The Shamanic Connection To Our Relatives From The Four Directions

(excerpts from the upcoming book "Elemental Shamanism, A Practical Guide", by Rob Marshall)

Elementals are defined as Nature-spirits who inhabit the four element’s realms. They are widely described in folklore as being visible to all indigenous peoples who lived in close communion with Nature; for instance, leprechauns, fairies and "little people". More specifically, gnomes (Earth), sylphs (Air), salamanders (Fire), undines (Water).

Air -- Elemental


MEDICINE WHEEL SEASON: Spring – all new beginnings – rebirth


TYPE OF ENERGY: Projective

COLOR: Yellow - the color of illumination, and initiation.


SENSE: Touch

ASPECT OF OUR NATURE: Mental—the logical mind

NATURE EXPERIENCE/SYMBOLS: Feeling your surroundings, Birds and Feathers, Morning Dew, Smudging smoke, Fragrant flowers.

RITUALS/MAGICKAL WORKINGS: The Mind and Studies of the Mind, Sound and Vibration, Intuitive and Psychic Work; Vision Quests, Divination,Concentration, Visualization, Wind magick, Projection of "Air" thought-forms/Energies, All Matters of Communications and Legalities; "Flying"/Travel, Teaching, The "Golden Door", Initiation, Zen Meditation, Breaking from the Past—New, Beginnings, Recovering lost items.

AREAS FOR RITUALS/MAGICKAL WORKINGS: East rim of medicine wheel,Open fields and wind swept areas; Hilltops or Mountaintops; and Tops of buildings.

LESSONS TO BE LEARNED: Acceptance, Peace, Openness, Harmony, Contentment, Balance. Development of philosophies, Awakening of high intellect. Knowledge abstracted from chaos. Finding one’s path – "See Your Talk"!

QUALITIES: Acceptance of Divine inspiration, Exudes wholeness, Tolerance, Forgiveness, Compassion, Understanding, Balance of the material and spiritual, Group consciousness, Oneness with life, Grounded, Emotional stability.

NEGATIVE QUALITIES: "Air-headedness", Constantly ungrounded, Emotional instability, Disconnected from life, Out of balance, Look for/Expect rewards . Self-centeredness, The love given is not sincere, and, Cannot accept love given by others.

PLANT HELPERS: Anise, Benzoin, Bergamont, Clover, Lavender, Mistletoe, Mace, Mint, Sage, Star Anise. Acacia, Almond, Hazel, Maple, Mulberry and Pecan Woods. Far too many to mention here.

MINERALS: Aventurine, Crystal Quartz, Mottled Jasper, Mica, Opal, Pumice, Sphene, Staurolite.

MAGICKAL ITEMS, ALTAR TOOLS & IMPLEMENTS: Wands, Staffs and All wind instruments.

ANIMAL SPIRITS: Eagle, Hawk, Snake, Wolf, Dragon of Air.

SACRED SPIRITS: Danu, Mercury, Athena, Kwan Yin, Buddha, Nuit, Raphael, Paralda, Sylphs, Yod He Vawhe. There are far too many to be mentioned here.

Copyright © Rob Marshall, 1995


Fire -- Elemental



MEDICINE WHEEL SEASON: Summer – full bloom/fullness – growth

BASIC NATURE: Purifying, destructive, cleansing, energetic, sexual, forceful.

TYPE OF ENERGY: Projective

COLOR: Red - the color of strength, vigor and the cleansing dance of fire.

CHAKRA: Solar Plexus – the basement of the psyche

SENSE: Sight

ASPECT OF OUR NATURE: Physical—healing

NATURE EXPERIENCE/SYMBOLS: Sun, Crops in the fields, Warm, dry winds of mid-day; All flames, Volcanoes, Hot springs, Animals running, Deserts. All heated objects.

RITUALS/MAGICKAL WORKINGS: Protection, Purifications, Fire Magick, Sex Magick, Strength/Courage, Projection of "Fire" thought-forms/Energies, Focus and Concentration; Bon-fires, Banishings, Dancing.

AREAS FOR RITUALS/MAGICKAL WORKINGS: South rim of medicine wheel, Candle arrays on altars, Fire pits of burning materials, Sweat lodges, Volcanoes, Old lava flows or fields, Hot springs or saunas.

LESSONS TO BE LEARNED: Transformation/Metamorphosis, Radiance, Trust, Unconditional love of self and others; Living in rapport with one’s personal environment; Awakening. Humor, Laughter, Child-self. Self-trust, Faith, Embrace your "inner-child" and "Feel Your Talk".

QUALITIES: Volition, Acceptance of personal power, Self-control, Exudes a feeling of wholeness; Tolerance and acceptance of life and relationships;Embracing humility and trust, Balance of material and spiritual.

NEGATIVE QUALITIES: Greed, Too much emphasis on power and/or recognition, Anger, Fear, Hate, No trust in natural flow, Need to dominate and control; Emphasis on the material world, Great need for material security.

PLANT HELPERS: Asafoetida, Bay, Cactus, Cedar, Chile peppers, Cinnamon, Clove, Copal, Dragon’s Blood, Frankincense, Hyssop, Juniper, Myrrh, Rosemary, Sweetgrass, Tobacco, Wormwood, Yucca. Ash, Hawthorn, Juniper Oak, Rowan, and Walnut woods. And far too many more to mention here.

MINERALS: Red Jasper, Carnelian, Golden/Yellow Amber, Quartz Crystal, Orange/Gold Calcite, Citrine, Tiger’s Eye, Steel, Iron ore, Lava.

MAGICKAL ITEMS, ALTAR TOOLS & IMPLEMENTS: Knife, Sword, Dagger and Athame and All stringed instruments.

ANIMAL SPIRITS: Mouse, Turkey, Badger, Porcupine, Fox, Lizard, Snake, Cats, "Doe" Deer, Dragon of Fire.

SACRED SPIRITS: Bridget, Pele, Vulcan, Mars, Hestia, Michael, Djinn, Salamanders, Adonai.

Copyright © Rob Marshall, 1995


Water -- Elemental


MEDICINE WHEEL SEASON: Fall – endings – harvest, reaping what was sown.



COLOR: Black – the color introspection and depth – of all that is unknown.

CHAKRA: Navel (Sacral Plexus)

SENSE: Taste

ASPECT OF OUR NATURE: Emotional—the mind of the heart

NATURE EXPERIENCE/SYMBOLS: Lake and Moonlight; Cool, damp air or winds just before or after a storm; Thunder storms, Wells, Streams and Rivers. Oceans and roaring surfs. Fog banks and Storm fronts. Cups, Basins, fountains and whirlpools. All types of shells.

RITUALS/MAGICKAL WORKINGS: Dream Work, Water Magick, Astral Projection, Healing Circles, Shamanic Consciousness Work, Cleansings, Baptismals, Image Magick, Inner-Journeys, Matters of love, Purification, Psychic Awareness, Intuitive work, Emotions, General happiness, Eastern Void Meditations, Sleep, Peace, Bathing—Tub or Shower; Dissolving connections.

AREAS FOR RITUALS, MAGICKAL WORKINGS: West rim of the medicine wheel; By the shore or in streams, ponds, lakes, seas and oceans; In a shower, or tub; Just before a storm; All reflective surfaces.

LESSONS TO BE LEARNED: Working harmoniously with others, Introspection, Inner knowledge, Emotions, Compassion, Releasing, Attunement to one’s self, Knowledge from dream states, Shamanic inner-journeys. The ability to "Understand Your Talk".

QUALITIES: Giving and receiving freely, Happily connected with life, Freely sharing emotions and feelings with others; Non-predatory desire of others, Pleasurable, Sexual and Passionate love; Change, Movement, Assimilation of new ideas, Health, Tolerance, Surrender.

NEGATIVE QUALITIES: Cannot express feeling and desires non-destructively, Over-indulgence in food or sex, Sexual difficulties, Confusion, Willfulness and Purposefulness suppression of natural needs, Disconnected and out- of-sorts with life; Jealousy, Envy, Desire to possess.

PLANT HELPERS: Buchu & Frankincense; Camphor, Catnip, Cherry, Cinquefoil, Dandelion, Eucalyptus, Hibiscus, Jasmine, Mugwort, Seaweed, Rose, Vanilla. Elm, Mesquite, Mimosa, Plum, Poplar, Rose, Willow and Yew woods. And all plants that grow in water.

MINERALS: Amethyst, Aquamarine, Azurite, Beryl, Quartz Crystal, Jade, Lapis Lazuli, Limestone, Silver, Moonstone, Mother-of-Pearl, All Shells, Lodestone.

MAGICKAL ITEMS, ALTAR TOOLS & IMPLEMENTS: Cup, Chalice, the Cauldron. All mirrors and reflective surfaces. All cymbals, gongs, bells, bowls or resonating-type instruments of this type.

ANIMAL SPIRITS: Sea Mammals (Whales, Dolphins, Seals, Otters), Fish—of all types; All Shell fish, Sea Birds, Heron, Jaguar, Raven and Dragon of Water.

SACRED SPIRITS: Poseidon, Neptune, Isis, Arainrhod, Diana, Selene, Thor, Hecate, The "Thunder-beings, Gabriel, Niksa, Undines, Eheieh.

Copyright © Rob Marshall, 1995


Earth -- Elemental


MEDICINE WHEEL SEASON: Winter – still, calm and darkness.


TYPE OF ENERGY: Receptive.

NATURE EXPERIENCE/SYMBOLS: Earth, Soil, Solidity, Grounding, Fertility; Musty, moist and nurturing soil; The "Standing People" and their smaller brothers and sisters; Caves—the womb of Mother Earth, mines, canyons, valleys, gullies, ditches and basements; Mountains, hills, mounds and large rock formations.

COLOR: White - the fusion of all that is - the source

CHAKRA: Root or Base

SENSE: Smell


RITUALS/MAGICKAL WORKINGS: Abundance, Fertility, Wealth, Growth, Prosperity, Money. Business success/employment and the protection of your business or employment. Binding spells. Grounding and stabilizing.

AREAS FOR RITUALS/MAGICKAL WORKINGS: North rim of the medicine wheel. The forests or fields; Caves, mines, canyons, gullies, ditches, basements. Mountains, hills, mounds and large rock formations. Scribing images or symbologies into the ground, clay tablets, dishes full of soil, pieces of wood, etc, etc.

LESSONS TO BE LEARNED: No hang-ups or reservations on experiencing physicality; Mastery of ones body. Detachment, Patience. Grounding, Individuality, Stability, Accountability, Security, Stillness, Health, Courage and Patience. Endings. Finishing what we have started. Justice. Acceptance of your inner-knowing and wisdom. "Walking Your Talk".

QUALITIES: Profound connection to nature; Trust in Nature’s laws, Operate from the realm of detachment—not emotionally connected with matters concerning the material world; Acceptance of being successful and prosperous.

NEGATIVE QUALITIES: Inability to trust Nature. Focus on material possessions. Self-centered, Insecurity, Violence, Greed, Anger. Being overly concerned with one’s physical survival.

PLANT HELPERS: Alfalfa, Beet, Corn, Cypress, Fern, Honeysuckle, Lichens, Magnolia, All mosses, Patchouly, Potato, Sagebrush, Turnip, Vetivert, Wheat. Oak, Oleander, Primrose and Redwood trees. And far too many more to include here.

MINERALS: Agate—Green, Crystal formations or clusters; Chrysophrase, Coal, Emerald, Jasper—Brown or Green; Jet, Kunzite, Lead, Malachite, Olivine/Peridot, Salt, Tourmaline—Black or Green; and Turquoise. Too many more to mention here.

MAGICKAL ITEMS, ALTAR TOOLS & IMPLEMENTS: Payton, made of wood, stone, metal or glass. Pentacles. An earthen container filled with soil. A vase of flowers or herbs. All percussion instruments.

ANIMAL SPIRITS: Buffalo, Bear, Stag deer, Snowy owl, Heron, Mythical Beasts—of all kinds; Dragon of Earth. And many more

SACRED SPIRITS: Gaia, Demeter, Rhea, Herne, Pan, Uriel, Ghob, Gnomes, Agla.

Copyright © Rob Marshall, 1995



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