We, as the Unseelie, are not evil or inherently "bad" as the Seelie would make us out to be. We merely hold different ideals. Remember, there was once a time when both Courts of the Fae ruled for half the year- with total acceptance of each other. The following is a segmant from Changeling: the Dreaming 2nd Edition, you may recognise it as the Unseelie code:
The Unseelie Code
· Change is good.
Security does not exist. The
slightest of circumstances can
transform a king into a peasant.
Nothing is certain in a world
where change is the only
constant. Embrace change or
else fall before its onslaught.
Chaos and discord rule the
universe. Adapt or die.
· Glamour is free.
Glamour is worthless unless
used. Hoarding Glamour makes
no sense, since it is an eternally
replenishable resource. So long
as humans exist, there will
always be dreamers - hence,
there will always be more
Glamour. Acquire it by any
means possible, and you will
never be without a constant
· Honor is a lie.
Honor has no place in the
modern world. It is a fairy tale
constructed to cover the
essential emptiness behind
most traditions. Only through
enlightened self-interest can
any truth be attained.
· Passion before duty.
Passion is the truest state of the
fae spirit. Follow your instincts
and act on your impulses. Live
life to the fullest without regard
to the consequences - they will
come about regardless of what
you do. Youth passes quickly,
so have fun while you can.
Death can come at any time, so
live without regret.
The new difference that has arisin, though, since the Shattering is the realization the the Endless Winter is coming. Perhaps since the Seelie have ruled for so long, the power balance will change, as it did so long ago. Perhaps the Endless Winter will bring our time to rule the Fae once again, until the New Spring that may follow.
Here are the stairs back up into The_Main_Hall
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