Bonjorno! I'd like to use this web page to tell you a little bit about myself, I'm from
the university of Greenwich (which most of you already know - I don't do web pages for fun). I live in Bexleyheath and my
main hobbies are sports such as badminton and football, but I'm really into just about
This site originally started out as piece of university coursework,
students were supposed to develop a website without using any developer tools at
all. However over the past couple of years, I've been updating the site and
adding most of the funny emails that I've been sent, as well as any other
interesting material.
Check out some of the web pages that I visit now & again (beefcake cartman leads to the
Simpsons or Southpark).
I've recently finished studying for a BSc In Computing Science and I'm expecting a good degree that will help me to get a professional IT related job as a web developer, programmer, support technician or database administrator.
To find out more about my course Click Here
Send any comments:Dan
Or give me a bell online using msn messenger - dan_bhatoa@hotmail.com
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