort of response I get I'll have to wait until tomorrow.
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DAY 71
Work was quiet again today, so somethings obviously brewing. It's been too quiet for too long. Back to my problem, there was a good amount of list response with advice and help and general comments. I now know what I have to do and take the bull by the horns. I'm feeling a lot better about myself and things in general.
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DAY 72
Oh there could have been real trouble at work today. It was a regular shift, with a small elevator problem (the door wouldn't close) and I was there trying to fix it, which is simple enough. The head of the construction department walked by, a very stressed man at the moment with all the building work going on for the new stores, cinema and everything else. He entered the elevator down the corridor and then I heard a banging on the elevator doors. They wouldn't open and the lift wouldn't move. He was inside. He comes on the radio 'Security get me out!' so I manage to get the doors open ans he gets out. The problem seems sorted. Wanna bet? Later on, whilst I'm letting the applicants for the Toys R Us jobs up to the interview room, I notice that of the two elevators we keep on after 7pm, only one is working. The other is the one that broke down earlier. I start to play with it to see if I can get a response, but none of the regular techniques work. We call the engineer and he comes down to look at it. He has a go and it seems to work again but he checks it again to make sure. Good job, because apparently the main circuit board had gone. The elevator was dead, and if the construction guy had been in there at this stage, it'd have been a job getting him out. Now that would have been fun - stressed guy with authority trapped in a lift. Life would have been a living hell, as long as we remembered not to laugh at the irony.
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DAY 73
Yesterday was good, today was better. More elevator problems (different elevators today, so the guy came to look at them) which was compounded by the communication problems when the radios stopped working. Luckily they were abck on line by lunchtime when someone collapsed in the foodcourt area of the mall. Cue ambulance and a lot of worried people around. Thank goodness tomorrow's my day off.
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DAY 74
A day of horizon broadening. I went with Pat and Richard to the Lindsay Fall Fair, which I suppose is similar to the Autumn agriculture and horticulture shows back home. Lots of displays, shows, rides, expensive food, the usual stuff. However I did listen to the country singer - Anita Wintzer - who did a two hour set. She was very good and I bought the CD. Yes, country music. This place is changing me ever so slightly. I got my CD signed by the singer so if she does become big it'll be worth something. Just another CD for the collection. I also watched a tractor pull. Or some of it as there was this incredible lightning strom overhead and the rain just came down in buckets for 20 mins. A very good day, and something I probably wouldn't do normally. Of course I'm now behind in films, but I plan on catching up this week. I want to see Ronin and Urban Legend. The movies I fancy are getting faster in their releases.
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DAY 75
Work was quiet. Or at least on my shift. Things had been busy earlier when a piece of scaffolding fell from the constrution site and hit an 87 year old woman. Cue ambulances and a police investigation. Tomorrow will be fun when everyone gets in and finds out.
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DAY 76
For a while I've not really had anyone to talk to. So I called afriend back home. Heather to be precise. I called her in the morning before work (6am my time, 11am back home) but she wasn't in, so I left a message. I called back when I got home, which was about 11pm their time. Had a good chat (which I'll have to pay for later) and sorted a few bits and pieces out. Most of the films I've seen she has barely heard of and she is a little jealous. However she's coming over at Christmas - probably - so I'll see her then. Christmas is looking a little brighter now. Also Pat and Richard had a dinner party, not a formal one but with plenty of people around for a barbeque. A good night.
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DAY 77
A quiet day in which I caught up on the housework that needed doing, which I've not really had time to do. A poor excuse, but there we go. A nice day off, sitting in the sun, or doing stuff around the house, with Queen on the CD player. Watched my Dr Who videos and just generally relaxed. A good day.
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DAY 78
Comic day, again. A day full of surprises. Two regular titles only, and no Wolverine. Not pleased about that but I picked up some more X-Factor back issues. Last time, I swear, I just needed something to read and now I have them all up to X-Tinction Agenda, apart from the two issues I can't find. I'd better leave it at that for quite a while.
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DAY 79
Payday. Which was helpful. Pay off bills, put money aside to send home, and it doesn't leave me with much. However I have a bit extra thanks to last week's overtime. That's earmarked for something I'll do tomorrow, which is going to be a big day.
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DAY 80
A big day today. Went to work, which was generally quiet. I bought a concert ticket with my money from yesterday - I'm going to see Neil Diamond at the Maple Leaf Gardens on November 15. I saw him back in the UK and was very impressed. After work I went Downtown to the open day at City TV, Toronto's TV station which has several departments (including Space, the Canadian answer to the Sci-Fi channel). There were competitions and stuff, and I won a few prizes on the tour. It was quite interesting and showed me something else I probably wouldn't have seen. Finally, I went to see Ronin, the new Robert De Niro film. Not bad, but it was a bit slow, in between the car chases and shootings. Never mind, because, all in all, it was a good day.
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DAY 81
Did very little today, but I did see a video. Highlander 2: The Directors Cut. If you know about the original version, you'll know it ranks as one of the worst sequels ever made and it's up against some pretty fierce competition. I wasn't expecting much from it, even though it has an extra 15 mins added. Was I surprised! A totally different movie than what it was. It fitted in with the first, questions were answered and was a so much better film. Eventually I'll buy it, because I've never seen it back home. However I have a long way to go before that happens.
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DAY 82
Oh, what a day! There's one secuirty gaurd at the mall who is a very lazy fellow, and does things the way he feels they should be done, though expects others to go by the rules. I got in to such an argument with him. He was shouting and slamming his hand down on the desk, going very red as he did so, whilst I was there talking to him quietly yet forcefully pointing out he was wrong. He didn't like that, and the guy I was working with sent me for a coffee to break it up. I've a feeling that won't be the end of this.
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DAY 83
One guy has resigned and another is going to be fired at work. So for this week my schedule hs been changed to 4 - 12, working in the mall, Wednesday to Saturday. I'm not happy about having that shift as it means I won't have much free time in between working and sleeping. I'm going to start job hunting.
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DAY 84
The last issue of Wolverine (the one I thought wasn't out) was out last week. Except Marvel have found a serious error and recalled them all. I went round Downtown today seeing if I could get a copy, but no such luck. On the other side, I saw Antz whilst I was there. Brilliant animation, very funny and a good plot. Up at the top of the list with Blade and X-Files.
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DAY 85
I've got a copy of Wolverine! Well, not me personally, but a phone call from England helped me out. Heather's giving me her copy - wonderful person that she is - when she comes over at Christmas and she's going to try and find the issues of X-Factor I'm after as well. Brilliant. Work, on the other hand, was a disappoinment. The guy who was going to be fired is friends with the owner of the mall, and so he isn't fired. My schedule is all thrown out and I'm not pepared to play politics like these people are. Also, the guy who I argued with on Sunday wrote a message to my boss saying I wasn't doing my job properly. I do the cleaning staff in the office towers a favour by letting them have the elevators for a moment so they can clean them, and put one on service so they can go to the floors to clean. I was ordered not to do that anymore. So the cleaning staff are very annoyed as they can't do their jobs properly, have an extra hour or so added to their work and they're all blaming the guy who made the complaint, who they don't really like anyway. Unless things improve dramatically in the mall, there's no doubt about me leaving.
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DAY 86
Worked in the mall tonight and not the office tower. I'm being messed about here, and now I'm not working Saturday after all. However after Sunday, I have no idea what I'm working. Monday is also Thanksgiving, so if I am working it's double pay. I just hope they tell me tomorrow.
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DAY 87
A different shift totally today. Tower A, instead of my normal Tower B. That's four different shifts this week. Next week is back to normal. I wish they'd make their minds up abou this. It's getting on my nerves.
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DAY 88
Rested today after the strange shifts I've had. There's no new films that I have a burning desire to see. I've been thinking that the one's I fancy I'll wait until they go to the cheap cinema at the Scarborough centre Mall. Saves me money as well as giving me time to catch up on stuff. It's a good idea. I'm thinking of going on Tuesday to see a movie. Not sure which yet, but I'll figure it out.
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DAY 89
Temptation is in my path once more. Across the road from the mall is a new book shop. Which sells comics. Back issues at cheap prices. We're talking UK prices in Canadian dollars. An what a selection! I now need only issue 6 of X-Factor for a complete run to what I'm at now. I'll be back to go through the comics later, from what I've seen so far it's a little treasure trove! There's going to be some money spent in there at some point. Some things are too good to miss.
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DAY 90
Thanksgiving today so Pat and Richard have the whole family around. However I'm at work so I'll miss the feast, which is bad. However it's double pay, which is good. Money for nothing because the mall was dead. I don't mind that. I can catch up on my reading whenit's like that.
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DAY 91
October 13. 10-13. Which is the birthday of Chris Carter, who's company is 10-13, who make the X-Files. He's the creator of the show and not only is today his birthday but it's the date of the video release of the movie. It got bought - natch - in widescreen and the widescreen version comes in a video box, not a cardboard shell, so it won't be out of place back home. Plus the trailers and the interviews and the extra footage that wasn't at the cinema version. A good buy. I also saw Small Soldiers at the cinema. A good film with a very good soundtrack. If I see the soundtrack cheap, I might buy it. A good day off.
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DAY 92
Comic day again, with something I wasn't expecting - Batman/Judge Dredd 4: Die Laughing. The long awaited finale to the series, reminiscent of the original. Highlight of the month.
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DAY 93
Remember the problems I had earlier with the security guard who wasn't working at his full potential? He's been messing me about for a bit, but today he pushed it to the limit. He accused me of being late an hour, and I lost an hours pay. $10 is not something I'll give away lightly. I informed the boss and he will be speaking with us tomorrow. Time to sort it out.
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DAY 94
Well, the boss spoke to us and I got a stern warning but the other guy got ripped in to totally. Did himself no favours by arguing his case. The boss din't want to listen and I had to fight to keep a straight face. I knew I'd have to take some of the blame, but the other guy wasn't expecting anything. It's safe to assume the matter is at an end, and the guy won't be talking to me ever again. What a shame.
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DAY 95
Still no films I fancy so I did some work in the garden, tidying away the leaves. Hard work, but there was no wind which made it easier. Paid off my bills as well so today has been a productive day. I'm also rethinking when I'm going to go home. I was thinking March, but now I'm thinking June. So much to do, so little time.
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DAY 96
I visited the comic shop I saw last week and picked up a few items. The first two Batman/Judge Dredd parts, Batman/Predator Volumes 1 and 2 as well as a few others. I like that shop.
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DAY 97
Today was interesting at work. I've been put on the 12 -8am shift as of Wednesday, so that'll give me more time to do stuff. I was also secconded to Construction for security in the Laneway - the access raod for the contarctors who are building the various new sections of the mall. And, man it was bitter out there. The wind was very cold and there's no shelter out there. I've a feeling that's done me no good at all. Luckily tomoorw's my day off so I can recover then.
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DAY 98
Well, I have a cold. Probably due to yesterday. I'm going to spend today keeping warm, drinking lots of cola and doing nothing but try and get better before I go on midnights.
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DAY 99
A bit better today. My throat's no longer sore but my nose is running like a tap. Midnight shift tonight, so I went out to get my comics from downtown. Probably not a good idea the way I feel, but the things I'll do for my weekly comic fix. C'est la vie.
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DAY 100
Last night was good. I wasn't tired at all and I got some sleep this morning.. However they need me in at 8 this evening so it's a twelve hour shift coming up. Just keep reminding myself of the money and I won't be as bored. Plus being moved means I'll get an extra day this week so thats 12 extra hours, the hour owed and the double pay for Thanksgiving. Big cheque next week.
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DAY 101
Well, I'm adjusting to the new shift.
My body clock is altering, again. On the other hand it moves me closer to UK time so it's not that big a change. I'm getting there. Plus it gives me chance to watch the TV programmes I'd normally miss in an evening because I'm working. That's another bonus to the new shift. Things are looking better.
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DAY 102
Slept most of today, so my body clock still hasn't adjusted properly. Still it's only been a few days so it's early times. Put's a heck of a cramp on my X-Wars time though. I must wake up in time to use the computer in future or else things won't get done and that's no good for anyone.
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DAY 103
A quiet day at work. Then again, the midnight shift is quiet. Gives me a chance to read, write and catch up on stuff. Speaking of cathcing up, I have finally typed up the third part of E-Quest. Four weeks after I wrote it. That's too long. I'm going to have to get faster at typing up these things, but it's so repetitive. Still, it has to be done.
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DAY 104
Today I figured that my life consists of sleep, work, eating, watching TV and using the computer. Now when you share a computer you need to find something else that will take up your time, so I've bought a Super Nintendo. Yes, I know I was looking at a N64 but they're expensive and this wasn't. Came with Super Mario World so I'll see if I can remember what to do - and see how out of practice I am.
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DAY 105
Whoa, I'm out of practice on Mario. I was stunned by the way I'd lost some of the skills I once had. I'm stunned. God knows what I'll be like at my games whne I get back home. It doesn't bear thinking about. On the plus side, I do remember where all the secret areas are. Except that one I could never find. Maybe this time I will.
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DAY 106
It's started. Winter is on it's way and the temperature is dropping. It's about 4 or 5 degrees C and at night it's not much better. At the moment I can bear it, though it will get colder, or so I'm told. I may have to start wearing jumpers and not just my t-shirts. At some point it'll snow and that will be interesting. My first Canadian snow. This should be interesting.
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DAY 107
Oh, man. What a night at work. I screwed up good and proper tonight and only by some really good luck did I get out of it. The loading docks were busy tonight, with contractors coming in and going out. One set had two trucks, with the seconf truck half in and half out of the loading dock. I pressed the wrong button and shut the door on the truck. It didn't get better, as it wedged the truck fast, and there was no way either truck was leaving, which is what they wanted to do. I tried to get the door to go back up. with the controls, in the operating booth and the master switch. No joy. I tried it manually. No joy. I called for help from the Engineering department but they couldn't help. The contractors want to leave (it's 1.30 in the morning now). There's only one thing for it - call in the repair man. He arrives half an hour later, during which I'm getting some major verbal abuse from the contractors. I'm apologising and trying hard not to lose my temper, as it is my fault. The repair man looks at it and can't get it to move. The only place left to check is the winch mechanism on the roof. He get's the ladder to get to the winch, but the trucks in the way, so the ladder is difficult to put in position. He manages (with me having visions of the guy falling to his death) to get to the winch and manually turn it so the truck can move out of the way and he can get to the winch in a better position. All that's happened is the mechanism has overloaded and needs resetting. 2-45 it's all over, the door is fixed and the contractors (who by now are feeling better and apologising for earlier) are gone. Nearly three hours. It could have been one heck of a lot worse, according to the repair man. If the winch had burned out, there would have been nothing he could have done. I'm counting myself lucky.
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DAY 108
A long twelve hour shift (12 - 12) and at 11 I dealt with my first 'confrontation'. Reports of a disturbance in the food court area sent me down, twice. The frist time they'd quietened down by the time I got there, so I thought they'd gone. I leave, they start again. I go back down and, yet again, they're quiet. However someone points out the trouble makers and I ask them to conduct themselves in a better way or I'll remove them from the mall. I'm being polite to them, even though I've been on 11 hours and I'm tired. But, these are no ordinary trouble makers. They're God's prophets and 'the mall will be destroyed' and they point out a 'greedy' restaurant owner whose establishment will 'burn to the ground'. I - trying hard not to laugh - point out that may be, but they're going to have to stop shouting or I'll throw them out. Then they start talking to me about my immortal soul, and judgement and how they have been chosen by God. I tell them I respect their opinion (which I did). Get's me nowhere. They start quoting scripture at me. One of the maintenance guys sits down behind them, out of sight, just in case things get physical. Now I'm tired. I know the Bible, but I'm tired and not in the mood for this. I tell them again to stop or I will ban them from the mall. One of them stands up, and starts gesturing. So does the maintenance guy. I'm thinking if this bloke starts anything, I'll put him through the wall. The guy sits down again as I firmly tell him the situation one last time. I leave it at that and there's no more reports of trouble. I hate to think of what could have happened had it continued.
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DAY 109
After yesterday and Thursday I need a bit of cheering up. So I bought a video box set. The Lethal Weapon films. Now whilst I already own these (back home), these videos are the director's cut versions, with an extra video of out-takes and extra scenes that wouldn't fit anywhere. Not widescreen but nevertheless worth buying. Halloween TV is rubbish this weekend so I now have something to watch. My video collection is growing.
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DAY 110
Today's been quiet, and I forgot to mention yesterday that my parents called, just to say hello, see how things are and say they miss me. That was nice and a pick me up for the rest of the day. And the videos, which are now watched. Brilliant films. The extra scenes fit perfectly. Very good. Three of my all time favourite films, improved. I'm feeling very pleased with myself.
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DAY 111
My day off today and the day I bottled my cider. Allow me to explain. Pat and Richard bottle wine which is made for them at one of the various stores in the area. One of these places also does cider (which is very shabbily treated over here, unlike at home). Today it's ready and I got to go bottle 23 litres of it. Sweet, sparkling cider, in a plentiful amount. Not the same as it is back home, but it's good enough for me and that's all that counts.
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DAY 112
Super Mario World has hit a dead end. So I need a new game. I went out looking for Mario Kart (second hand) but couldn't find it. So I bought Marvel Super Heroes- War of the Gems instead. Never played it before, and it seems to be a very hard game. However it fits in with my comic interests so I'm perfectly happy.
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DAY 113
Comic day. Quite a slow day and not many titles. I didn't even buy back issues today. I'm feeling quite proud of myself. My self control is getting better. Well, maybe.
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DAY 114
Feeling a little homseick today. Back home it's Bonfire Night, where we celebrate a foiled attempt at assassinating King James. Which James I don't know (I was never very good at history), but it's a good excuse for big bonfires and fireworks. Normally, I go to a big display with my friends and family. Not this year. A little sad. Back to normal next year, though.
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DAY 115
Two things of interest today in yet another 12 hour shift. The first was another first at work - a fire alarm. It was a false alarm but it did provide a little excitement. The second was snow. The snowfall lasted about 2 minutes and melted straight away, but it was enough to get the mall maintenance staff in to action and laying carpets to protect the floors. Most people were going 'Oh, no.' My reaction was 'Oh wow.' Spot the foreigner!
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DAY 116
An interesting sight awaited me when I arrived at work today. They're putting up the Christmas decorations. When they finish it'll look good. However what does not look good are houses which have Christmas tree, lights and decorations up. Shops can get away with it. Houses cannot. It is way too early for that. Now I love the lights and stuff, but not before November. Keep them late if you want, but never early. It doesn't look right. Maybe it's a Canada thing.
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DAY 117
A momentous day. Why? The new season of the X-Files. Season 6 has started, following where the last season (which I haven't seen) and the movie (which I most definately have seen) left off. A very interesting start. I'd write more but I don't want to spoil it for people. I am so glad I work the 12 - 8 shift, and not the 4 - 12 shift or I'd miss it.
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DAY 118
Quiet day at work last night but now I have the next few days free again. Ah, do I love the midnight shift. However I have been told i'm working a 12 hour shift AGAIN on Friday. These 12 hour shifts leave me exhausted. I hope they get someone in to cover these shifts soon.
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DAY 119
It rained today, really heavy rain. The first day I've seen it rain this badly since I came to Canada. Satyed in (natch) and sorted out my comic collection. I'll have to ship some of it home soon, as it's quite large and I'll not be able to get it all home with me.
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DAY 120
Several things happened today. The first was my comic collecting. Only three regular issues out today and I didn't get any back issues either. I looked but didn't buy. Also I got an e-mail from my friend Heather. She's coming over at Christmas and arrives on the 13 December, leaving on the 29th. She also let me know that the new Beautiful South album was out and they would be touring with the Barenaked Ladies next Spring in the UK. I'll try and get tickets for it, or get my parents to get tickets.
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DAY 121
Not much happened again today. It's been fairly quiet across the board, except I got paid so I'll put that cheque in the bank tomorrow. Hope things liven up a bit.
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DAY 122
12 hour shift today, so I'm tired. It's also Friday the 13th and didn't my boss know it. He's got lots of paperwork to do and every two minutes someone wanted him for something else. The crown weighs heavy on the king's head. One week to the opening of the new cinema in the mall.
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DAY 123
Bought the new Beautiful South album - Quench. Couldn't help it. I saw it, I had to have it. It's a good album, though not as good as the last one, Blue is the Colour. It has a very childlike feel to it though there are the definite satirical, cynical lyrics that make the South one of my favourite groups. Neil Diamond concert tomorrow!
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DAY 124
What a concert! Now that was a good night out. Two and a half hours of Neil Diamond songs, with a great singer, a brilliant band, cool lighting effects and a great location, all adding up to the night of the trip so far. The songs ranged from the classics such as 'Hello Again', 'Sweet Caroline' and - my personal favourite - 'Forever in Blue Jeans' to the new stuff he's recently released, including stuff from his just released 44th album. However, more impresive than the show was the people who attended it. Now I'm 21 and my music taste varies so much that people whilst surprised at my enthusiasm for going to one of his concerts aren't shocked, but there were people at the night whose ages ranged from 16 or so up to the people in their 80's. Such diversity, but man what a night! Bloody brilliant.
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DAY 125
After yesterday's exicitment I'm glad it's my day off. Now you may have notice some changes to the diary since the last time. This is because I'm playing about with the HTML coding and I want to try and make this look better. Now, admittedly it needs some work but that's what I'm doing so stand by for some further enhancements to the place.
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DAY 126
The second of my days off and I did very little, except some housework, watched TV, just general day off type stuff.
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DAY 127
Comic day again and yet again there were very few regular issues out this week, but notable mention goes to Batman/Judge Dredd, issue 2. The fourth part of the story and a brilliant end to the series. I don't think they'll do anymore, but you never know. I also bought the Magik: Storm and Illyana Limited series from the back issues. They were cheap so I thought why not?
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DAY 128
Twelve hour shift today, but four of those hours were double time. Why? The opening of Famous Players, the new cinema in the mall. Tonight was the VIP opening event. Limos outside, big spotlights (oh for a bat symbol when you need it), exotic dancers, Chippendale type waiters. What an event! You had to see it to believ it and even then you had to look twice. It was more like a nightclub than a cinema. Very impressive. Expensive as well. I won't be going there too often.
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DAY 129
This morning I went into the cinema to see what the place looked like, now it was empty, and got a few games on the arcade machines whilst I was there. They had been free play last night and not reset so I had some fun before my shift ended. Then came the offical opening to the public. Not as flashy as the pervious night but there were a lot of people there and the films didn't end until nearly three. We have a few adjustments to make to the way the shift works now, but as it's a weekend this is the best time to get the changes made.
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DAY 130
I watched the penultimate Babylon 5 today, mistakenly thinking it was the last episode and, to be honest it disappointed me. From what I've seen of Season 5 so far, they're not doing anything of great importance, it's an empty season. The Psi War was a let down and it seemed that all the other 'events' were minor ones which are building up to the B5: Crusade which starts next year. I hope that's better than this season has been.
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DAY 131
X-Files night, and what an episode! Oh, man the idea was one of sheer brilliance. Mulder trapped on a ship in the Bermuda Triangle, with the story set in the past with a Wizard of Oz style crew aboard. Widescreen format, quality action from everyone and the kiss between Mulder and Scully. Sort of. Very impressive. Shame I missed last weeks epidsode, because if it was anything like this and the first, it was a good one.
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DAY 132
Day off. Did usual chores and generally relaxed.
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DAY 133
Now you may have noticed that my movie going has slowed odwn in recent weeks. This is because I realised that sooner or later all the films I wanted to see would come out at the cheap cinema where all shows are $2. It happened for Godzilla after all. I wasn't disappointed when Holy Man came out over there and I went to see it. A fairly ludicrous plot, but the story and the questions it poses are good ones. I liked the film. It's not up there with the best of this year, but a good film all the same.
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DAY 134
Another slow day before going back to work. I was going to buy my comics today but I decided to post a Christmas gift back home instead. Two videos, a letter and a card. It cost me $17, which spent the comics money for this week and made me wonder how much it'll cost to ship the comics and other stuff back like I planned. I have a really bad feeling about this.
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DAY 135
Pay day, so today is comics day. Uusal issues, with little to no surprises so I bought a few more X-Factor back issues. For a full run from 1 - 69, I need issues 6 and 66. Is that a sign, I wonder? I'm very impressed with the rate that my X-Faxtor collection has built up. If I could remember what issues after 71 I have back home, I'll finish the collection.
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DAY 136
Quiet day at work, except they've started witht he Christmas music over the tannoy system. My God, the Christmas music over here is crap. It's bad finding a decent collection back in the UK, but Canada takes the prize. It appears I won't be playing a Christmas CD this year, as I'm certainly not going to buy one of the CDs over here!
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DAY 137
Yesterday's browse throught the Christmas music inspired me to put up some decorations around my little room. I figure it's close enough now, though the lights won't go up until the 1st December. A tree, some tinsel and some hanging foil banners make it almost feel like home. Except smaller. Back to normal next year.
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DAY 138
X-Files again. First of a two part story (which means a new video for me when I get back to the UK). Mulder switches bodies with a government official at Area 51 and let's just say that, last week was good - this week is better. This is the best season I have seen so far and I cannot wait for next week's conclusion.
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DAY 139
Day off again and, once more, I did very little. However I did put all my comics and stuff in to a big box ready to be sent home after Christmas. It's a very large box and very heavy. This is going to cost me.
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DAY 140
Saw another film today - 'A Bug's Life' from Disney, going in competition with Antz. As with Armageddon and Deep Impact, they are two similar yet different stories and both are as good as each other, though Disney does boast a more impressive cast list. Dreamworks and Disney are going to try and out do each other with their animated features and as long as the quality stays the same, it'll make things better than they already are.
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DAY 141
Comics again this week. Things are slowing down, ready for next year's build up. There are a lot of comics coming out which have my interest. 'Kingdom' from DC, sequel to Kingdom Come and the recent One Million crossover. The Futre X series, from Marvel - which is their version of Kingdom Come plus much more. 1999 looks to be a very good, if not expensive, year for for comics.
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DAY 142
Today I bought myself my Christmas treat - a Game Boy colour. And Tetris. Which is the reason this entry is so short.
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DAY 143
I did a tweleve hour shift yesterday, and I slept in for my regular shift and was an hour or so late! The first time that's happened. I hope it's the last as well.
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DAY 144
All hell broke loose tonight as the Tower Blocks at the mall underwent a power overhaul. The elctric was off for several hours in the towers and so far we now have four elevators down, one of which had a man trapped in. Lot's of running around sorting stuff out. At least we weren't bored!
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DAY 145
X-Files. Again. Notice a pattern here. Neat little ending which makes you wonder - as do all the best episodes. Sheer brilliance. This is the best season I have seen. The move to LA from Vancouver has obviously had a good effect on them.
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DAY 146
New film. This time I saw Soldier. Kurt Russell says little, shoots a lot. Lots of explosions, fights, battles with a story in there somewhere. All in all a great film, up there with my favourites of the year. Total escapism. You can't beat it.
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DAY 147
One of my fellow workers is off sick, so I'm covering his shift. An extra eight hours but I'm tired and I've lost a day off. Lots of sleep today, so not much has happened. Which is good. Sometimes I like it quiet.
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DAY 148
Comic day today, and in a very surprising development there was only one title out this week. I am surprised, not impressed, though better off financially. Only one. That is pathetic. Looks like I'll be reading back issues tonight.
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DAY 149
I'm tired today, and have slept through most of it. I'm just writing this, then I'm off to work.
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DAY 150
Star Trek: Insurrection is released today, but I'm not going to see it. Yet. I have decided to wait until Heather arrives on Sunday before going to see it. Movies are so much better when you see them with someone else. Videos are different and I love them all equally. That said, not seeing the film is hard. Must be getting considerate in my old age.
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DAY 151
Final preparations for tomorrow. The spare bed is ready in my room, I've vaccumed the room, dusted, polished, made sure I've plenty of food and stuff to drink. With help from Pat and Richard things seem to be almost ready. I just hope everything goes okay during the next two and a half weeks. For over three years there's only been me to think of. Now I have a guest. Should be very interesting.
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DAY 152
What a day. I fall over the precipice in to madness this afternoon, which wasn't too hard seeing as I've had very little sleep the past few days. Waiting for Heather's plane to get in was quite an experience. From what I had gathered from her (and from my parents who she visited yesterday) she was coming from Manchester airport. But when I get there I look at the arrival board. Not a sign of Manchester. Heathrow, yes; Manchester, no. Worry began to set in. Was I at the right terminal, was it the right time, had her plane crashed? Wandering around the arrivals lounge wondering where the heck she was, my mind playing the most vicious tricks on me. Apparently, her plane was an hour late, but she had gone from Leeds, via train, to Manchester where she caught a plane to Heathrow where she caught the plane to Toronto. Apparently it was cheaper that way, God knows how. Anyway she arrived, eventually. And she met me, not the other way around. The poor lass was shattered. So we took the bus home where I showed her around my rooms. She tried to stay awake, but the journey had gotten to her and she went to bed. I watched X-Files (yet another classic episode - the writers are on fire!) then went to work. The game is afoot.
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DAY 153
Work was a bundle of laughs tonight. My boss (Deo) called in and said he'll be off work for the next week. So, there are extra hours going spare and I turned them down. Yes, I know the money would be nice but I have company and it wouldn't be fair to Heather if I spent all the time working. I got home, slept for a bit as Heather was still out like a light and got up later. Heather woke up a bit after and was a bit more lively. Then we went for a walk down to the lake at the bottom of the street. Then in the afternoon, we went.over to the two dollar cinema to see Blade. Whilst I was there I called in to the box office and got a ticket for the Billy Joel concert on March 8th. Then we came back home, by which time the lack of sleep from the weekend I went to bed, whilst Heather watched a bit of TV. Lots to in the next week or so.
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DAY 154
I woke up feeling a lot better - a good night's sleep does the world of good - and Heather was fully recovered as well. So today we decided to go downtown and visit the CN Tower, currently the tallest building in the world, with the attractions and displays that are inside. The sun was shining, it was a beautiful day and the view was impressive. We could see right across the area without any problems. Heather got plenty of photographs, I left my camera (natch) and we did the Tower. A bit expensive but worth it. A lot of interesting things there. Then when we finished there (about four hours there), we went to look around the shops. I picked up another two Doctor Who videos for my collection and then we called in at the Hard Rock Cafe, for an evening meal. What a brilliant place that is. The decor and music was perfect. At some point I'll be going again. Then we went home and watched the Dr Who videos, and that was another day over.
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DAY 155
Today we saw Star Trek. Brilliant film. One of the best of the bunch and we saw it over at the Yonge Eglinton Centre, so Heather saw where I worked. And we called in at the comic shop. Quite a few titles this week as Marvel catch up, as well as the start of DC's mini-series Kingdom, the sequel to Kingdom Come. Good opener. Can't wait for the rest. And I also finsihed my X-Factor run, so now I have all the issues from 1 - 70. Picked up issue 6 (first Apocalypse) for a dollar. If only everything was that easy!
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DAY 156
Lazy day to day. We stayed at home and watched videos. Hey, we can't act like tourists all the time.
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DAY 157
Saw another film today - Very Bad Things. A very funny black comedy. Some scenes there for shock value, but a film to keep the suspense up. That's three in a week, to bring my average back up. I've seen so many films this year it's been intense. I've seen more films than I bought videos, which is saying something. Then again, it has been a good year for films and I just hope it's the same next year.
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DAY 158
Another lazy day, but we've made plans to visit Niagara Falls on Monday. Today we're researching the thing and tomorrow we'll do some telephone work.
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DAY 159
We're going to Niagara tomorrow, so we did very little today. I got a fair bit of sleep as we'll be on the road tomorrow when I get back from work.
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DAY 160
Niagara Falls here we come! We caught the bus from downtown at around midday and two hourslater we were in Niagara. There was a heavy fog in the area and we could see very little, but the fog was caused by the rain which was just coming down. We got off at the bus station in Niagara town center and checked out the tourist information to find stuff out and to keep dry. Then we went for a walk to find a hotel. Not a B&B, a hotel. Which are nowhere near the town center. So we walked for twenty minutes or so in the rain, walking down the road, looking over the wall at the river - which was an deep azure blue. I thought that was impressive but that fell by the wayside when we caught a glimpse of the Falls themselves. Spectacular. And I don't use that word too often. Then, because we were soaked we saw a hotel and headed that way. We stood outside thinking what a posh place that looked (bearing in mind we're soaked and wearing jeans - typical student tourists) so we tentativelt went inside and picked up an information leaflet. No prices inside, but there was a freephone number. So we found a telephone booth and called the hotel and ten minutes later we had a room with a view. Breakfast, evening meals and a free drink all for $189 + tax. A very good deal, except we couldn't see the view because of the rain. However, that didn't deter us from having a look around. We went for a walk past the casino, around the tourist area which was mostly closed and because it was still raining we called in at the Hard Rock Cafe and had a few drinks whilst listening to the music and watching the american football game. By this time it's about midnight or so so we went outside to find it had stopped raining. It was now snow, but at least we could see. We went down to the walkway and looked at the Falls, then made our way back to the hotel, because it was cold. We also took some photographs, which when I get developed I'll add to the site. Day one of the Niagara Experience was over.
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DAY 161
Day two began with sunshine. The snow had stopped and the sun was out. However it was about -17, with a wind chill factor of about -30, so it was a touch raw out there. The snow had frozen but it made for a very picturesque scene. We went down to the Falls themselves and went around the exhibition centre, standing behind the falls, getting photographs. The snow came down in little flurries, which soon dispersed and we then went for a walk arounf Niagara. It may have been cold but we were dry. In the afternoon we decided to go over to America for an hour or so (that sounds so casual doesn't it?) and so, we dressed up warmly and went for a walk across the bridge which spans the river, joining New York and Ontario. And my word, was the wind harsh. However we made it over and stopped at Customs. Which is where things went pear shaped. The admin costs were $6 US. We had only Canadian money. Heather had her VISA card. 'Use that' says I. 'I don't know if there's any money on it.' she replies but I convince her to try. The customs officer comes back and asks us to take a seat. Heather looks daggers at me, I'm not saying a word. The guy comes back and says there's a problem with th card, but because they haven't used VISA machines long in the pedestrian section they don't know what's going on and the credit card company are not helping. The supervisor comes over and asks Heather for her passport. He comes back a few moments alter asking if shes ever reported the card lost or stolen. She says once, two years ago. The supervisor goes back. Then they come back, aplogise for making us wait say they can't find the problem and let us through without having to pay. We then spent an hour or so looking at the Falls from the other side and called in to the Niagara Falls (America) Hard Rock Cafe. Then we went back to the hotel and had a very nice meal and spent the rest of the night in the bar.
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DAY 162
The third and final day in Niagara was spent getting ready to go home. Packing up, paying the bill, doing some shopping and taking some last minute photo's from one of the most beautiful places I have ever seen. We arrived back in Toronto at 2pm, where I bought my comics and we went home, with memories that would last a lifetime, and if they don't we have the photos.
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DAY 163
It's Christmas Eve. And I've just been paid. So I had to find a bank to put my cheque in. I went downtown and did some last minute Christmas shopping. I brought them home and wrapped them up. Heather went out that afternoon to buy a turkey and other stuff for tomorrow so I had time then. This is going to be a very strange Christmas.
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DAY 164
Christmas Day, and I was working. But at 2 and half times regular pay, do I care? They did want me to do an extra 4 hours today but I told them no. Pat and Richard have gone up north to visit relatives so it's just Heather and me for dinner. I called my family, she called hers and between us we made a damn fine meal.
Merry Christmas to you all
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DAY 165
Boxing day. Working again, but it's 2 and a half again. Went to see Urban Legend at the cinema. A slasher mystery flick, which I quite fancied. It was okay for what it was. Tomorrow we're going to see The Faculty. Which should be a better film.
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DAY 166
The Faculty was a better film, with a few moments to make you jump, with humour and romance. A fun film which I really enjoyed. Heather's last full day tomorrow.
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DAY 167
Heather's last day today, and she wanted to go souvenir shopping as well as getting stuff for her family so downtown we went, calling in at many of the shops in the downtown area. Sports shops, music shops, the boxing week sales were in full force, and it was very busy. Heather picked up a few bargains, as did I (Spiderman Vs Wolverine, WildCATS/X-Men Trade paperback) then we went to Planet Hollywood. Not as impressive as the Hard Rock Cafe, but it was okay. I also bought Lost in Space and Mask of Zorro on video, which we watched that night, putting a fine end on a fine day.
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DAY 168
Heather went home today. After packing her stuff away and having a last look around the area, we went to the airport where I watched her leave. She said she'd had a good time, and I did as well. Made Christmas a bit more bearable. Damn, I'm going to miss her, but March isn't that far away and I'll see her then.
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DAY 169
Went downtown today to see the ice sculpture exhibtion. Artists using, power drills, chainsaws and other tools to carve design and create intricate models and designs. Plus it's a bitterly cold day which will make the things last. Bought my comics whilst I was there, but those sculptures were very good. The skill involved in making them was obvious. It'll be hard to find a winner, and I'm glad I'm not judging it.
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DAY 170
New Year's Eve today. Before I do a review of 1998, here's a little point to note:
If it's really cold outside (-10 C) make sure your hair is totally dry before going outside. Otherwise it'll freeze. Even if it's lightly damp.
Now that's out of the way, I present: