the discworld gods

the gods of the discworld live in a great tower called kori celesti,right in the hub of the discworld.the more that people beleive in them,the more their power grows.if people stop beleiving in a certain god,he does'nt really die,but...dissapear back into a place he knows,and there's a large amount of spare are the important gods in the discworld:

blind Io:he is the lighting god.he's also the chief of the god,and he got this name because where his eyes should've been,there are empty holes.he got a lot of other eyes,zooming in every place...

Offler:he is the crocodile god.a very popoular god in klatch.

Fate:this is the god who always win at the games that the gods are playing with humans fate.the only godess who beat him was the Lady,in Coulor Of The Magic,and in Intresting Times.

the Lady:this godess is not exactly a godess.every human who tried to worship her found himself dead.she like dice,and gamblers,and playing with rincewind as her winning card.

Destiny:in Witches Abroad,the fairy godmother gives him an offer he cannot refuse.

Hoki:the god of the forest.plays a flute really bad.

Hern the haunted:the god of all the little frightten creatures.

Om:the god we meet in Small Gods,as a tortoise.

Bel Shamaroth:this is the eater of soul,that is been destroied already in The Coulor Of Magic,but gets back thanks to his beleivers.

the Hogfather:the discworld version of santha the book Hogfather he's been killed,but thanks to susan and Death he gets back.was the god who made the sun rise,untill pepole star thinking:"the damn sun comes up anyway",but he found a way to come back,as a god for kids.

other antromorphic personifications:

Death:tends to try to be human too much,which leads to Reaper Man he fights another Death in order to keep his jub.

the tooth fairy:all of this buisness is run by no other than...the find out more read the book Hogfather.

War,Famine,and Pestilence:with Death,they are the four apocalipse riders.

billious,the oh-god of hangovers:this god appears in the book Hogfather,thanks to the lack of apperance of the Hogfather.every time people see him they say:"oh god...".other gods that appear in the book Hogfather because of his dissapearance are:the verucca gnome,the eater of socks,the cheerfull fairy,and more.