When Tom and his goat snuggle up on the holodeck to watch late 20th century television, here are a few of the programs they like to watch:
Touched by a Goat
Goat and Order
Homicide: Goats on the Street
Whose Goat is it Anyway?
Everybody Loves Goats
Married with Goats
Boy Meets Goat
The Young and the Goatless
This Old Goat
The Nanny
Mad About Goats
Third Goat from the Sun
Chicago Goat
JAG (Judge Advocate Goat)
Deep Space Goat
NYPD Goat (with lots of gratuitious goat butt shots)
They also like to watch quality international programming:
Red Kid
The New Red Goat Show
Dr. Goat
Are You Being Milked?
They also enjoy movie classics, such as:
Zorba the Goat
Goat Wars (The prequel entitled "The Phantom Milker")
Goatherd on the Roof
Goat on a Hot Tin Roof
Dr. Zhivagoat