
Background Scripture: Proverbs 23: 13-14
Meditation Scriptures: Proverbs 3: 11-12, 13: 24, 22: 15, 29: 15-17; Hebrews 12: 5-11

It happened like clockwork. I knew about "hay fever," and I knew what would happen to me each spring when the cottonwood trees began to bud. But every year, around the end of summer, just when I thought it was safe to go outside and play again, those pretty yellow flowers would pop up out of nowhere, and the punishment would begin all over again! It wasn't until years later that I learned that it wasn't the goldenrod at all which gave me the sneezes and the itchy eyes, but rather the ragweed growing alongside it. As it turns out, scientific study shows that although goldenrod has been blamed for seasonal allergies for years, the pretty little plant is virtually harmless.

Another rod, often misunderstood, is just as harmless. In fact, it is very helpful. It is the rod of discipline. Haven't you ever wondered why so much of the Bible, especially the book of Proverbs, is devoted to discipline, correction, reproof...THE ROD? The theme is also found in the book of Job, and it is repeated in Hebrews.

Discipline is a necessity when rearing a child. The oft-misquoted Proverb (13: 24) clearly states this point. Children need limits...some more than others. Different types and different levels are required, and "the punishment must fit the crime." Nobody likes it, but it must be done. It must be consistent and fair in order to be effective. It may hurt you more than it hurts your child, but I promise you that you will survive.

Now, don't get me wrong. I'm not advocating child abuse. I've heard all the arguments against corporal punishment, so please don't send me any "How could you?!" messages after you read this. But I still believe and I won't apologize for my contention that a well-timed swat across the rear can do more for an unruly toddler than any amount of "time out" ever will. And sending a child to his room won't do much good as punishment if that room has everything in it except the kitchen sink! Then, too, as a child approaches adulthood, it really is acceptable to let the chips fall sometimes and not always bail him out. Discipline won't kill your children. What will kill them is the lack thereof. No rod, no love. I'm not making this's in The Book!

God disciplines His children in the same manner as we must discipline ours. We run amok, and because He loves us, He chastises us. Sometimes, He simply allows us to suffer the consequences of our actions. This, too, is an act of let us suffer the consequences of our own disobedience, even if the consequences mean our physical harm. That is a hard concept to grasp, I know. But perhaps it is not so hard a pill to swallow when we remember that God's ultimate interest is in our eternal souls. Even if He allows the threat of physical injury, illness, or even death, He never desires our spiritual death. All things considered, wouldn't you rather get your whipping on this side of eternity? I sure would!

Despise not the rod. It is a Golden Rod.

MIDI Sequence "We Fall Down" by Samuel Tolbert

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