the anonymous badger - 07/17/00 02:29:22 My URL:won't say My Email:sorry...private How did you find this site?: it was a random one from gossamer Do you have any good fanfic sites *you'd* recommend?: nope, still looking | Comments: not a bad could be a lot better...but i realize that some is still under construction. i reccomend getting a few more R rated fanfics, and tons more NC17 ones. that will really inprove the # of visitors you get. just a suggestion, though. good luck! <3 |
ari - 02/06/00 01:00:41 My URL:/Area51/Omega/7854 My How did you find this site?: surfed on in Do you have any good fanfic sites *you'd* recommend?: yes, mine!! lol | Comments: Love fan fic- keep up the good work!! Now onto the fic... :) |
Kim Jones - 06/14/99 21:25:24 My How did you find this site?: Through "Luvmulder" | Comments: I hope you are going to continue "Testing Times." I am really enjoying it. I just discovered your site today. I'm trying to make it through as many sites as I can. There are a lot of stories out there. Lots of stories, too little time. |
Piper - 04/24/99 19:21:33 My How did you find this site?: friend | Comments: The story was absolutely great-I loved every moment of "Choices" 1-6. I couldn't bare to get offline to finish it later. I wish to read the rest very soon. |
Bekka M. - 03/24/99 22:05:14 My How did you find this site?: while looking all over for X-Files Fan Fic Do you have any good fanfic sites *you'd* recommend?: umm.....CancerGrrrls site, at | Comments: I love your fan fic. you have some talent in the writing business like a lot of people who i've read their fan fic. |
KLG - 12/09/98 21:18:39 My Email:I think you should have that? How did you find this site?: An Aussie friend told me about it. Do you have any good fanfic sites *you'd* recommend?: Dawson Rambo's, Karen Rasch, Paula Graves, and Amperage | Comments: I have an addiction to XF fanfic. Thanks so much for provided a supply for my habit! "Evident Need" is a must read for XF enthusiast. It is one of my favourties and I must say that I've read quite a bit of fanfiction. The works overall, are wonderful, but the later works are better; it just goes to show that the more you write, the better you get. So write more! |
DaNi - 12/01/98 04:34:53 My How did you find this site?: Surfin' | Comments: Awesome job on the fan fic. I especially liked "In Sickness". Incredible. Keep up the good work! DaNi =):: |
Name: Bad Bunny | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | |
Just passing thru and saw your page Thanks
Kelli Rocherolle - 10/12/98 04:01:10 My URL: My | Comments: Love the page, Holly! I'll be e-ing you soon :-) Kelli |
Cindy - 09/23/98 13:46:42 My URL: My comment: Nice page.... please come visit my site :-) Thanks, Cindy | Comments: |