Please feel free to view or sign this

Kia - 12/08/00 06:52:16
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Are you a member of these mailing lists: Gambit-Guild, Southern Comfort, or the Stripe: Yes
Are you a member of the Ononet or Seanlist mailing list: No
Are you a member of these mailing lists: Shojo, or Fushigi Yuugi: Use to be

Keri I love your page. Keep up the excellent work. If Marvel had any sense they would check out you webpage and get some story ideas. I hope to see more fanficiton in the future. Take ca

nate - 11/25/00 17:46:58
My URL:/gambitsdeal
My Email:on url
Age: 16
Gender: male
Are you a member of these mailing lists: Gambit-Guild, Southern Comfort, or the Stripe: no
Are you a member of the Ononet or Seanlist mailing list: no
Are you a member of these mailing lists: Shojo, or Fushigi Yuugi: no

nice page check out mine, i cound/have learned stuff from ya'll!

~*~lily~*~ - 10/25/00 14:54:23
Age: 18
Gender: female

yo nice site..rogue n gambit r da best nodoubt! ! ! !

Vickie Apted - 10/12/00 17:34:07
Age: 28
Gender: female
Are you a member of these mailing lists: Gambit-Guild, Southern Comfort, or the Stripe: no
Are you a member of the Ononet or Seanlist mailing list: no
Are you a member of these mailing lists: Shojo, or Fushigi Yuugi: no

I love this! These stories are great! Keep them going!

photo onae - 09/29/00 04:00:07

hi...I don't know much about yoko yet.. but I love her artistic talent and I don't think people should hate her because they think she caused the separation of the Beatles....great site...bye!

Annie Tucker - 09/21/00 18:48:08
Gender: Female
Are you a member of these mailing lists: Gambit-Guild, Southern Comfort, or the Stripe: No
Are you a member of the Ononet or Seanlist mailing list: No
Are you a member of these mailing lists: Shojo, or Fushigi Yuugi: No

What a wonderful site! Yoko is a beautiful, incredible human being and this site does her justice. The pictures are gorgeous. I suggest adding one of Yoko with John, possibly with Sean as well. Keep up the good work.

m smith - 09/11/00 17:06:09
Age: 42
Are you a member of these mailing lists: Gambit-Guild, Southern Comfort, or the Stripe: no
Are you a member of the Ononet or Seanlist mailing list: no
Are you a member of these mailing lists: Shojo, or Fushigi Yuugi: no

great pics, thanks. i am a nut for sean lennon's music

Casanova-Gambit & Rogue's son - 09/11/00 01:36:09
Age: 14
Gender: Male
Are you a member of these mailing lists: Gambit-Guild, Southern Comfort, or the Stripe: no
Are you a member of the Ononet or Seanlist mailing list: no
Are you a member of these mailing lists: Shojo, or Fushigi Yuugi: no

Hi, I am casanova, Gambit & Rogue's son. (Seriously now): Ok, It is impossible for Gambit and Rogue to have kids because of Rogue's inability to touch, but I think they could arrange an operation of sorts. (I'm sorry for the "Crudness" of this, and I know they would never do this in the comics, but what the hel .) I think they could take Gambit's sperm and just put it "in" Rogue, and then they gotta kid. But that might kill the sperm, also. (ya know, touching Rogue's skin and all) Maybe you could like take Rogue's egg and Gambit's sperm and put 'em in someon else like Storm or Jubilee or someone and they could have there baby. Just a thought.

Sari Gurney - 07/20/00 19:50:32
Are you a member of these mailing lists: Gambit-Guild, Southern Comfort, or the Stripe: no
Are you a member of the Ononet or Seanlist mailing list: The Ononet, YES!
Are you a member of these mailing lists: Shojo, or Fushigi Yuugi: no

Hi Keri! I just wanted to say hello... :-)

Sari Gurney - 07/20/00 19:47:52
Are you a member of these mailing lists: Gambit-Guild, Southern Comfort, or the Stripe: no
Are you a member of the Ononet or Seanlist mailing list: Ononet, YES! :-)
Are you a member of these mailing lists: Shojo, or Fushigi Yuugi: no


DAVE - 07/02/00 16:34:54
Age: 28
Gender: male
Are you a member of these mailing lists: Gambit-Guild, Southern Comfort, or the Stripe: no
Are you a member of the Ononet or Seanlist mailing list: no
Are you a member of these mailing lists: Shojo, or Fushigi Yuugi: no

Great to see that you chose GAMBIT and ROUGE as your favorite X-men, I dont know if your up to speed on the storyline between the Gambit an Rouge situation in uncanny X-men, X-men and Gambit. It would be nice to heir the veiw of someone else on how the st ryline in the comics should go

Hiroki Ota - 06/18/00 19:47:45
Age: 47
Gender: male
Are you a member of these mailing lists: Gambit-Guild, Southern Comfort, or the Stripe: no
Are you a member of the Ononet or Seanlist mailing list: no
Are you a member of these mailing lists: Shojo, or Fushigi Yuugi: no

In 1980,I met Yoko,Sean,Lennon at Manpei Hotel,Karuizawa,Japan. see

peter - 05/04/00 05:15:17
Age: 49
Gender: male
Are you a member of these mailing lists: Gambit-Guild, Southern Comfort, or the Stripe: no
Are you a member of the Ononet or Seanlist mailing list: no
Are you a member of these mailing lists: Shojo, or Fushigi Yuugi: no

i love yoko. curious about remark about no depression or sadness. they are gateways as much as anything. Would like info on doing portraits of yo

Ruth Kasser - 04/29/00 15:54:30
Age: 50
Gender: female

I have enjoyed reading the mini-biography of Yoko and treasure a thank-you she once sent. Also have admired Yoko for many years and she continues to amaze. That Sean is a beautiful boy is, in part, due to the beautiful mom who raised him all these years after John left us. While I admit that I'm not able to understand Sean's or Yoko's artistic creations some of the time, their originality is a fresh breeze bathing the often stodgy world of art; I did not always fathom John's art either... Yoko's letter upon Linda McCartney's death was a testament that touched me deeply. I applaud Yoko for her courage: despite her small stature, she's a woman we can all look up to. Thank you for this website and an opportunity to write. Ruth --end--

Rodrigo Díaz López - 04/21/00 03:41:16
Age: 23 years
Are you a member of these mailing lists: Gambit-Guild, Southern Comfort, or the Stripe: No
Are you a member of the Ononet or Seanlist mailing list: No, I Would Rather to be on it!
Are you a member of these mailing lists: Shojo, or Fushigi Yuugi: No

I'm Rodrigo Díaz from México City. I feel happy when I used to see the video "Imagene" and "Give Peace a chance" of John Lennon and Yoko Ono living and singing on the bed of peace. I think her songs have a messages to all the world sharing a World whitou violence,war or discrimination. I want to give her a bunch of Flowers of Peace. I hope you all are allright. I send a kiss from México to you.

Rodrigo Díaz López - 04/21/00 03:22:27
Age: 23 years
Are you a member of these mailing lists: Gambit-Guild, Southern Comfort, or the Stripe: No
Are you a member of the Ononet or Seanlist mailing list: No, I Would Rather to be on it!
Are you a member of these mailing lists: Shojo, or Fushigi Yuugi: No

I'm Rodrigo Díaz from México City. I feel happy when I

- 04/19/00 14:14:37

Hey. This is a good place,keep up the good work

- 04/19/00 14:13:34


Stephen Boursy - 04/12/00 01:09:59
Age: 99
Gender: Male
Are you a member of these mailing lists: Gambit-Guild, Southern Comfort, or the Stripe: no
Are you a member of the Ononet or Seanlist mailing list: no
Are you a member of these mailing lists: Shojo, or Fushigi Yuugi: no

Enjoyed your drawings.

Rogue - 04/07/00 09:41:34
Age: 15
Gender: female

Great site

- 03/27/00 13:38:07
Are you a member of these mailing lists: Gambit-Guild, Southern Comfort, or the Stripe: yes

great site

George - 03/16/00 17:20:25
Age: 34
Gender: male
Are you a member of these mailing lists: Gambit-Guild, Southern Comfort, or the Stripe: no
Are you a member of the Ononet or Seanlist mailing list: no
Are you a member of these mailing lists: Shojo, or Fushigi Yuugi: no

i seem to be getting all the information late, as i miss all the shows or articles with Yoko and Sean...hopefully you might keep me updated somewhat better....thank you

- 02/25/00 11:29:39


- 02/25/00 11:29:47


The Chief - 02/12/00 15:26:28
Age: 29
Gender: male
Are you a member of these mailing lists: Gambit-Guild, Southern Comfort, or the Stripe: Gambit-Guild
Are you a member of the Ononet or Seanlist mailing list: no
Are you a member of these mailing lists: Shojo, or Fushigi Yuugi: no

Hi Keri, how's life? Everything cool? I have just seen your pic (the one in which you are wearing that turn of the century costume) and I must admit that I am mightily impressed Keri! :-) I also liked your Gambit and Rogue page a lot. You sure are doing them a great honour by dedicating such a fine site to them. If they ever get married I am sure they'll invite you as guest of honour! :-) Keep up the good work ma cherie as Remy would say! :-) Take care! Rainer

Michael - 01/24/00 01:32:28
Age: 43
Gender: Male
Are you a member of these mailing lists: Gambit-Guild, Southern Comfort, or the Stripe: No
Are you a member of the Ononet or Seanlist mailing list: o No (Ok so it was a bad joke)
Are you a member of these mailing lists: Shojo, or Fushigi Yuugi: No

Just wanted to say Thank You for providing such a nice Website. Always liked the Beatles, John & Yoko,too... and they were very popular in my salad days. I still believe in peace and love and would like to wish peace and love to everyone...It really is th answer, if only everyone embraced it.

Angie - 01/23/00 00:36:10
Age: 26
Are you a member of these mailing lists: Gambit-Guild, Southern Comfort, or the Stripe: NO
Are you a member of the Ononet or Seanlist mailing list: NO
Are you a member of these mailing lists: Shojo, or Fushigi Yuugi: NO

I have always been a fan of Yoko's. I am always interested about how she is doing and what she is up to. She is a one of a kind. YOKO!

rosi rita - 11/27/99 20:31:20
Age: 44


katrina - 11/26/99 03:38:41
Age: 20
Are you a member of these mailing lists: Gambit-Guild, Southern Comfort, or the Stripe: no
Are you a member of the Ononet or Seanlist mailing list: no
Are you a member of these mailing lists: Shojo, or Fushigi Yuugi: no


Jon - 11/22/99 13:50:43
Age: 34

A beautiful and interesting perspective, thank you. Best Regards.

Sari Gurney - 11/10/99 23:02:45
Age: 24
Gender: female
Are you a member of these mailing lists: Gambit-Guild, Southern Comfort, or the Stripe: no
Are you a member of the Ononet or Seanlist mailing list: ononet
Are you a member of these mailing lists: Shojo, or Fushigi Yuugi: no

Hello Keri! You have a nice page here... :-)

Rachel Rawles - 11/03/99 05:01:16
My URL:http://none
Age: 31 yrs.old
Gender: Female
Are you a member of these mailing lists: Gambit-Guild, Southern Comfort, or the Stripe: No....but am I missing something? :)
Are you a member of the Ononet or Seanlist mailing list: No...but how do I become one?
Are you a member of these mailing lists: Shojo, or Fushigi Yuugi: No.

Yoko...I really enjoyed the pictures. You look so adorable as a baby...and beautiful as a woman. I was just a baby when you and John were doing concerts interviews and fighting for peace,love and not war.That was during my parent's era.But,I do respect and admire the things you both have done to try to instill a public awareness for the greater good of society.I wish you much love,peace,positive energy,an good vibes.This comes from the heart.

Tim Radford - 10/28/99 19:45:06
Age: 28
Gender: male
Are you a member of these mailing lists: Gambit-Guild, Southern Comfort, or the Stripe: no
Are you a member of the Ononet or Seanlist mailing list: no

Have you seen the horizon lately?

tim - 10/28/99 19:40:41


tim - 10/28/99 19:40:12


terry moyer - 09/18/99 00:40:51
My Email:bafan243@aol
Age: 49
Are you a member of these mailing lists: Gambit-Guild, Southern Comfort, or the Stripe: no
Are you a member of the Ononet or Seanlist mailing list: no
Are you a member of these mailing lists: Shojo, or Fushigi Yuugi: no

are there any yoko fan clubs out there???

brenda - 09/13/99 00:37:11
Age: 23
Gender: female
Are you a member of these mailing lists: Gambit-Guild, Southern Comfort, or the Stripe: no
Are you a member of the Ononet or Seanlist mailing list: no
Are you a member of these mailing lists: Shojo, or Fushigi Yuugi: no

i love yoko! very interesting page for a very interesting woman.

Tara - 09/10/99 04:32:31
Age: 19
Gender: female
Are you a member of these mailing lists: Gambit-Guild, Southern Comfort, or the Stripe: everyone but Stripe
Are you a member of the Ononet or Seanlist mailing list: Nope
Are you a member of these mailing lists: Shojo, or Fushigi Yuugi: Nope

Great Page Very Orignal Keep Up your wonderful work and I love your Rogue and Gambit fan fiction!

Patrick Ono Jacobs - 07/07/99 10:19:28
Age: immortal dude
Gender: male
Are you a member of these mailing lists: Gambit-Guild, Southern Comfort, or the Stripe: no
Are you a member of the Ononet or Seanlist mailing list: no
Are you a member of these mailing lists: Shojo, or Fushigi Yuugi: no

thank you for good article on Yoko Ono. I have dug het stuff for many many cycles did'nt blame her foe Beatle break-up got two post cards from her after I wrote supporting letter. regards, Patrick Ono Jacobs.

Melba - 07/04/99 03:38:24
Age: 46
Gender: Female
Are you a member of these mailing lists: Gambit-Guild, Southern Comfort, or the Stripe: No
Are you a member of the Ononet or Seanlist mailing list: Yes
Are you a member of these mailing lists: Shojo, or Fushigi Yuugi: No

How old were you when you were dressed in those old clothes from the turn of the century?

Jay Bastian - 06/29/99 18:32:10
Age: 30
Gender: male
Are you a member of these mailing lists: Gambit-Guild, Southern Comfort, or the Stripe: no
Are you a member of the Ononet or Seanlist mailing list: no
Are you a member of these mailing lists: Shojo, or Fushigi Yuugi: no

I enjoy your thoughtful page.

Baltazar - 06/21/99 21:49:54
Age: thousand
Gender: cyborg

Have you seen a horizon lately? ;-) Have a look at my YOKO/JOHN site! It started as a "side-project", but now I'm a fan of hers with 200%... As you will see.

Lani Cotton - 06/16/99 02:45:41
Age: 31
Gender: Female

Tried to read your story Another Time, Another Place but all I got of part 2 is "Remy grinned". Would like to read that part so that 3 makes sense. Thanks

Christina - 06/14/99 19:47:56
Age: 18
Gender: Native American
Are you a member of these mailing lists: Gambit-Guild, Southern Comfort, or the Stripe: no
Are you a member of the Ononet or Seanlist mailing list: no
Are you a member of these mailing lists: Shojo, or Fushigi Yuugi: no

Your site is very interesting. I love John Lennon and Yoko Ono!

Dennis Lange - 06/11/99 02:39:26
Age: 35
Gender: male
Are you a member of these mailing lists: Gambit-Guild, Southern Comfort, or the Stripe: no
Are you a member of the Ononet or Seanlist mailing list: not yet
Are you a member of these mailing lists: Shojo, or Fushigi Yuugi: no

Loved your site--I am a big Yoko, Sean, and of course, John fan. I notice this site comes from my hometown Louisville! NOT a coincidence, as Jung would say! Peace and Love Dennis

- 05/22/99 15:06:38


Lena - 05/19/99 15:19:55
Age: 22
Gender: female
Are you a member of these mailing lists: Gambit-Guild, Southern Comfort, or the Stripe: no
Are you a member of the Ononet or Seanlist mailing list: no
Are you a member of these mailing lists: Shojo, or Fushigi Yuugi: no

Hello and thanks for this wonderful bio! I think it needs some continuation - some info about Yoko meeting John, their works together, her solo albums etc. But still it's well-done and special thanks for pictures - Yoko's a beautiful woman, isn't she? I'm a student from Moscow, Russia; I love Yoko, John and Sean and I'd be delighted to get letters from their fans from all over the world (see my e-mail above). Peace & Love to all of you! Lena.

kelli - 05/03/99 22:27:26
Age: 19
Gender: female
Are you a member of these mailing lists: Gambit-Guild, Southern Comfort, or the Stripe: no
Are you a member of the Ononet or Seanlist mailing list: no
Are you a member of these mailing lists: Shojo, or Fushigi Yuugi: no


Bryan - 04/29/99 23:58:39
Age: 38

Nice bio.

Darold - 04/22/99 20:23:08
Age: 28
Gender: Male
Are you a member of these mailing lists: Gambit-Guild, Southern Comfort, or the Stripe: no
Are you a member of the Ononet or Seanlist mailing list: no
Are you a member of these mailing lists: Shojo, or Fushigi Yuugi: no

I would like to say I love your Pages. I would like to get the url for some gifs or jpgs of just Gambit to attach to my e-mail. Gambit is my alternate nic. I am alo known as I am a big X-Men fan and Gambit is my favorite. Your help wou d be greatly apreciated.

Loni Kingrey - 04/11/99 15:58:17
Age: 17
Gender: female
Are you a member of these mailing lists: Gambit-Guild, Southern Comfort, or the Stripe: SC
Are you a member of the Ononet or Seanlist mailing list: nope
Are you a member of these mailing lists: Shojo, or Fushigi Yuugi: nope

Hey gal! I signed your guestbook! Aren't you happy? Of course you are. I really enjoyed the fan fiction. Keep up the good work!

andrea - 04/09/99 19:41:18
Age: 22
Gender: female
Are you a member of these mailing lists: Gambit-Guild, Southern Comfort, or the Stripe: no
Are you a member of the Ononet or Seanlist mailing list: no
Are you a member of these mailing lists: Shojo, or Fushigi Yuugi: no

I am doing a research paper on yoko ono and I have been looking all over for information. Thank you for suppling this information. I am also a miuti media performer. I live in Durango Colorado. If there is any way Yoko would like to do a performance piece I would suggest doing one here. There is alot of talent here but lack of refrences. Thanks for your time and information.

Bobbi (although the web site's SC's) - 04/03/99 01:28:46
Gender: gal :)
Are you a member of these mailing lists: Gambit-Guild, Southern Comfort, or the Stripe: yup
Are you a member of the Ononet or Seanlist mailing list: nope
Are you a member of these mailing lists: Shojo, or Fushigi Yuugi: nope

Well, I've been trying to get here for a while and Geocities wouldn't let me. Glad I could finally make it and get to sign your book. Always great to see another SCer's dedication to Rogue and Gambit, too! Nice work, Keri! :)

Adam J Smith - 03/28/99 19:51:05
My Email:adam_smitstan@hotmail
Age: 34
Gender: male
Are you a member of these mailing lists: Gambit-Guild, Southern Comfort, or the Stripe: no
Are you a member of the Ononet or Seanlist mailing list: no
Are you a member of these mailing lists: Shojo, or Fushigi Yuugi: no

Informative - good style - great music ! thank you and peace adam

christene calhoun - 03/10/99 15:54:02
Age: 24
Gender: female
Are you a member of these mailing lists: Gambit-Guild, Southern Comfort, or the Stripe: no
Are you a member of the Ononet or Seanlist mailing list: no
Are you a member of these mailing lists: Shojo, or Fushigi Yuugi: no

i came here to do resurch on yoko for my brownie troop we are studying asian woman this month the information was very helpful though I do have one suggestion. Coulld you expand on the history after she married John a whole new generation doesn't even kno about the history of the beatles and what happended to her since the death of John I have to admit that I don't know much more than that but I did find the information helpful thank you

Kitty - 03/04/99 21:19:32
Age: 16
Gender: female
Are you a member of these mailing lists: Gambit-Guild, Southern Comfort, or the Stripe: no.
Are you a member of the Ononet or Seanlist mailing list: sean list.
Are you a member of these mailing lists: Shojo, or Fushigi Yuugi: no.

Hello there!

I was surprised to find your sean lennon page - I don't think I've ever seen yours before and I think I've been to practically every Sean Lennon site there is! Anyways, this one is great - keep up the super work!


Geoffrey Pape - 02/23/99 22:48:55
Age: 35
Gender: male
Are you a member of these mailing lists: Gambit-Guild, Southern Comfort, or the Stripe: No
Are you a member of the Ononet or Seanlist mailing list: Ononet
Are you a member of these mailing lists: Shojo, or Fushigi Yuugi: No

Hi Keri--Cool site. Great Yoko pics/bio!! Keep up the good work!!! Peace,Geoffrey

Fox Remy Braddock - 02/14/99 01:36:45
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Are you a member of these mailing lists: Gambit-Guild, Southern Comfort, or the Stripe: Not Yet!
Are you a member of the Ononet or Seanlist mailing list: Not Yet!
Are you a member of these mailing lists: Shojo, or Fushigi Yuugi: Not Yet!

I've seen 55% of ya Website an' I must say dat I'm impressed lots by ya creativeness! Ah hope dat ya keep up de good work, mon ami because ya showing good talents!

Enyo - 02/07/99 03:40:05
Age: Wouldn't you love to know...
Gender: Female.
Are you a member of these mailing lists: Gambit-Guild, Southern Comfort, or the Stripe: Darn straight. ;) The Guild and SC.
Are you a member of the Ononet mailing list: Nope.
Are you a member of these mailing lists: Shojo, or Fushigi Yuugi: Sorry, 'fraid not.

Hey, cool page, Keri! Even if it *did* take me a while to find your pic. ;) Well, here's hoping for some great things from our favorite couple... And no, we won't go there. ;) I think I'll see if I can round up some of your fanfic... I still owe you ome of mine, I know. :) Well, I'll TTYL! Oh, and enjoy the XF tomorrow nite--I know I will! ;)

Keith - 02/07/99 03:37:43
Age: 20
Gender: male
Are you a member of these mailing lists: Gambit-Guild, Southern Comfort, or the Stripe: yep
Are you a member of the Ononet mailing list: na
Are you a member of these mailing lists: Shojo, or Fushigi Yuugi: na

Very cool site, keep it up!

Raya-Synergy - 02/07/99 03:29:38
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Are you a member of these mailing lists: Gambit-Guild, Southern Comfort, or the Stripe: Southern Comfort

I just Wuv your picture :) Greetz 'n stuff syn' :)

10/16/98 06:58:20
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Just surfing Thanks

Cindy - 09/23/98 14:50:25
comment: Nice page.... please come visit my site :-) Thanks, Cindy

Sailor Jupiter - 08/24/98 02:10:28
My URL:/Tokyo/Shrine/5453
Gender: Female

Kewl page! Keep up the great work! Thanks for signing my guestbook!!

Lauri Murphy - 05/21/98 14:19:14
My URL:http://n/a yet
Age: 32 (old fogey) ha!
Gender: Female
Are you a member of these mailing lists: Gambit-Guild, Southern Comfort, or the Stripe: SC, GG ,don't know about stripe
Are you a member of the Ononet mailing list: no
Are you a member of these mailing lists: Shojo, or Fushigi Yuugi: no

Good start. Your pics loaded well and both links I tried worked. (Loft and Bayou.)I have several inks and pencil sketches,from conventions, of Rogue and Gambit. I'd be honored if you'ld consider putting one or two up on your page. I will have access to a canner probably by the end of June if you're interested. Since I really like your FF and you :) I'm bookmarking you in favorites. I'll be back. If you'ld like help or segestions please let me know. No credit nessisary. Just the pleasure of knowing I'm not the only fan girl to love the two of them together is great! Catch ya later Sugah! Irual

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