The Shamanic Uses of Candles--

Or Any Flame As A Matter Of Fact




by, Rob Marshall "Natural Magick" Instructor and Reiki Master/Teacher, (New Mexico Light article, Jun 1996)

You've been worrying about a "long overdue" promotion? ---burn a candle!

Has the atmosphere at home been "tense" lately? ---burn a candle!

Worried about your health or that of a loved one? ---burn a candle!

You don't know what has happened between you and that "special someone" in your life? ---ditto, burn a candle on it!

Candle magick is a way of connecting with the spirits of the Fire Realm, extending from our primal/tribal roots of using an open fire reaching back over 100,000 years.

Fire spirits have been around since the beginning of the universe. Their attitude and purpose is for "jump-starting" things and affects changes FAST! Our ancestors would light a fire everyday to petition the Creator, until their prayers were answered. They were more "connected to the environment than we are today. However there are those of us re-entering into connectiveness with our Earth Mother and all of the Elementals and spirits.

Instead of an outdoor, open-fire, our modern conduit to the Fire Realm is the candle! Once you get into the ritual of working with them, you find that the Fire Spirits have a lot to tell us.

Keeping in mind, any undertaking for affecting change requires your putting in the "time" necessary! How much time is that? Whatever amount dictated by Spirit to put you on your true path! NO QUICK-FIXES AND BAND-AIDS HERE!!! Candle Magick will not solve all of your problems overnight, nor change the world immediately. However, it is a tool to get the attention of the "power's that be."

Society feels helpless to alter its reality and the world around them. Candle Magick demonstrates and re-enforces you are not helpless bystanders or victims, and that through proper force of volition, you can affect changes in the fabric of your reality. Once you become practiced and focused at its use you will understand why Magick has been feared by the "Controller" of our societies for thousands of years.

Speaking of our controllers, and All of dominent societies control issues, I'm going to give it a little thought--and burn a candle on it!!!

...and the priest shall burn all on the altar, to be a burnt sacrifice, an offering made by fire, producing a pleasing odor, an odor acceptable to the Lord, thy God!

---Leviticus, 1:9

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