

40x100 Spacer GIF

40x100 Spacer GIF
1.) Cara, the Sisters of Angelica, and the Archtype stand in a semicircle, staring at the words carved into the granite sculpture. They read ... " You have come from a place of wonder and bliss, beyond the Gates of Love, where all is known, but little can be done. Here you are free to Act, but what have you forgotten?"
2.) Cara feels the heat from the sun-baked stones tingle her face, as the others slowly walk up to the ruins. The dust of stone age ancestors ten thousand years old lies beneath you. Images... Images of color, sound, and smells tease you from the corners of your mind. The Archtype whistles softly... Dancing shards of broken leaves swirl in the empty courtyard, reflecting memories of ancient children, like old frescoes... It is time... Limestone ruins Memory...
3.)The Sisters of Angelica escort Cara and the Archtype into audience with the oracle, who floated, poised, a dodecahedron of resonant fluid turbulance with an attitude. It speaks... "Find the Garden of Ultimate Memory, and journey within." Struck by the answer's ambiguity, Cara asks "Waddya mean? Is that it?" Brilliant fractiles spread like a growing map over the surface of the suprageometric. It replies, with a formulaic smirk, "Find the Ancestors in your genes. Remember." "I'm the only one in these jeans" thinks Cara, eyeing her artfully patched levis. "Remember" advises the oracle, who grows silent and opaque, signalling the end of the reading.

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