Some Miscellaneous Art

The Unstill Life Movement (1988-89)

These works were done back in my high school art class, as a reaction against the static nature of conventional still life artwork. Not that I had anything against still lifes; it's just that I did so many of them.

"Unstill Life Number Four"

"Still Life with Fireflies but Without Gravity"

"Strange Dream with Oranges, version 2"

Abstract & Surreal (1988-1993)

Infinity Unfolds


It's For You (Someone Called "God")


Memorial Tribute to Salvador Dali

Entering Into A Dream From Deep Sleep

The Photoshop Sessions

I did these when I first got ahold of my own copy of Photoshop 5.0 Limited Edition, thrown in as a free offer with my 20 Gig hard drive. It took a little bit of getting used to a high end graphics program rather than the simpler ones with all their tutoring wizards. But, a little playing around produced some interesting bits.

Self Portrait In Swamp With Kitten

This is one of many photographs of Zarathrustra Nova, who was at the time still a kitten. Since then her eyes have gotten even larger. The guy with the coffee shop T-shirt and long hair is me. That's not a wig; that's my real hair.

Soft Construction With Pixels, a Premonition of the Graduation Cap of Doom

The "graduation cap of doom" is a tool in a number of graphics programs that fills the background with a solid color. It is actually the "paint bucket," but in low resolution, the icon looks like a graduation cap. I gave it that nickname because I have followed its use more often than not with the "undo" command.

Dabbling in Photoshop LE, An Expression of My Subconscious Desires

The Glorious Disintegration of my Dabbling in Photoshop LE by the Emboss Filter