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Or, Why I'm Tired of "Sub-Text"

Xena Grinning This website was begun for several reasons. Mainly, I just wanted to learn HTML and
build a website - not necessarily one about Xena or Hercules, though. I didn't really
think the world needed another Xena site added to the gazillions already out there, but
I guess starting a website is one of the things to do when you are a Xena fan!

Recently, I attended a XenaFest in my city. And yes, that was me in costume. It was the
first time I had gone to any kind of "Fan" event. It was fun in some sections, and boring
in others. I was looking forward to participating in the costume contest (although very
few people were wearing costumes). They also held a trivia contest, showed videos, and
had vendors selling merchandise, etc. I'd say that the ratio of women to men was about
10 to 1. What soon became glaringly apparent was the utter lack of acknowledgment
that there are any men at all on the show!
None of the episode clips or music videos (in which talented fans, who obviously have
enormous amounts of spare time on their hands, edit together moments from various
episodes to contemporary songs) contained any scenes with guys unless - of course -
they were just getting their butts kicked. During the videos, every time either Xena
or Gabrielle reached out to touch or to hug the other, or simply looked at each other
with affection, loud cheers resounded. And a skit was performed portraying Gabrielle
going home to Potodeia to "come out" to her folks to announce her marriage to Xena.
This is NOT a homophobic criticism by any means. But, for us hets, all these constant
"Sub-Text" references dismiss the fact that there are some real hunks on the show!

Kissing Xena's Hand
Just Friends I want all the fabulous, hot guys on the show to be acknowledged! And Xena's
steamy interactions with them, even if it's only a look in their eyes. I also find
it maddeningly presumptuous when people assume that, simply because I am
"into Xena" and even went to all the trouble of making a great costume, I must
therefore be a lesbian! I understand the need for gay women to seek out role
models in popular culture. And yet the question is: Why is it so hard to believe
that two women who share a very intimate, loving, and affectionate friendship
can simply be just that - FRIENDS?! And not to have an automatic assumption
that they are lesbians simply because they embrace or walk arm-in-arm. In this
society, women are "trained" to be so catty and competitive with each other. The
friendship Xena and Gabrielle share on the show is refreshing for all women.
I did not start this site to get all "heavy" and political about the subject. After all,
It's just a corny, campy, and sometimes crappy TV show that I just happen to love.
Of course it's weird to hear comments about my sexuality in response to finding
out I'm a fan of a TV show. My answer to such silly remarks is always the same:
"Straight Gals Luv Xena, Too!!!" And ain't it the truth! This website is dedicated
to (as I see it): the obvious and definite heterosexuality of Xena and Gabrielle, the
hot hunks on the show, and to the fans out there who want a break from all those
Xena: Warrior Princess sites that are saturated with "Sub-Text."


Gabby's Hero
There are quite a number of "Sub-Text"-friendly sites all over the Web, if that is
what you enjoy and hope to find.

But, if you appreciate the testosterone level on Xena: Warrior Princess, as much
as I do, quiver in delight whenever naughty Ares shows up (despite how badly he
misbehaves), would love to see more male/female romance on the show (and maybe
you're a fan of Hercules and Iolaus, too), please stick around to explore this site,
bookmark it, and do return again and again! And if you'd like to contribute any
graphics files of Xena or Gabrielle with one of their sexy male co-stars, or if you
know of any sites similar to this one, please email me and tell where to find it!

Absolutely no "Sub-Text" or Man-Bashing will be found here.

Notes regarding the sources for all graphics within this site will be found on the "Stories & Images" page.

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