- Real Name: Steve Rogers
- AKA: "A" Head,Winghead,Shield Slinger,Capper,Caparino, Capster,Cap,Capn'A.
- Allies: Bucky,Falcon,Diamondback,Nick Fury,Sharon Carter, U.SAgent,Nomad,Hawkeye,Jack Flagg,Free Spirit,Fabian Stankowicz,
Rick Jones
- Enemies: Red Skull,Batroc the Leaper,Arnim Zola,Taskmaster,Crossbones,Flag-Smasher,Baron Zemo I, Baron Zemo II,Scourge of the Underworld,Hydra
- Group Affiliation: Avengers
- Past GA: none
- Backround:
In 1941, Steve Rogers was chosen by S.H.I.E.L.D. to become Captain America
and to fight in WWII. Truman wanted Cap to support the dropping of the atomic
bombs on Hiroshima & Nagasaki, but he refused. S.H.I.E.L.D. then captured
him and placed him in suspended animation. He was revived during the Korean
War & the Vietnam War, not as Cap, and had no memories of his past. Finally, in
Philadelphia, in 1996, Cap was given a robotic family and a job, but his memories
started to return to him, and he remembred he was CAPTAIN AMERICA! He teamed up
with Rikki Barnes and Sam Wilson to stop a Neo-Nazi group led by MASTER
MAN (Who was being controlled by RED SKULL). They won and Nick Fury,
head of S.H.I.E.L.D., told Cap he could lead their super-team, the Avengers, or
return to suspended animation. He chose to lead the team.
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