11/1-haven't added to this page for awhile...
-have finished all my fixes needed on this site...
-have uploaded many original graphics and text files...

9/22-cool dude!
-added a completely new banner to main.html and banner.html
-added wiz1.html to spellbook...

9/21-something more...
-added demiplaneform.html to forms+submissions.html

9/20-too many new changes to count...

9/16-still going strong
-added a profform.html to submissions, mysaniti, arena.html...
-added a page for investing in mysaniti...

9/15-more cool stuff
-added a psionic items page to mysaniti and psioncs.html...
-added itemform.html to submissions.html...

9/14-cool stuff galore!
-finally! a fix on my emailme.html page!
-added submission forms for monsters, wizard/priest spells...
-added a page for submissions site wide...
-added a forms directory...
-added several items to new magics
-fixed submission form for monsters and spells...
-added submission form for items...

9/8/98-holy hot potatoes batman!
-have been officially added to the Dark Ring
-have changed psionics.html in psi
-have changed nbooks.html in nbooks
-have uploaded 5 more net books to nbooks: net-book of books
net-book of magick
net-book of herbs
net-book of riddles
net-book of planescape
-added the net-book of riddles to the riddles section...
-added archmage ring to banners.html...
-modified sitelinks.html...
-added entranceexam.zip to com...
-linked entranceexam.zip to society.html...
-added add site exchange to banners.html...
-added the dragonglobe.gif to images...

9/2- another day on the ocean...
-added a section for the citadel of smoking rain...
-added a guardsman animation to smoking rains description...
-added a description for fire bolts to new magic...
-linked new magic to khelghor.html...

9/1-another month of fun!
-added the scroll to the society guild page...
-interlinked the scroll to appropriate pages and downloads...
-added a "golden tower park" to the interesting sites page in com...
-added the cult and poison netbooks for download...
-added widow corliques attic for download...
-added a description and image of the Khel'ghor Scoutship to mysaniti...

8/31-oh buddy!
-added oodles of changes and uploaded them after the UFL'98 exercise here off the coast of korea. the individual changes are to numerous to count...
-added sites of interest to the taloknia pages...
-added a download area for psionicist handbook...
-added a download area for wizards handbook...
-added a download area for Tome of the Damned...
-added a download area for my copy of the drow dictionary...
-added a download area for Tome of Flames...
-added a page from which all net books on sight can be downloaded in addition to there respective subject areas...
-added the mystara net book to said page...
-added a listing of moredhel word locks to said page...
-added a page detailing a sky ships creation process-the content was from a website i visited a long time ago. can't remember which one...
-added a riddles section...

8/9-some changes still to come...
-added a house rules section to mysaniti...
-added path magic rules to the house rules section...
-added a link to house rules to the wizards spellbook...
-added a file for wizard spells, third, fifth, and eighth level...
-once again i changed the photo changer. this time it is a java script able to cycle betwixt and betwingle two images...

8/8-yet again, something new...
-added a wumpus cat hunt to cool stuff...
-modified the frameset for no scrolling on the top row of frames...
-added the blue flower to business...
-added a governmental section...
-added the sky harbor patrol to the governmental section...

8/7-it's been a while, hasn't it?
-deleted the bleeping java applet for the original Chasmyr's Grotto sign-it hust wasn't working very well...
-edited the things to come listing...
-removed the swear words from this new stuff file. What can I say-it was a bad couple of days!:)

7/30 egads man!
-moved three lins in site links bar to top of list...
-added a sound to my pages with a consbar on them...

7/26 eeeepppsss...
-added the archery range to the arena...
-added the skeletons buddies to the graveyard...
-added several primitive temple graphics to the prayer book...
-added a walking druid to the prayerbook...
-fixed a slight problem with my tuneup and search routines, the location was not called right if the viewer was in a subdirectory...
-changed the email anim...it's cooler...
-added several links to the site links list...
-added reccomend-it to the site links...

7/25 urrghh...
-added gull anim to Gull Transport Co....
-added a note about upcoming campaigns in the City of Mirrors...

7/24 ugghhhh....
-changed pynokio@hotmail.com to chasmyr@geocities.com in email program...
-moved cool stuff to a subdirectory...
-moved arena to a subdirectory...
-added business' to the mysaniti page...
-added gheildar's ferry service...
-added gull transport co....
-added bergala's stage coach co....

7/22 underway again d**n it!
-set up subdirectories for the anims+images...
-debugged the subdirectories for anims and images...

7/16-ahhh, s**t!
-added a new eat sheep gif-the bloodthirsty sheep now spew blood!
-changed the applet i used for the photochanger with a singular gif animation
-added the fire rat page to the zoo
-added height and width to all new anims
-removed the veiwer and associated gif files, using the above gif animation for all photos from now on, loads lie a bitch, but it works, damnit!
-fixed the fire rat anim so it's transparent...
-added a link to psionics/priests/wizards handbooks on amazon.com...

7/10 here we go again, same old s**t again!
-moved the two training grounds to the arena as it seemed to fit the theme better...
-added a link to the great net spell/prayerbook on the spellbook and prayerbook sites...
-fixed two anims on the arena page, had height and width reversed...
-fixed the graveyard anim, had the same problem...

7/9 time, that rare and precious thing!
-added a section for dm and players tips, 1 per respectively...
-added two new anims to the psionicist section...
-added the first text section-in the players training ground...

7/8 oh boy, some of these take forever...
-added height and width tags to anims for faster loading...

7/7 holy cow batman...it's alive! -added a link to my delphi chat room...
-changed the candles on main to torches...

7/6 good news??? -removed the refresh routine from the index file in an effort to reduce errors...
-received an email from dad sent through the email program...
-added a priest prayerbook section...
-added the meditation room...
-added height attributes to dline.gif...
-added a border of 0 to portal.gif and counter -added a loadallframes function to portal.html

7/5 same ol' sh** again...
-used rename to change my background on all pages to marble.gif(it's now called bg74.jpg) this may temporary as i don't know if i like it yet...
-modified the inn with some new animations of townspeople...
-added the sheep factory to my zoo...
-moved dragon.html and modron.html under the zoo...
-uploaded deathchicken and added it to the zoo...
-found the problem with the portal.gif display and fixed it!
-fixed the background problems with the register in the gustbook page...
-added a section line to all pages immediately of the stroll nav field...
-added section lines to the email program...
-think i fixed the email program...
-finished adding the seperator line to all pages except the two black ones...
-think this is all for today...

7/4 time for debugging...
-fixed a glitch in my nav bars that was causing anyone who clicked on the header to gateway my index into main frame...
-named the two navbars for conveniences sake...
-ran a web tune up site, changes to come!!!!
-added a new construction gif-used a name change to swap for the old one...
-added a sheep watcher to the zoo...
-adjusted the height on the portal gif, allows a slight tweak on the main frames height...
-added the above foretelling of tasks...
-that's all folks!

7/3 here's a couple more changes to grow on...
-added a java based search routine to the sitelinks frame
-added two lazarus style mages to wizard spellbook...
-added the graveyard...
-changed the sign guestbook anim for inn of lost souls...
-added the arena...
-added the zoo...
-added the succubus to wizards spell book...
-added emailme java program link to main, still testing...
-made the frames invisible...
-modified this file so the most recent changes are on top instead of the backwards way it was before...
-I think this will be all for today...
-no, it's not all...
-added a third frame at top of index page...
-inserted a portal gif and my counter into this new frame...
-adjusted frame sizes to compensate...
-added two java based nav menus...
-removed old nav fields...

7/2 here we go again, more ideas again...
-changed the access route to see this page as you no doubt found out!
-changed the play with the dragon, it now brings up a message in status window...
-changed animation on wizard spells page...
-added links to wizard spells page for amazon...
-added two black widows to main.html...

7/1 a whole new month!
-moved the counter around...

6/30 -added a "under construction" gif to the wizard spell book is under construction page...
-you can watch a comp tear itself up...
-changed the above uc gif for another...
-fixed the comp self destruct file...
-modified my nav fields...
-started work on spell compendium links...
-corrected my html coding...
well, the night is over, see this stuff tomorrow!

6/29 here we go again...
-changed the photo album so it works in netscape and ie...
-added link to inn of lost souls on photo album...

6/28 been a couple more
-added a photo album to the inn of lost souls...
-this album seems to work best in netscape...
-added a site link to my friends web site, star's so cold...
-added a site link to a cool jave applet site, demicron...
-added a 3d letter applet to the main page...
-linked the email anim to a mail to command...
-changed frames configuration...
-changed both 'navbars' to accomadate the frames change...

6/26 Actually, there has been, just not here.....
-upgraded the frame on your right....
-now you can take a modron for a walk...
-started on the wizard spell book....
-set up cool toys section....
-added a guest book to the inn, so here goes nothing!
-and this page as well....

6/25 As yet, there is nothing new added to my home page, but there will be in the future.