The Rant Archives
The archives of my irregularly spaced rants.
December 2002
Well. I checked my last update for the rants and it was July. Wow! Tell me your life is more boring and I won't believe you!
Not much has been happening, and I guess you could say that is good, because all that has happened has been mostly bad, or at least scary at the time.
I had my gall bladder out on October 16. I was mostly scared of dying on the table, like that could happen. Gallstones were giving me a heck of a pain, so bad I went to the hospital twice before I broke down and went to my regular doctor to get it checked.
I have some of the risk factors: female, overweight (yikes! therapy confession time or what?!), even Native American blood. Now that it's over, I have started exercising in earnest again. So you could say that it turned out to be a good thing. I even rearranged my house. I am lucky enough to have the room to devote to my treadmill and plenty of room for aerobics.
So what's to rant about? Hmmm, how about the fact that I have NO MORE EXCUSES not to exercise! :-)
Long story short: many diseases of Americans are preventable and we should all exercise to stay healthy. With the Republicans in charge, we have to stay out of the hospital or we'll all go broke! ;-)
One other thing: I didn't want this to turn into a blog, but I am going to the airport tonight to see my mom, sister, and two cousins. They are returning from Italy and their plane is delayed. Darned airlines. This kind of makes it rant-like, huh?
November 2002
A Alert -- Visit for
The press has again gone above and beyond the call
of duty.
Not only are they failing to report on another Bush
they are also repeating his lie as if it were true.
The S.E.C. determined that Bush violated 4 laws in
with his very timely Harken stock sale. He was found
guilty. Of course he wasn't punished--his father was
president at the time.
He was not "cleared by the S.E.C." But reporters
Cokie Roberts to Peter Jennings have been repeating
line that he was cleared as though it were a fact.
Angry? Visit and we'll cheer you up.
And please spread this link around:
It has the SEC report on Bush's 1990 dealings.
July 2002
This is unbelievable, scary, but 100% true...
(See full story at
Recently Bush met with Brazilian President Fernando
Henrique Cardoso. Not far into the conversation, Bush
asked the 71 year old statesman an unexpected
"Do you have blacks too?"
Condoleezza Rice was present and jumped in to save
Cardoso from having to answer, informing Bush that in
fact Brazil is home to more blacks than any country
outside Africa.
The incident, witnessed by the White House press
corps, is more proof that Bush knows ABSOLUTELY
NOTHING about the world he lives in--AND LEADS!
This is terrifying!
Equally terrifying: the American media did not
report the incident. There seems to be an unwritten
rule that while it's ok to acknowledge Bush's lack
of "intellectual curiosity", any hard evidence of
utter stupidity must be covered up.
The incident was reported outside the U.S.. For
example, by the prestigious German news magazine
Der Spiegel. Here's a translation of the article
(with a link to the original German article):
Please spread the word about this. American voters
need to know that our pilot is flying blind!
Please visit for the full feature and
some additional laughs on this subject...
June 2002
May 17, 2002
Bush is lying. It's that simple.
Today, in an effort to stop his presidency from
hemorrhaging its
credibility, Bush took to the podium to gamely defend
his lack of
action on behalf of the American people prior to
September 11th.
According to CNN, "Weighing in on a furor over what
the government
knew about potential terrorist attacks before
September 11, President
Bush on Friday criticized the "second-guessing" and
said he had no
clear indication beforehand that terrorists would
hijack jets and
deliberately crash them."
Bush was echoing the hollow excuse offered by Ari
Fleischer, who said
on Wednesday:
"The president did not receive information about the
use of airplanes
as missiles by suicide bombers. This was a new type of
attack that
was not foreseen."
There's only one thing wrong with both their
statements. The White
House and Bush were well aware of the potential use of
suicide missiles.
When Bush attended a G-8 conference in Italy in 2001,
"U.S. and
Italian officials were warned in July that Islamic
terrorists might
attempt to kill President Bush and other leaders by
crashing an
airliner into the Genoa summit of industrialized
nations, officials
said Wednesday.
Italian officials took the reports seriously enough to
extraordinary precautions during the July summit of
the Group of 8
nations, including closing the airspace over Genoa and
antiaircraft guns at the city's airport.
But a U.S. official said that American
counter-terrorism experts
considered the warning "unsubstantiated."
In either case, the reports suggest that Western
governments were
aware that terrorists might one day use a hijacked
airplane as a
suicide weapon -- as they did Sept. 11 in attacks on
the World Trade
Center and the Pentagon."
More damning evidence of the Bush lie is found in a
1999 Federal
Report that warned:
"Exactly two years before the Sept. 11 attacks, a
federal report
warned the executive branch that Osama bin Laden's
terrorists might
hijack an airliner and dive bomb it into the Pentagon
or other
government building.
"Suicide bomber(s) belonging to al-Qaida's Martyrdom
Battalion could
crash-land an aircraft packed with high explosives
into the Pentagon,
the headquarters of the Central Intelligence Agency,
or the White
House," the September 1999 report said.
The report, entitled the "Sociology and Psychology of
Terrorism: Who
Becomes a Terrorist and Why?," described the suicide
hijacking as one
of several possible retribution attacks al-Qaida might
seek for the
1998 U.S. airstrike against bin Laden's camps in
We could recount more evidence that the White House is
deceiving the
American people, but the above two items offer an open
and shut case.
You won't see the mainstream press calling Bush a
liar, but we will,
because we care about America and our fellow
We love our country dearly -- and the man in the White
House is
playing us for a fool.
May 2002, part 2
May 16, 2002
Mondo Washington
by James Ridgeway
The Village Voice: Nation: Mondo Washington: Knowing
Much, Bush Did
Little to Protect America by James Ridgeway
When people first raised questions about President
Bush's scared-
chicken behavior on September 11, they were buried in
abuse. But think about it. Consider the bare facts:
The attacks
happened on George Bush's watch. He was in charge. And
he now admits
to having known in general what was going to happen.
Terrorists were
slipping into the country. They were studying at
American flight
schools. They intended to hijack planes. They were
financed by Osama
bin Laden.
Knowing all of this, Bush still left us totally
undefended. And for
this performance, his approval ratings soared.
If the president got an intelligence warning during
the summer about
what might soon happen, how come he didn't do
something then? He
could have:
1. Told Congress.
2. Improved airport security, which had already been
criticized as
3. Alerted the airlines. As it was, the airlines never
raised any
questions when the hijackers started laying down
thousands in cash
for one-way tickets.
4. Warned the FAA. The FAA control center in New
Hampshire knew 10 to
15 minutes after takeoff that an American Airlines
flight from Boston
had been hijacked. It was more than half an hour later
when it
crashed into the World Trade Center.
5. Ordered improved security for the nation's nuclear
power plants,
the untended thousands of miles of natural gas
pipelines, the harbors
into which a terrorist could sail a liquid natural gas
tanker and
unleash a holocaust equal to a nuclear explosion.
If Bush knew so much, how come he did so little on
September 11?
Instead of letting his handlers move him from place to
place in an
utter fog, he could have returned to Washington
immediately and, as
commander in chief, taken charge. He could have
alerted the military,
which ought to have had planes in the air moments
after the FAA
control learned of the takeover.
Bush was much more careful when it came to defending
his political
power. He and his managers managed to spin his
response to the
attacks so well that approval ratings soared to
all-time highs.
Clutching his halo, the president then began pushing
for various
rollbacks of freedom and constitutional process. They
were old ideas
for him, but he wrapped them in patriotic banners and
sold them to
the nation. Consider what he accomplished:
1. He set in motion the installation of a secret
2. His administration marched far forward with its
program for
restricting civil rights and tightening immigration
3. He started a shooting war in Afghanistan against a
group of people—
the Taliban—with whom the administration was quietly
negotiating last
summer. He advanced immeasurably the interests of
those who want to
go to war against Iraq. That's not to mention those of
the Israeli
war hawks who assert they are part of the campaign
against terror and
that their invasion of Palestinian cities and towns is
Bush protected himself and his friends. What he left
uncovered was
the rest of us.
May 2002
Environmental Groups Added After Outcry
Despite the typical Bush "administration" LIES about
having consulted
environmental groups in their energy policy scheme,
the truth is that
the only reason ANY environmental group was even
mentioned is because
of the huge outcry. c
Once again, the Bush "administration" is caught in a
lie. And they
wonder why Americans don't believe anything they are
saying about
their oily war in Afghanistan?
Quoting the article: [["This is the environment
chapter," wrote
Margot Anderson, a deputy assistant secretary, in an
e-mail sent to
Energy Department colleagues March 23, 2001. "I am
unclear about the
process on this one. I do know the topic was added in
Energy Task Force Belatedly Consulted
Documents Show Administration Sought Input Only After
By Dana Milbank and Mike Allen
Washington Post Staff Writers
Wednesday, March 27, 2002; Page A02
President Bush's energy task force moved to include a
chapter on
environmental matters only late in last year's
deliberations, despite
administration officials' assertions that the panel
conservation and production equally as it assembled a
national energy
The new information, indicating that the task force
added a section
on the environment only after an outcry from
excluded from deliberations, came from Monday night's
release of documents by the Energy Department and
other government
"This is the environment chapter," wrote Margot
Anderson, a deputy
assistant secretary, in an e-mail sent to Energy
colleagues March 23, 2001. "I am unclear about the
process on this
one. I do know the topic was added in late."
The e-mail was consistent with environmental groups'
claims that they
received a sudden flurry of inquiries from the task
force in late
March, two months after the task force was created and
as the panel
was preparing interim drafts.
Gary Skulnik, a spokesman for Greenpeace, said the
group was called
March 22 and "given 24 hours to provide any input on
energy policy --
not to meet or talk to them, but to send any material
we might have,
or links to Web sites." He added: "It looked to us
like a move to
cover their rear ends." An Energy Department official
conservation was originally to have been part of
another chapter on
energy efficiency.
An "environmentally sound" approach is mentioned in
Bush's Jan. 29
directive creating the task force, and Energy
Secretary Spencer
Abraham said in March the report would "enhance our
commitment to
conservation." Abraham called it a myth that it is
"impossible to
balance energy exploration and environmental
Behind the scenes, documents indicate, Energy
Department officials,
who handled most of the energy task force's work last
year, seemed to
be skeptical of conservation measures. On April 28,
of Energy policy adviser Joseph Kelliher wrote to
colleagues about
California Democratic Gov. Gray Davis's conservation
plan. "Can we
assess the accuracy of his claims of success on
conservation?" asked
Interest groups and others yesterday gave the
thousands of pages of
documents a more thorough review than was possible
when they were
released. The documents showed that in addition to
Abraham's meetings
with three dozen industry representatives, lobbyists
and executives --
several of them large campaign contributors -- worked
with administration officials at various levels as
they assembled
Bush's energy policy.
Representatives of the Edison Electric Institute,
American Gas
Association, the National Petrochemical and Refiners
collaborated with those developing the policy
The Center for Responsive Politics studied the
individuals and groups
that met with Abraham about the energy task force and
found total
contributions to Republicans of more than $4.5 million
since 1999. Of
the 36 representatives of industry interests who met
with Abraham, 29
were contributors individually or through their
The documents also indicate that Abraham met with more
than the 36
individuals about the task force. An April 26 e-mail
said he was
meeting May 4 with two officials from the American Gas
and the chief executive of NiSource Inc., a gas
The information that was released Monday night in
response to
lawsuits brought under the Freedom of Information Act
was of limited
value because the vast majority of relevant documents
had sections
deleted or were omitted. The groups that had sued for
the documents,
Judicial Watch and the Natural Resources Defense
Council, said they
planned to go back to court because so many thousands
of pages were
Still, a close reading of the available documents
provides a rare
glimpse at the inner workings of policymaking in the
The e-mails detailed a significant level of
cooperation between
government officials and energy industry
By late March, as environmental groups were first
being reached,
industry players already were assuming a favorable
outcome and were
working together to sell Bush's then-secret plan. A
March 22 memo
from the American Gas Association to Kelliher says the
group "had a
good meeting this morning" at the Energy Department,
and offers any
assistance to a "new coalition" to support the Bush
Next, an AGA official wrote to Andrew Lundquist, the
task force
director, on April 3 offering a map of natural gas
transmission lines
with notes about "access restrictions and the impact
of Clinton's
roadless initiatives." The official continued: "Please
let me know if
the materials on distributed generation that we
provided were
adequate for your purposes???" The Bush energy report
called for
increases in natural gas production and enhanced
An e-mail with the words "possible recommendation" in
the title was
sent on April 5 to Robert Kripowicz, acting assistant
secretary for
fossil energy, from an Energy Department colleague
stated: "I have
now spoken with Fred Davis at EEI and to Bob Szabo at
Van Ness,
Feldman, on this issue. Chuck Linderman suggested by
voice mail that I contact both in his absence."
Fred Davis is a lobbyist and has been treasurer of the
action committee of EEI, or Edison Electric Institute,
contributed $193,888 in the 2000 election cycle -- 71
percent to
Republicans. Linderman is also from EEI. Szabo served
as director of
the National Wetlands Coalition, a business group
opposed to the
regulatory approach taken by environmentalists. Around
the same time,
Kripowicz sent an e-mail to Kelliher about an "interim
report on coal
transportation issues." Kripowicz wrote: "I will have
someone follow
up on this tomorrow . . . with EEI."
Documents released by the EPA in response to the same
lawsuit also
indicate close cooperation with industry. "Citgo
Corporation is providing the following response to a
question EPA has
posed to the refining industry," one memo states. The
question EPA
proposed was, "If refineries were allowed to turn off
their air
pollution controls or increase their operating hours
beyond permit
limits, then would industry be able to supply more
gasoline to market
this summer?"
Citgo said a more practical solution would be for the
government to prevent states from establishing their
own standards
for "boutique" fuels. The energy report seeks to phase
out such fuels.
American Petroleum Institute President Red Caveny, who
brought five
oil company presidents along when he met with Abraham
on Feb. 21,
said in an interview that Abraham was attentive as
they argued "more
regulatory flexibility" to avoid shortages. Caveny
said his group was
pleased with the outcome, calling it a "balanced"
report, adding: "On
11 out of the 12 key areas, we're covered."
Bob Slaughter of the National Petrochemical and
Refiners Association
used a March 22 e-mail to thank an Energy Department
official for
calling and said he was attaching the group's "current
thinking as to
what changes in national energy policy are needed to
help the
refining sector." Slaughter said "everyone had a
chance to input."
The energy officials seemed to be aware that their
contacts with
groups seeking favorable recommendations in the report
could be
controversial. One e-mail in February about a draft
chapter provided
a "Reminder on secret location:
Requests." Another e-mail proposes a meeting with
General Atomics and
asks, "Could you please advise whether you think the
meeting is
appropriate." The cooperation continues after the
energy report's
release. On July 3, two Energy Department officials
documents provided to them by American Electric Power
and Southern
Co. offering additional proposals for energy policies.
"As per our
discussions," one of the executives wrote, attaching a
titled "proposed energy policy language."
White House press secretary Ari Fleischer yesterday
said the
government acted appropriately. "News flash: It's no
surprise to
anybody that the secretary of energy meets with
groups," he said.
Staff researcher Brian Faler contributed to this
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