Welcome To
Hey there, thanks for stopping by my web page. Its not much now, but it keeps growing and growing and growing. Maybe be someday it will just be hugh! Until that day comes, you will just have to put up with whats here. Be sure to check out all the sections of Scott's Domain, becaues they will be constantly changing. If you have any sugjestions for this page, dont hesiate to email me. Before you go, please sign my guest book! I would like to know who visits my page.
Whats new here:
New Link added
11/12 Messed with the counter and added a new guest book
11/12 Cont...Also Fixed the Movies Page! The Car Page shouldnt be to far behind
2/28 Total Redesign of Scott's Domain, new look and new pages!
Questions??Comments??Email me!!
This many people have been here since 4/9/98.
This page is mantanied by Scott Nichols. It was last up dated on January 21, 2002.