Almost Midnight - Brandon
D. Ray
Summary: Fox Mulder and Tara Scully team up to solve a mutual
problem, and find themselves swept up in an X-File.
Spoilers: Numerous spoilers all the way through Season 6.
Classification: XRA
Anamorphis (1/4) - Megan
Summary: Assigned to find a horrifying serial murderer, Agent
Scully discovers things about herself and her past that she never
Spoilers: not given
Classification: Scullyangst and child abuse
Anamorphis (2/4) - Megan
Summary: Assigned to find a horrifying serial murderer, Agent
Scully discovers things about herself and her past that she never
Spoilers: not given
Classification: Scullyangst and child abuse
Anamorphis (3/4) - Megan
Summary: Assigned to find a horrifying serial murderer, Agent
Scully discovers things about herself and her past that she never
Spoilers: not given
Classification: Scullyangst and child abuse
Anamorphis (4/4) - Megan
Summary: Assigned to find a horrifying serial murderer, Agent
Scully discovers things about herself and her past that she never
Spoilers: not given
Classification: Scullyangst and child abuse
- Mary Ruth Keller
Summary: Mulder and Scully investigate
a potentially deadly microscopic life-form recovered from volcanics
in Washington State. But when their seemingly straightforward
case comes to the attention of the Consortium and an unexpected
group of outsiders, they must use all the resources at their disposal
to safeguard it from falling into the wrong hands.
Spoilers: Everything from "Syzygy" on back. Fan-fic
spoilers: "Sins of the Fathers", "Xibalba",
"Twelfth Night", "Time Out of Joint", "Passages
in Memory", and "Roman de la Pendrell" (minorly).
Classification: X - an X-file investigation with the Conspiracy
- Mary Ruth Keller
Summary: While Mulder and Scully
prepare to defend Mister X against murder charges trumped up by
the Consortium, they discover that the shape-shifting aliens have
taken an unusual interest in recycling. Mulder's mother and stepfather
make discoveries about Samantha that eventually require both Mulder's
and Scully's investigative abilities to understand. The Cigarette-Smoking
Man prepares to engineer his own return to power, and we discover
just why Senator Matheson has been so helpful to the X-team.
Spoilers: "Syzygy" and assorted prior episodes; story
followsdirectly after "Archaea"
Classification: X (an X-File with the Conspiracy intertwined)
Background Noise-
Anna L. (aka Looka Bloom)
Summary: Even Bill can't steal Christmas...
Spoilers: Cancer-arc, Duane Barry, etc.
Classification: SA, M/S friendship, implied hanky-panky
Banging Your Head Against a Red-Haired
Brick Wall - Blair Provence
Summary: Another's candid view of Mulder and Scully, or
"An Essay on Why It Sucks To Be The /Other - by Cassidy Neill"
Spoilers: Nothing obvious. You'll have to dig for it.
Classification: RVH Mulder/Other OtherAngst
Barbecue Series- Susan Proto
Summary: A series of stories, Mulder POV,
centering around Scully family barbecues.
Spoilers: Various, but listed for each story.
Classification: Various Angst and MSR
By Her Side- Vickie
Summary: Bill Scully gets a call from his mother to go to his
sister's side. But not for a reason he approves of.
Spoilers: Tons. Mostly up to the movie, so all of seasons 1 -
Clasification: V, MSR (implied) Scully (Bill and Dana) angst,
Coming Toether- K@tie
Summary: After the good news of Scully's remission, her family
strives to have the most wonderful Thanksgiving ever and it may
mean many revelations for everyone.....including Mulder.
Spoilers: ReduxII
Classification: SRA
The Conversation by the Carillon-
Brandon D. Ray
Summary: This conversation occurs in the middle of my story "Seven
Days in November"; it is the literary equivalent of an outtake.
It could not be included in SDiN for various reasons, all of which
remain sound; however, the Blessed Saint Scully appeared to me
in a dream and insisted that this story also needed to be told.
It does not stand alone very well, but on the other hand, it isn't
very long.
Spoilers: Very, very minor spoiler for Momento Mori
Classification: V,A; M/S Friendship
Crusade- Brandon D. Ray
Summary: "Kill Mulder and you risk turning one man's religion
into a crusade." --The Cigarette Smoking Man, "Ascension"
Spoilers: Lots of 'em, all over the place.
Classification: VA
Generations Series-
Macspooky, Eowyn Evenstar, Windsinger, Juliettt
Summary: A long, and terrific, story by four excellent authors!
Spoilers: Up to the end of the second season, but does include
the occasional minor details from third season spoilers.
Clasification: Mulder/Scully romance. Skinner/Mrs. Scully romance.
Hatred- Eileen S. Whipple
Summary: Bill's POV on Scully's illness and her partner.
Spoilers: Redux
Clasification: Poem, A
Heterosexual Man- Halrloprillalar
Summary: Spender and Bill Scully Jr get it on. Ick.
Spoilers: Up to RatB
Clasification: S, H, Slash
Iolokus- MustangSally
and Rivka T
Summary: Painted across the barren and desolate reaches of Texas,
the shadows of the Project put additional pressure on Scully and
Mulder's already fragile relationship. After a hostage crisis
raises more questions about the Project's breeding program, Scully
begins her own investigation, leaving Mulder to choose between
saving her and saving himself. Finally,
the investigation leads to an inevitable tragedy and Mulder and
Scully find that more questions have been asked than answered.
Spoilers: US Season five through "Emily"
Classification: MSR/Mythology/X-File
Iolokus II: Agnates- MustangSally
and Rivka T
Summary: What do you do when you find out your entire life has
been a lie? The horrific saga begun in Iolokus continues in the
barren landscape of Texas. Mulder and Scully delve deeper into
the genetic experiments done by the Project on the Mulder family.
When the innocent, and not-so-innocent, legacies of the experiment
are murdered because of who and what they are, Mulder and Scully
are forced to face terrible reflections in a mirror broken into
ten distinct pieces.
Spoilers: Fifth Season through Emily
Classification: XA(R) (Mulder/Scully sexual activity)
Iolokus III: Vix te Agnovi-
MustangSally and Rivka T
Summary: Without your family, what have you got? As Mulder attempts
to deal with the mundane horrors of suburban life, his fragile
security is threatened by the return of a less-than-savory relative.
It's Father Knows Best meets Seven as the former X-Files partners
reunite. (XAR-NC-17, for those of you who must classify.)
Spoilers: None
Classification: XAR-NC-17
Iolokus IV: Res Judicata-
MustangSally and Rivka T
Summary: The saga that began in Iolokus ends not with a bang but
with a whimper. Mulder and Scully are involved in possibly the
largest battle of their lives - fighting the unknown minions of
the Project in family court for custody of their genetically engineered
daughter Miranda.
Spoilers: None
Classification: XAR-NC-17
Insurmountable Opportunities- Brandon
D. Ray
Summary: Bill Scully, jr., and Fox
Mulder investigate a mystery together.
Spoilers: None that I can think of.
Classification: X; M/S friendship
Keeping it in the Family- Gemma
Summary: Believe the Lie, but how
deep does the deceit run? What will Mulder and Scully do after
Gethsemane and how is Bill Scully involved in all this?
Spoilers: Terma, Tunguska, Memento Mori, Small Potatoes, Zero
Sum, Demons, Gethsemane
Classification: S, A, R (MSR)
Life Cycles Series- Susan
Proto and Vickie Moseley
Summary: A long series about a possible
future for Mulder and Scully, that is, IMHO, wonderful ;)
Spoilers: The story branches off after Paper Clip, but there are
fourth season spoilers.
Classification: Mulder/Scully Romance; Mrs. Scully/Skinner
Lone Fox - Lee Burwasser
Summary: a drunken sailor talks
about someone he doesn't like
Spoilers: none
Classification: nonne
Maelstrom - Darkstryder
Summary: Bill Scully musing through
Emily's funeral.
Spoilers: Oh, gee, could it be . . . Emily?
Classification: SAR (MSR)
Musings of a Jealous Bastard-
Lauren Metal
Summary: (None given but I think
the title says it all.)
Spoilers: A bunch of 'um...
Classification: I have no clue what this falls into!
Nightmare- Brandon
D. Ray
Summary: Bill Scully, jr., has a
Spoilers: None
Classification: VA
a Hallmark Kind of Guy - Brandon D. Ray
Summary: : Post episode. What happened after the end of "The
Ghosts Who Stole Christmas", or whatever the hell the title
actually was.
Spoilers: The Ghosts Who Stole Christmas; Redux II; Christmas
Carol; Emily
Classification: SRA
Oh, I Forgot To Tell You, Mulder Called-
Laura Blaurosen
Summary: Smut, that's all.
Spoilers: None
Classification: Humor, MSR
One Sorry Son of a Bitch- Helen
Summary: Mrs. Scully has her say.
Spoilers: Gethsemane/Redux/Redux II
Classification: V,A
And another, inspired by the first! Read both, trust me ;)
Sorry Son of a Bitch- Brandon D. Ray
Summary: Let's rewrite the scene where Scully's brother confronts
Mulder in the hospital hallway, shall we?
Spoilers: One Breath; Memento Mori; Redux II
Classification: VA
One Step Too Far- Abby
M Huot
Summary: none given
Spoilers: Any eps that involve Bill Scully and Scully's cancer
Classification: Fluff, UST
is Prologue - Brandon D. Ray
Summary: : An encounter with two strangers changes Dana Scully's
life forever.
Spoilers: Pilot; Synchrony
Classification: CA, MSR implied at the end, but not overt. Crossover
is with "The Manchurian Candidate," by Richard Condon,
but you don't have to have read the book or seen the movie in
order to "get it".
Seven Days in November- Brandon
D. Ray
Summary: The second in an apparently continuing series as I attempt
to salvage Bill Scully, jr's poor, pathetic soul. (The first was
"Insurmountable Opportunities", but you don't have to
have read that piece to enjoy this one. Of course, you OUGHT to
read IO, as it is exceptionally cool. It will show up on gossamer
eventually, or you can drop me a line and I'll email it to you.)
In THIS story, Bill makes another visit to Washington, and gets
caught up in another X-File -- but this time the investigation
may have profound consequences for the future of the United States.
Spoilers: Hrmm. Thinking about it...Minor ones for Anasazi/The
Blessing Way/Paperclip...can’t think of anything else off-hand...apologies
in advance if I've forgotten something.
Classification: C,A; also M/S friendship; Crossover is
with "Seven Daysin May" by Fletcher Knebel and Charles
W. Bailey II. This story stands on its own, however; you don't
have to have read the book to "get it".
Shortest MSR Series- Brandon D. Ray and Kel
Summary: The title says it all. MSR in 155 words.
Spoilers: Various, but each story is labeled.
Classification: H
Silver Bracelet Series- Brandon D. Ray
Summary: An amazing series of stories, IMHO, starting with a simple
silver bracelet.
Spoilers: Individually labeled for each story.
Classification: Definitely MSR, but stories vary.
The View From Adversity- A.I.
Summary: Bill Scully clarifies his concerns about Mulder's involvement
with his sister.
Spoilers: Redux, Redux II, Pusher
Classification: V, A
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