The Masquerade  
Name: Angelique LaNoir Nature: Architect Generation: 8th
Player:  Demeanor: Bon Vivant Haven: Mobile
Chronicle:  Clan: Brujah Concept: Club Habite/Sabbat Huntress
Strength: 2 Charisma: 2 Perception: 2
Dexterity: 4 Manipulation: 2  Intelligence: 2
Stamina: 3 Appearance: 4 Wits: 3
Acting: 2 Animal Ken:  Bureaucracy: 
Alertness: 4 Drive: 1 Computer: 
Athletics: 2 Etiquette: 1 Finance:
Brawl: 4 Firearms: 3 Investigation: 3
Dodge: 3 Melee: 4 Law: 
Empathy: 2 Music:  Linguistics: 2
Intimidation: 2 Repair:  Medicine: 
Leadership: Security:  Occult: 3
Seduction: 3 Stealth: 4 Sabbat Lore: 3
Streetwise: 3 Survival: Camarilla Lore: 2
Subterfuge: 2 Politics: 
Auspex: 3 Generation: 5 Conscience: 3
Obtenebration: 1 Status: 2
Obfuscate: 2 Resources: 3 Self-Control: 4
Protean:  3 Retainer: 2 Courage: 3
Celerity: 4 Age: 2 (230 years)  
Domination: 1    
Fortitude: 2
Humanity: 6
Baby Face: 2pnts Overconfident: 1pnt Willpower: 3
Iron Will: 3pnts Phobia (mild): 'closed spaces' 1pnt Blood Pool: 15
Light Sleeper: 2pnts Compulsion: 'always look good' 1pnt   
Selective Digestion 'Women' 2pnts  
Enemy: 3  

Angelique Fallen Angel LaNoirAngelique LaNoir has dark eyes and dark long raven hair. She is petite and lilthe  She  stands at 5'6'' at about 120lbs.  Her features are slightly pale since her embrace about 200 years ago.  Her dark eyes have a glimmer of passion which seems only Toreadors would understand.  However, her eyes reveal the true power of this Ancilla.  She appears to be in her early to mid twenties.

Angel likes to wear resque clothing and keeps up with the latest styles and fashions.  She usually wears a dark trench coat which has seen better days.  Written in crimson 'Fallen Angel' upon its back, the trench remains her calling card.  Alot of Sabbat have seen the logo before meeting their Final Death.


Angelique LaNoir was born in Paris France during the early 1830's.  Her father, Narthaniel LaNoir, was a respected Land Owner until the Rebels of the French Revolution came knocking upon his door.  They demanded for him and his family to choose their loyalties or face the same fate as their King and Queen.  Narthaniel quickly sided with the Revolutionists as he realized that his family future and lives depended on this.  Giving a large part of his lands away, the Land Owner sparked an interest with Maurice Dubris.  Mr Dubris was one of the Kindred involved with the whole Revolution of France.  Watching him closely, he used a lot of his influence to establish the young nobleman in Parisian Society.  After the Revolution was over with, LaNoir courted a Noble woman from Germany and Angelique was born.  Fire and passion filled her heart as she grew up within the 'Society' of the rich and wealthy.  Dubris visited the LaNoir Estate and found his daughter quite interesting as he made his approaches to the young woman.  Dubris protected the LaNoir family for about two decades, however, his power of influence couldn't help protect them when a Sabbat Pack hunting the Brujah Elder.  The Pack ravaged the LaNoir Estate, killing everyone with the exception of Angelique, who was visiting Dubris that evening.  She returned to find her Family Estate in flames and her family dead, this is where Dubris told his secret to her.  He explained the Masquerade and about all Kindred within the World.  Shocked with everything in her life, Angelique truely excepted the truth from Dubris and became a Ghoul.

Years passed, as Angelique learned quickly from the Elder, and soon, on her 23 Birthday, she was Embraced becoming a member of the Brujah Clan.  Respected by a lot of the Brujah Revolutionist, Angel took a different path as she learned that information and action is the best ultimatum.  She emersed herself in research on both the Kindred of the Camarilla and the Kindred of the Sabbat.  Having the knack of immersing herself in a situation, Angel learned a lot from the local Elders including finding a few dark secrets.  Her information was critical to convict a few of the Paris Elders who were assisting the Parisian Sabbat get more of a foothold on Paris.  Impressed by Angel's loyalty to the Camarilla, the Prince of Paris called an audience.  At the Ball, she found praises from most, but some where a little sceptical in seeing a Brujah rise to such  prestige.  Maurice was proud of his Childer, and was inpressed with her skills and abilities.

Time passed as it had no meaning slipping away like the sands which mortals held dearly.  Angelique found herself traveling about Europe becoming one which the Camarilla referred to an expert in Sabbat Lore.  Having about 20 Kills under her belt, the Brujah didn't expect the same Sabbat Pack known as Night Shift, hit her Sire's home.  Killing her Sire, they made sure to leave a little present for the returning Childer.  Finding her Sire dead, and the message from their enemy, Angelique made her way to the Americas to track down the ones known as 'Night Shift' or 'La Nui Equipe'.  Her Travels led her to New Orleans where she found one of their Havens within a Dock Yards.  Lighting the Dockyards a blaze, she watched as some of the Pack came out from the flames screaming for their unlives.  Waiting patiently, she killled anyone who survived the blaze, she had finally fullied her revenge.  Turning, she dissappeared within the Darkness....

YEAR 1988

The streets of LA were the meanest in all of the States.  Anarchs builted their own little Haven known as the Barony of the Angels.  Ironically, the woman known as 'Fallen Angel' was within their ranks as she had found a 'refuge' with them.  However, there was another plan for Angel being in the Baronies, and that was something the Nosferatu Justicar Petrodon only knew.  Given orders by the Camarilla Inner Circle to utilize any resources to begin Covert Operations against the Anarchs' Lion's Den.


The Camarilla has called for Angel to travel to Dallas Texas where one of the most important and strategic located cities in all of Central USA. There she would help the Prince in any way she could to investigate the signs of Sabbat activity.  Excepting, she hit the road and is heading to Dallas where she will serve the Prince and the city of Dallas as her abilities see fit.  However, successful to this, she served the Prince and the Camarilla to her fullest ability.

On Janurary 22nd, Archon Angelique LaNoire had come upon shocking information in her
investigation but as not been seen around Dallas for several days. Vannever Thomas uncovered evidence that the Archon singlehandedly destroyed two entire Sabbat packs before falling to an elder Lasombra.

The Time is now, April 1st.

*********************Somewhere on the 'bad side of Dallas************************

A lone van, one which hadnt been a stranger to these parts, had finally made its way to the 'site' which had been the grave for one who had been forgotten.  Slowly it pulled up to run down warehouse where the final battle had taken place.  The door opened slowly to revealed a black man, fully loaded and ready for anything.  Making his way inside the building, he carried a heavy assault weapon as he entered. It had been 2 months of hell, hidding from those who hunted him because of his Mistress had fallen, or had she.  The Bond between Ghoul and Master was strong between them, as he had heard a lone call in the dark.   A call which ran within his thoughts for the last month, but finally he hoped that this calling would be put to rest.

Making his way deeper and deeper within the warehouse, he finally reached his destination, a secret staircase, which was now no less a secret as it was wide opened.  He remained at the ready as his eyes glowed the eerie crimson red color as he utilized his Ghoul powers.  Fading each month, he was amazed that he still could utilize this ability, but he knew that answers would be answered as he finally reaced the 'celar' of the complex.

"Where are you Mistress" He whispered to himself as he followed a series of Sabbat made tunnels until he reached the communal Haven.

'Any luck?' Replied Deidra his microhead phone as he looked about searching for some clue.

"No yet...."Replied Stone when suddenly out of the dirt floor under him came a ravanous figure came at him.  He raised his weapon quickly, but it was easily battered away with Vampiric speed as he was grabbed and lifted in the air and slammed hard against the stone wall.  The wind slightly knocked out of him, he tried to regain his senses.  Was it the end, or a new beginning he thought to himself when his vision finally cleared to see who was ontop of him.

"Mistress!!!" He screamed at the naked dirty form of Angelique which appeared within his cleared vision.  Using all the supernatural strength he could muster, he lifted her off him and threw her on the ground.  Quickly she rose, fangs and claws extended  as she made one final attack.  Stone remain still as Angel bit into him, feeding on his blood.  He could feel his body growing cold, was he going to die, to bring his Mistress back from the battle induced sleep she had gone into after almost being put into final death.

Angel drank the dark liquid from this kine's vein.  It was all a vertigo, a downward spiral after the Lasombra Elder jumped her.  But what was happening now, her senses became clearer as this poor souls blood filled her veins.  She could not kill him, but she  would'nt, even if she had to fight the thirst will all her will.  Then it hit her like a pound of bricks, upon the cold floor she had been resting in for about two months lay her most favored Ghoul.  Quickly she looked quickly at his vitals, alive but bearly, she lifted upon her shoulder and made her way out of her makeshift crypt.

Arriving at the van, she placed her ghoul within as she found her other ghoul at the control center.

"Mistress, your...alive." Replied Deidra as tears filled her eyes.

"Close but not quite." Replied Angel as she grabed a Stone's trenchcoat and put it on.  "We need to get Stone out of here, he'll be ok, but he'll need some rest as I do."

"Ok, leave that to me, we've set up a small base not to far from here, its been a good hiding place for both of us." Replied Deidra as she quickly exited and made her way to entered the front cab.  The Diesel truck started and sped off into the darkness leaving the what was thought grave of one of Camarilla's greatest Sabbat Hunters behind....

2 Desert Eagles
Armored Duster


Once a member of the United States Navy Seals, Lt Matthew Stone was discharged from the Seals when he punched out his Platoon Leader.  This brought dark times to the well decorated former Seal as he began to drink a lot.  His drinking was cut short one day when the store he was buying his alcohol at was attacked by a Sabbat Pack.  Fortunatly for him that his training saved his life as he realized that his drinking had taken a toll on his mind as well as his body.  Taking the first flight out of LA, he headed  to Panama where he had gained some allies during his stay there as a Navy Seal.  Working as a Merc, he made some good money on the side as he utilized his training he had gained during his eight years as a Seal.

Years passed as Stone worked as a Smuggler, smuggling arms in and out of Central America and even as going as far as South America.  However, this was cut short when Stone was awaken during a stay at an old Motel in the outskirts of Mexico City.  After grabbing his weapons, he found a gang of individuals beating up on a beautiful raven haired woman.  Reacting quickly, he came to help the woman and together they destroyed the small gang.  To his surprise, he found that it was the same individuals which had 'awaken' him from his drunked stupor.  Nights passed as the woman explained to the man who saved her who she was and who they were.  Stone fell hard for her and decided that he would help her as much as he could, thus sealing a friendship, and becoming Angel's first Ghoul.  Stone's Archtype would be Survivor/Gallant.  Stone also has a lot of contacts.

Deidra WaylandDEIDRA "Dee" WAYLAND
Born in California, the beautiful daughter of a Rich Family.  However, this all came to an end when her Parents where in a fatal car accident.  Being the only child, she inherated all her family money at the young age of 22.  This event plunged her into a deep depression as she cut her trip short in Paris and flew back home to her parent's funeral. Months later, Dee was plunged  into the Hollywood night scene as her depression got the best of her.  One night, she was making her way out of the Club Zombie, one of the newest hot night clubs in all of LA.  That's where she stubbled in a small gang of vampires taking care of one of their own.  Drunk and too disorientated to run, she would have been dead if it wasn't for a dark haired mysterious woman who came out of no where to her aid.  A month passed as Deidra began seeing more and more of this woman until they became close friends.  As time passed, Angel and Stone  began spending more time at Deidra's home in Hollywood Hills.  One evening, a small raid of a Nomadic Sabbat pack tracked Angel down to Dee's condo.  With a viscious battle, Angel and Stone dispatched the small pack, but without a cost.  Dee had been injured badly in the battle by a Anti-Gangrel as she tried to make a run for it.  Watching over her for weeks, both Angel and Stone fell for the young woman and soon told her everything she wanted to know about the World of Darkness.  However, it had a price, she had to become Angel's ghoul, she gracefully excepted without no remorse.  Selling everything, she remains at Stone and Angel side, with her father's natural skill at computers, she has been Angel's informant for about 3 years now.  Dee's Archtype is Confidant and Bon Vivant.  Dee has also Computer Aptitude Merit, and is deathly scared of Spiders as a flaw.  She also has Resources of 5.