- Real Name: Just Lobo
- AKA:The Main Man, the Master of Frag
- Group Afiliation: nobody wanted him
- Allies:
- Enemies:Miss Tribb
- Backround:
In an obscure Khundian
dialect, "Lobo" means
"one who devours your entrails and thoroughly enjoys it." From the day he was
born, and possibly before that, Lobo has tried to live up to his name.
Czarnia was a
veritable paradise, a
cultural and scientific wonderworld where
everyone was happy
and where evil was
unknown. The
Czarnians could even
regrow lost limbs and
replicate themselves,
insuring the race's
And then came Lobo.
It's said that the nurse
who delivered him
went insane on the
spot. As the only bad thing on a planet of
perfection, Lobo
realized that he was
By the time he had
become a teenager, he
had decided to take
that to the next level
by become unique throught
the universe. Lobo invented a deadly
plague of
creatures that turned
Czarnia into a graveyard, making
Lobo the last surviving Czarnian.Lobo lives to fight, drink, chase
gamble, too. He is recognized and feared
throughout the galaxy
as a master bounty
hunter and a person
you don't cross.
When Lobo's on the
job, he doesn't let
anything get in his way: not animals, not old fogies, not even children-- nothing.He's also very persistent.He considers his word sacred. But...Despite all this,Wolverine still beat him in a battle to the death in the Marvel/DC crossover.