My Trip to San Fransisco! (Feb. 1998)

On February 18th, 1998, I took a wonderful trip across the continent to visit my fabulous friend Jake! After a few stressful hours waiting for him in the airport that night (while he got his slashed tires replaced), we proceeded to enjoy the rest of the week greatly!

The first thing I got to see was the ocean. This wasn't the first time I saw it, but it was the first time I got to touch it. Okay, it was exciting for me!

The next day was much sunnier, and Jake and I took a spontaneous drive to "the mountains", passing through Sacramento (and many other places) on the way. This day was amazing for me, as was the ten foot snowbanks! My favourite memory of that day was stopping on the other side of Donner Lake at a town called Truckee to have lunch. Jake and Algernon say they enjoyed the day as much as I did!

The day I left, Jake and I managed to visit the city one last time to see the Golden Gate Bridge and see Alcatraz. It was rather cloudy that day, so these pics didn't scan very well :(

The best memory I have of the visit is that of seeing Jake again. Even though we live so far apart, we are close in spirit and in our hearts.
Thank you again, Jake, for being my friend, and for making me so happy!

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