~The Kitchen~

This is the Place where all the Meals for the House Residents is Prepared. Contrary to Belief the largest Meal of the Day is Breakfast, Lunch consists of A Lighter Mid-Day meal, and Supper, was a Light Meal! Therefore the saying A Breackfast fit for a King! Only rarely on Special Occasions or Festivals Was a Feast or Banquet Held in the Evening. And Then the Celebration Last Through the Night!

One of the greatest Dangers to a Castle was Fire. Because of this, most castle Kitchens were in a Separate Building in the Bailey. Unfortunately, this meant that by the time Food Arrived at the Tables in The Great Hall, it was Often Quite cold. It was sometimes possible to warm it up Again in Front of the Open Fire.

Most Meals were Either cooked on an Open Spicket or cooked in a Cauldron Hung from Chains Over a Fire in a Kitchen Hearth. It was Common to Cook Meat, Vegetables, and puddings all together inside a Cauldron.

The Flesh Hook is a Forklike tool used to Lift a Piece of Meat into Or out of a Cauldron of Boiling Water. The Meat Cleaver was used to cut up Animal Carcasses by the Cook which was used like an ax. It's very Sharp, Curved, Edge cut Through Flesh Easily...Shown Below.

The Hook | The Cauldron | The Cleaver

~Other Common Utensils Used~

Common Wooden or Pewter Tankards | Goblets Of All Sorts

During a Feast a wide Variety of Courses, as well as Wines and Ales(made in the Keep) were Served. Guests could choose from a number of Dishes, Including Sweet Things, for Every Course. Each Different Kind of meat or fish was Served with its Own Special Sauce.

The flat bread on the Left is called a Trencher, basically stale bread that was used to eat off of. As you ate it would form a bowl or trench,, what was left was thrown to the dogs of the keep. Nothing Went to Waste.

Game Such as Pheasant and Wild Boar Were often Decorated after Preparation With their Original Plumage or Tusks and Feet. Even an Apple or Some Other Fruit was Place in the Mouths.

Comming Soon Our Favorite Receipies

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