This isn't really an Ode. Although, I think Star Trek touches my soul and exposes a part of me I've never known before, it could just be that spicy bean burrito I had for lunch. So, I'm not about to start writing poetry about Star Trek. In fact, this isn't even an essay. This is an all out, no holds barred, in-your-face, Harry love fest.
Okay, maybe not that either.
What I'm trying to explain is why I find Ensign Kim so charming. It's not just that Garret Wang is a handsome man (although that certainly doesn't hurt). I'm not talking about Garret Wang, I'm talking about the character Harry Kim. He's loyal, honest, intelligent, friendly. . . what's not to like, right? Well, I've cruised the halls of Star Trek out there on the web and I've noticed some animosity towards Harry. At first I didn't get it, but, I think I've figured it out.
A lot of the people who don't like Harry, and many of them seem to be male, dislike his youth and inexperience. They hate it when he stammers in front of Seven of Nine or gets excited about the prospect of going home. It's painful to watch, isn't it? Almost too realistic? In fact, doesn't Harry remind you of every slightly geeky science guy you've ever met? (except a LOT better groomed.) I think he just hits a little too close to home for some male Trekkies. He's smart and enthusiastic, but a little shy. He can be easily flustered by women he finds attractive. How many of you guys out there have never let a beautiful woman bully you? Yeah, right. Sit down spud-boy.
Other folks seem to think Harry is a kiss-ass. Well, if you'll pardon the expression, duh. He's Starfleet after all, the largest collection of goody goodies in the universe. Paris, the alleged trouble loner, has had his pucker firmly planted on the Captain's behind since she made him the pilot. Calling her "ma'am" doesn't make Tom rebellious because he knows she finds it amusing. And Tom is not the only one. So, let's just put it this way, the Captain may never have to pay for liposuction but, Harry's not the only cosmetic surgeon on board.
Women seem to think that Harry needs more angst to make him interesting. I could almost fall for that line of reasoning myself. My favorite Harry episodes (i.e. The Chute, Killing Game I) seem to involve Harry experiencing some type of crisis. However, I think it is his reaction to crisis that attracts me. Rather than weaken his resolve, danger seems to intensify Harry's loyalty and determination to stand by his friends. Ladies, wouldn't it be nice if adversity made your male friends more loyal and trustworthy? You've never heard of such a thing? Well, we are talking about a fictional character here.
My point is that the character, Ensign Kim, has many of the finer traits of humanity. That's why I like him. Sure, sometimes I think the writers could do something more interesting with him. It's about time Harry got promoted and was allowed to lead his own away mission or something. Or they could at least film Garret without his shirt on.
A little post script here: As you all know, Harry got to show us a lot more of what he is made of in "Demon". Why the writers decided to do it during what many consider the Hindenburg of Voyager episodes is beyond me. Personally, I found the episode enjoyable, if unbelievable. It was worth watching just to see Harry with his hair messed up...
~Dedicated to the women of GWAPES. You go girls!~
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