


"Remember, if we could remember."

From the Codexia Amnesia, p.1

Cara - born Cara Wanderer Martinelli (Cara of the Martinelli
branch of the Wandering Peoples). Jaded with city life and
wanting more. Wanting to know. Health level nine.

The Sisters of Angelica - Faerie guides of the Angelican
Sisterhood. Angelica root (Angelica archangelica) is sacramental,
both in its medicinal forms and as a liquor. Present are sisters
Umbel and Farrae.

The Archetype - Hard to pin down . Freeloader? Wizard? Rogue?

"...carved into the granite sculpture...

Marble is a joy to carve. Limestone responds well . But granite is
very hard . Mt. San Michelle in France is carved out of granite .
So are tombstones.

"You have come..."

Origin, age unknown.

Audiofile : earthquake, didgeridoo, beautiful African vultures

"...the Oracle, who floated, poised, a dodecahedron of resonant fluid turbulence...."

The dodecahedron is so improbable that the ancient Greek Pythagoreans
hid its existence from the public . Did they know something we don't?
Resonant fluid turbulence, hmmm. The water in a stream, the weather,
galaxies, gasses, there's a lot of it around, and it's way too complex to
predict. Or is it? Micro chaos resonant vortex spins the ether into
an energy state sufficient to overcome internal friction and so become
"resonant" or self-sustaining. A magneto-electrical web is
then generated whose individuated envelopes are of sufficient
subtleties and numbers to allow complex data patterns to emerge, grow,
change, and integrate. To think . Also, resonant vortices tend to have
anti-gravitational properties. (1)

"...a Neo-Gnostic monestery..."

From the Greek "gnosis," to know, based on personal revelation
or enlightenment. The Neo-Gnostics claim to succeed from the disciple
James, rather than Peter. Early Gnostics were persecuted as heretics by
the early Church because, the Neo-Gnostics claim, James believed the Christ's <
nature was "one," both sacred and mundane, like all creation;
whereas the Church held that Jesus must have had two distinct natures,
an intrinsically corrupt human nature and a separate divine nature
which he, and he alone, possessed. Neo-Gnostics are fond of passages like,
"The kingdom of heaven is within;" "All these things and more shall ye do;"
and,"Unless ye become as one of these (children), ye shall not
enter," from the canonical Gospels. From the Gospel of St. Thomas
(discovered in the Nag Hammadi library in 01945 p.e., also
called the Fifth Gospel), Jesus said, "If those who lead you say,
'See, the kingdom is in the sky,' then the birds of the sky will
precede you. If they say to you 'It is in the sea,' then the fish will
precede you . Rather, the kingdom is inside of you, and it is outside
of you. When you come to know yourselves, then you will become known,
and you will realize that it is you
who are the sons of the living father. But if you will not
know yourselves, you dwell in poverty, and it is you who are that


Audiofile: morning songbirds, unidentified, loon, coot, red tailed hawk.

"...Brother Absentia..."

The abbot's name, Absentia, comes with the office, the principle
being that only when one transcends one's ego ("absent the ego")
is one fit to Ab the monastery properly. However, most monks soon master
the appropriate levels of consciousness, and the Abbot is actually chosen
for his 'flair,' art, and music, especially mythic, being very important
studies at this compound.


Audiofile: The opening hi-hat roll is programmed to "unwind"
in a Fibbinacci series spiral. 0+1=1, 1+1=2, 1+2=3, 2+3=5, 3+5=8, 5+8=13,
8+13=21, 13+21=34, 21+34=55, etc. Nature spirals like this, like snail
shells. Also, the "past" + the "present" = the "future,"
which then becomes the new present, with a correspondingly
new future. Also, there are rumors that some sects employ the mantric
temporal editing functions to induce biorhythmic and psychobiolgical
responses, for instance, modulating the output frequencies of the
cerebral cortex.

[For additional notes on the Neo-Gnostics, see footnote (3).]


First published as a poetry collection, The Watershed, 1992.


Audiofile: Interesting things happen when you take a drum sequence, with randomly assigned notes to trigger each drum, and play the sequence through a keyboard patch. (Am I exposing a secret?)


"...a dusty magnum...."

A 1.5 liter bottle, in this case an herbed blackberry/merlot meritage.


"...the whole garden begins to spin...."

This begins a regression sequence somewhat similar to that
experienced by Tim Leary, where he traced his evolution back to
the dawn of time.

Audiofile: Sampled narration from an old 19-cent Goodwill LP.


"Yellow, green and purple lie down along the trail..."

Yellow-large autumn leaves of elderberry, dwarf maple, and kush.
Green-Saint John's wort, sweetgrass, and medicinal hemp.
Purple-foxglove, loosestrife, and indica.

"...drop their Veils..."

From the Dance of the Seven Veils, especially Tom Robbins' spin in
Skinny Legs and All.

Audiofile: Cara's voice near the end of "Come Unity"
is courtesy of Roland's male to female voice transformer.


