I suppose you could call me a wanderer, as many of us are. Adventure does seem to find me though, as I discover new people, places and new things along the way.
I am elven I would say by my appearence but know very little about my race. I haven't spent much time investigating myself, I enjoy learning about others and the world around me too much.
Abandoned as a child I was found and raised by humans. It seems to me there have been so many young ones lost or forgotten in these dark times.
The parents who raised me were kind but simple people. There were no Knights, or all knowing Mages in my life, so I know of very little magic and have no claim to fame. I think though if there is one thing I could say that I was good at....It would be hiding *grins*. It was one of the only skills that I was taught and has been extemely important and usefull. This is all the information about me that you get....*laughs*.

Fare thee well, and may thy journey be a safe one!

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