Welcome to N-Space!

The On-line Home of
Justin Stanchfield

If you like to read SF, (and you must, or you wouldn't be here,) there's some great stuff ahead. Come on in and have a look around. Or read one of my stories. This page is maintained by ME, Justin Stanchfield. Thanks for stopping by.

Welcome to the Justinvs Home Page. A site dedicated to the proposition that science fiction and fantasy readers truly are more interesting than the rest of the poor, Earth-bound mortals inhabiting this planet.

Because it requires a certain grounding in real science, and real history to appreciate either genre. Don't believe me? Find out for yourself. Here is a list of books that any reader should dive into, not only because they are good for you, they're just plain good!

*     "The Case For Mars" --Robert Zubrin
Highly recommended! This is the bible for the opening of our solar system. A must read for all space enthusiasts.

*     "The Physics of Star Trek" --Lawrance Kraus

*     "Living in Space" --G. Harry Stone

*     "Hyper-space" --Michio Kaku

*     Anything written by Stephan Hawking

*     Anything written by Michael Grant

*     "Do your Ears Pop in Space?" --R. Michael Mullane

*     Hamlet, Othello, and Julius Caesar -- Do I even have to write it down?

*     The Iliad and The Odyssey -- Homer (No, not Homer Simpson!)

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What is SF?

It means Speculative Fiction.It isn't pronounced "sigh fi," for starters. Spec fiction encompasses science fiction, fantasy, alternate universes, slip-stream, horror, dark fantasy, urban fantasy, magic realism... the list goes on. Basically, if it didn't happen, but might have have, or if it hasn't happened, but could,it's SF!


Did you know?

*     Arthur C. Clarke helped develop the concepts of radar and communication satellites?

*     C.J. Cherryh used to teach Ancient History for a living?

*     Robert Heinlien was retired from the Navy because of health problems, and later sold real estate and prospected for silver before turning to writing?


Want to know more about me?

*     Bio


Next stories to appear

*     ; Boys' Life sometime in 2000

*     SpaceWays Weekly October '99

*     Jackhammer E-zine. '99

*     Anotherealm, XX Issue I '2000

Boys Life CoverBoys Life Cover


Want to e-mail me?

*     Attempt to locate at



Are you a writer trying to break into print? Here are some clues that have helped me.

*    The Secret of Getting Published

*    Writing SF For Kids

*    Need more advice and inspiration? Check out some of my favorite writer's pages. Writer's Links

*    Are you a Critter yet? Why not? Find out more at...The Critter's Workshop


Trivial Nonesense

*    Spock once fell in love with Jill Ireland. What planet did this happen on?

*    Name six bodies in our solar system, not counting the sun, that have a higher surface atmospheric pressure than Earth.

*    Rene Auberjonois,(Odo, Deep Space 9) is no stranger to television. Name the charector he portrayed on another hit series.

*    "2001: A Space Oddyssy" was based on a short story by Arther C. Clarke. What was the name of the story?

*    The late Carl Sagon advocated listening for alien radio signals along the frequency band of the hydroxy radical. What is the nickname of this frequency?

*    Brian May, guitarist for Queen, wrote the classic rock anthem "We Will Rock You." He also wrote a song about star-travel and time dilition. Name that tune?



My lists

A collection of my favorite, and not so favorite, books, movies, etc.


Want to read one of my stories?

*    All Trails Must End
*    Flight to Avoid
*    A Work in Progress
*    Look in the January, 1999 archive of FLIGHT TRAINING MAGAZINE
*    More fiction by Justin Stanchfield in these on-line magazines.


My Space Forum


Have voyagers from other worlds visited Earth?...

*    The Alien Connection


Web Rings


*    In the meantime, come back and visit soon, or read my monthly column

The Vanishing Point

in Area 51's e-zine,

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*    Sign Guestbook

*    View Guestbook


LAST UPDATED 21 Aug, 1999

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Email me Justin Stanchfield

© 1997, 1998, 1999 Justin Stanchfield.