Greetings! And welcome to the domain of Fire & Steel. F&S is a Klingon fandom organization, and a proud member of Klingons of
Praxis (KoP). We are based in Lansing Michigan, but some of our loyal warriors are stationed as far away as Colorado. The purpose of Fire & Steel is simple, to promote the study of Klingon Language and celebration of Klingon culture wherever we may be. By entering our domain you have proven your courage, so I invite you now to take some time, look around and learn about us. Before you leave, however, be sure to sighn the F&S chronicle, as a record of your visit.
Captain SuSvaj
Fire & Steel membership is free. There are no fees or dues associated with
joining. Klingon costumeing is not mandatory, but is strongly encouraged,
and often nessesary for our more public activities.
The main vehicle of Fire & Steel is "ja'chuqghach" a bi-monthly newsletter which keeps our membership informed on issues and events of import, both locally and from around the empire. It also features book reviews, and informative articles. For more information contact Chancellor SuSvaj.
Club Activities and Projects
To help Klingon speakers develop their skills, Fire & Steel encourages the composition of original works of poetry and fiction. We also sponsor contests which both challenge a language warriors skills, and hone the warriors sense of healthy competition. Some of our crew, however, are more artistically inclined. Come, enter the Warriors Gallery, and see Klingon related artwork.
Public Appearances
As Worf once said "It is not
enough to look like a Klingon, one must act like one." Many of us feel
this need to Step into character and let our Klingon natures take over.
And where better to do that than at conventions! To satisfy this need, and
to further promote Klingon culture in Michigan, we have a troup of brave souls who will perform brief skits (in Klingon, of
course) at conventions and other gatherings. For our next such public appearance we will be invading Empire Union 2000. If you are interested in
participating, or wish to arrange for performance, contact The Traveling Players. To see images from such performances, and other "Fire & Steel" public appearances, see F&S in the public eye.
A warriors life is a hard one. To follow the path of Kahless, a warrior
must be well fed. Therefore, Fire & Steel is compiling a cookbook of Klingon
recipies. Have you ever come up with a reicpie for gagh, Bregit lung,
slimy toung balls, boiling worm wine, or any other Klingon culinary
delights? If so, let your work be known. contact the Klingon Kookbook
Project. Quick, send your recipies now! Before
all the gagh escapes!
Feel free to explore our site with the following menu. Before you leave, don't forget to sign the Fire & Steel Chronicle.