This is a special story given to me by my friend Ryan LaPorte. He wrote it as a response to my story I had given him for his birthday in September. I hope you like it, and I'm sure he'll appreciate it if you write him at the e-mail address below.
The blade cut through his uniform like it wasn't even there. Ryan LaPorte dashed to the right to avoid the powerful swing of Derrick McCain's broad sword. Ryan took that as a chance to attack with his own sword. Ryan's dragon headed, forty-five inch katana proceeded to perform a series of upper body attacks. Some of them connecting; others not.
This was only supposed to be a simple one week vacation. Ryan thought in the back of his mind. Now, here I am, fighting a two hundred and fifty year old Immortal, who is ten times stronger than me. He continued to think.
Yes, Ryan was Immortal; one of God's chosen few to wander the world with eternal life. He cannot die unless you take his head, and with it all his power and knowledge; they come to you in the Quickening. He does not age and he cannot have children. The only place he is safe is on Holy Ground-no Immortal will violate that law. He is Ryan Christopher LaPorte, and Immortal.
Ryan, an Army Ranger on seven day leave, was coming home to see his wife, Sarah. He was driving through his home town of Seacouver, Washington when he decided to stop at Bubba's for something to eat. The second he walked through the door he was greeted by a throbbing pain in his head. A sixth sense that all Immortals have. He saw the other Immortal sitting at the far end of the bar. When Ryan also saw a slew of empty beer bottles in front of the other Immortal, he just knew there was going to be trouble.
Ryan approached the other cautiously, but casually, not wanting to start a sword fight in the crowded restaurant.
"Greeting, fellow Immortal. I am Derrick McCain."
"Ryan LaPorte. Nice to meet you." Ryan said, holding out his hand for a handshake. He wanted to show some sign of friendliness.
Derrick took his hand wholeheartedly. Ryan pulled up a stool and sat down next to him at the bar. The waitress came and took Ryan's order, and Derrick ordered another beer.
Ryan had a good hour and a half conversation with Derrick while he was eating. He found that Derrick was pretty much older than dirt, and that he had just been laid off from his job. Ryan guessed that's why he was drinking so much. Derrick kept ordering beer after beer. It started to worry Ryan.
Derrick tried to get up, but stumbled back down on his stool. He shook his head and laughed. "Would you be so kind as to go call me a cab, Ryan?"
"Yeah. I think that would be a good idea." Ryan said.
Ryan went in the back to call him a cab and his wife to tell her he was on his way home. He came back to the bar and saw that Derrick was gone. That was not good. I hope he didn't try to drive home, Ryan thought.
Ryan paid his dinner bill, and went to get his military trench coat. He was very careful on how he put it on, so not to reveal the katana he had tucked away underneath it. It had been a gift from his mentor.
Ryan stepped outside, the cool night breeze hitting him in the face. As he looked up at the moon, he saw the glint of a sword, and that was all he saw. The next thing he felt was a blade cutting through his uniform into his back. Ryan turned and saw Derrick standing with a huge broad sword. Ryan pulled his strength together and pulled his own sword out of his coat. He readied himself for an attack.
"It's because of young military punks like you that I lost my job!" Derrick said.
"It doesn't have to be this way, Derrick." Ryan replied.
"Oh, yes it does." Derrick said.
Derrick came again at Ryan. Slash, parry, trust. All the teachings of his old mentor, Duncan MacLeod, came back to him. Ryan once again felt the need for survival that Duncan taught him. It was Duncan that gave him the sword that he was using. Ryan stopped a slash by Derrick.
This is my chance to stop him, Ryan said to himself.
In one swift movement, Ryan rolled from a block into an attack. Ryan's katana turned and went into Derrick's gut, and came out the other side. Derrick screamed in tremendous pain. "It didn't have to be this way." Ryan said.
Ryan yanked the sword out of Derrick's stomach. Derrick fell to his knees, still moaning in pain.
"There can be only one!!" Ryan yelled.
In one swift fluid stroke, Ryan cut off Derrick's head and the shoulders. The headless body collapsed to the floor. The head rolled under a car. Blood went everywhere. Then it began.
Ryan stood straight up, knowing what was coming next. Derrick's headless body started to emit a white glowing light. Derrick's power and knowledge were draining from him. Lightning shot from Derrick's body to Ryan's. Ryan jolted back from the shock. More lighting and then more. Ryan could now only see Derrick's memories. The lighting slowed to a stop. It was over. Ryan once again knew he was back in the Game.
© 1997